I've spoken to one person about this so far. When I was little, I was plagued with nightmares. These were truly vivid and terrorfying nightmares that revolved around a single figure. It all started when I was about 6 years old. The reason I can remember that far back is because it had such a profound experience with me, that it never allowed me to forget. What is "it" you ask? I'm still asking myself that to this day. Being an atheist and one not to believe in anything supernatural, I've always stuck to the conclusion that I had an overactive mind. Though some things now are hazy, I cant explain some of the events that took place.
back in my old home, my room was down a (what appeared to me back then) long hallway. At the other end of the hallway were my sisters room, they had to share when I was born. My room was like any 6 year old boys room. Had a bucket filled with toys, a bed, a closet etc. Nothing special and no electronics. My bed was alligned with the wall and on the opposite side were my windows with curtains. I always had to go to sleep at 8:30 at night as a rule so I was fresh for school in the morning. From memory, I usually slept really well at these early times. One night, I had a dream of a figure. It resembled a tonberry, although it had the head of a rat with a long pointy nose. This figure would come into my room and stab my in the stomach with its nose causing an incredibly intense feeling on impact. I would then wake up. being a kid, I cried and ran to my parents room where they let me stay for the duration of the night. These dreams continued exactly the same. I would be laying in my bed and feel a horrible presense, the kind of feeling you get when you KNOW something horrorfic is going to happen. It would then make its way down my hallway and then proceed to stab me in the stomach with its sharp nose, the intense sensation followed. As the dreams continued, they expanded. Soon, there was some form of music accossiated with its presense. I would know when it was near and attempt to escape somewhere, only to fall over and succumb to the fear that it was right there, and thus fail again. These dreams occured on and off for 2 years. When I was older (8 or 9) I was so afraid of sleeping, that I would try to stay awake the whole night to avoid having to go through there nightmares. One of these nights is when I noticed something that would reappear every night until i moved out of the house. A shadow resembling the long nose of 'it' was on the door to my room. I tried very hard to move everything I could to see what was causing the shadow, but alas I could not find what it was. The reason a shadow could be seen is because I had a night light in my room as these dreams had given me a fear of the dark. I get sleepy and awake realising that I had fallen asleep, then I see a strange shape on the wooden stem that holds my curtains. It moves as I gaze at it, and then dissapears. I cannot remember clearly if this was a dream. The months went on and I began to fear because I had not dreamed of 'it' for a while, and knew something was coming, something big. One night, that big something happened. I had dreamed the dream. I heard the sounds, I knew 'it' was coming and I wouldn't stand for it. So I got out of bed and headed for the hallway to exit my room. I stopped in the middle and felt a horrid chill down my spine, I then began to run only to be jerked back as if my t shirt had caught on something behind me, I looked back with terror to find there was nothing there, so I try to run again and I get jerked back again. This time I did not look back, I continued to run and made my way to the living room almost at my parents room which is when I was picked up and dropped to the floor. I could not remember if this was a dream or not. All I remember is that after that night, I couldnt sleep.
There were strange dreams from then on, I had dreams of 'it' chasing me through the house, the floors became deep oceans and I was safe standing on my couch. I had dreams of 'it' chasing my to the backyard while I tried to get to the safety spot (the spot where I couldn't be harmed, i dont know why that was the spot, it just happened to work everytime i had that dream) and eventually I had what some of you might refer to as 'lucid dreams'. A dream in which I knew exactly what I was doing. It was at this point I realised that if im in control of whats happening, then I should be able to create a good outcome for myself. At the same time I knew that my mind was a mess from all that had happened to me, It was hard to concentrate. I was eventually able to bend the events in the reccuring dreams to my will. When I refer to reccuring dreams, I mean the same scenario of the dreams I had prior. I was able to create positive outcomes and come out unharmed from these dreams. No more getting stabbed in the stomach, no more awful sensations and disfigured objects appearing before me. That was until I had another dream. At this point, I am 10 years old. It had been months since I had been attacked by 'it' in my dreams. Then I had a dream like none I've had before. It appeared to me as vivid as all my other dreams had been. It was some form of court room. There were floating things everywhere, I cannot describe them but I will always remember their presence. It was silent. They floated above and below me, to my left and to my right. They dissapeared after a short while and then I came face to face yet again with the thing that haunted me for the past 4 years. It was coming toward me and there was nothing but silence, usually there would be some form of music playing. Then all of a sudden one of the floating objects had formed into a weapon and placed itself in my hand, as soon as this happened I had a surge of energy and confidence, and beat the thing until it fleed. I woke up instantly as soon as it had left the room. I remember waking up feeling confident and calm. I remember going back to sleep and waking up. I remember everything that happened at school that day and I remember what I ate for dinner that night. I never dreamed of 'it' again after that night.
the shadow also dissapeared from my door.