My momma always says an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Guess that explains why I end up with so many visits >_>
My point? Well, simple. Eat healthy!
Growing up I can't count how many times I heard, "Did you take your vinager and honey today boy!".
I was fortunate enough to be raised by my grandparents, and even more fortunate to be raised by a women who cares about her health, and the health of everyone around her.
Though I didn't fully appreciate it at first, Vinager & honey has amazing benifits towards your health, and your overall bodies well being. I will post a link, so you can get an idea for yourself, and not just take my word for it.
Vinegar and Honey Remedy
The best vinager to buy is "Apple cider vinager" with "Mother" in it. When it comes to the honey I recommend buying it from your local honey providers, and not the fake crap. For those of you that are not aware you can find it at any grocery store, but with a sticker on the bottle that says "local" on it.
So why am I posting this you ask, well for one it could change many of your lives. Maybe not on a large scale but even the smallest of things can sometimes have the most influence.
That's why I'm asking you to do the same. If you have anything you would like to share that could help others in their daily lives, please do. We could all use a little advice & knowledge at times.
Thanks for reading!
Edit: This thread doesn't have to pertain to just cureing illnesses, any kind of knowledge you feel will help others would be welcome as well.
Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 01-05-2015 at 03:47 PM.
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My momma always says an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Guess that explains why I end up with so many visits >_>
My point? Well, simple. Eat healthy!
Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.
For colds & sore throats & coughing, my go-to remedy is chicken soup with tons of garlic, onion, & jalepeno. Those 3 things are said to clean the system or something. It's a Mexican thing I picked up when I lived in Phoenix.
And I drink warm green tea with honey & lemon (which is something my girl loves now when she's under the weather) for sore throat......... And do shots of Jack.
I totally convinced my mom that we needed to do shots to help our throats when we were both sick. We got tipsy. It was fun lol
My remedy for everything is a big fat bowl of crack cocaine. Sure, eating healthy is beneficial, and so is keeping yourself hydrated, and exercising, but nothing in this world is more therapeutic than sitting back with grandmom and lighting up a big bowl of crack.
Clint obviously knows how I get rid of colds. Gawd damnit -_- EVERYONE KNOWS! (paranoia ensuing) FML! My grandparents always talk about this old medicine that was really popular and people tried to use it for everything. It starts with an R but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.
Clint. God. Yes. Crack. It's good for the soul.
Also heroin.