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Thread: Lesbians kicked out of game

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  1. #29
    I do what you can't. Lesbians kicked out of game Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    And here's the answer that no-one gave.
    There's a difference between a response and an answer. Your response avoided the question entirely. The question was whether or not a heterosexual couple being kicked out for inappropriate behavior would have raised as much attention as a homosexual couple being kicked out for inappropriate behavior. That question has still not been answered. At least not directly, anyway -- we all know the real answer, I'm just the only one who isn't afraid to say it.
    And I do believe I'm right you know. There are a lot of preconceived ideas of right and wrong people hold. There's a ton of reasons. They may have been raised with those views and values without questioning them, they could be a homophobe...
    OR, they could just not want to see people making out and groping in front of their children.
    Comparing homosexuality to murder? Because they're heaps alike in their negative effects, right? *nudges* *wink wink*
    Yes, I'm comparing homosexuality to murder. Just like I compared homosexuality to rape. [/sarcasm]

    My point, if you haven't seen it yet, is that "they get away with it, so I should too" is not a valid excuse.
    Look at those guys with the white pointy hoods and the burning crosses. They love being discriminatory I hear, and don't even always realise they're doing it.
    Just a guess, but I'm pretty sure they realize they're doing it. They think they're right for doing it, but I doubt they just don't know.
    And what are the issues involved with homosexuality?
    I don't know. Since you brought up "issues involved with homosexuality", why don't you tell me?
    As far as I've seen anything brought up is more than easily dismissed. I'd say those who are against it with no reasons are more than likely homophobes. Even if they can't admit it.
    I personally have a problem with any group who feels the need to get half-naked and parade up and down public highways, displaying gratuity and sexuality. If there were "straight pride" parades that included the same things, I wouldn't like those either. Though, of course, I realize that the people that participate in or support these events are not representative of the whole.
    As for saying the kiss wasn't a peck, read V-Translanka's first post. I think you'll be somewhat unpleasantly surprised.
    If you're saying that the kiss was a peck, read one of the many articles and news releases concerning the event. Unless V-Translanka somehow has more information on the event than all of the press releases, you'll be unpleasantly surprised.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Maybe so, but it's more than valid. Why should double standards exist, even if they're merely imposed ones?
    Why do you suspect that double-standards exist without evidence of such, other than anecdotal?
    I refer to this kind of phobia as I would a substance that is hydrophobic as opposed to hydrophilic. If something is hydrophilic, it's cool with the water and wants to hang with it. if it's hydrophobic it wants to bugger off away from water. A homophobe to me is just someone who seems to hold an unreasonable desire to avoid the 'homosexual' subject in some way.
    Do you not realize that there's a happy medium? People may not be homophobic or homophillic? I'm not afraid of rain, but I don't want to live in a submarine, either. I wouldn't assault somebody for their sexuality, but I wouldn't walk in a "gay pride" parade, either. Just because somebody doesn't agree or embrace homosexuality doesn't make them a homophobe.
    Sassy mentioned that if something was wrong with murder someone might argue that if someone else did it it was ok. What's wrong with homosexuality? Even if you do consider homosexuality wrong, how could you see it as being as wrong as something like murder?
    Honestly, is this subject THAT difficult to understand? It wasn't their homosexuality that was the issue, it was the fact that they were making out in the stands. THAT is what was wrong. Not who they were, but what they were doing. How may times do I have to point that out? They were asked to leave for doing something inappropriate.
    And how often do you see your second example happen?
    Quite often, I've seen, somebody who sees flaws in Evolutionism is automatically labeled as a Bible-thumping Creationist. Kind of like how somebody who doesn't embrace homosexuality it automatically labeled as a gay-bashing homophobe.
    You don't have to be at the stage of 'ARRRRGGHHHH HIDE IN THE CLOSET THE GAYS ARE HERE' to be considered fearful of them.
    So it's the homophobes that are in the closet? That's different.

    Sorry. Had to.
    He was who I mentioned, and he seems to have know more about the incident then the original article.
    More than the original post, sure. But if you don't have much information on the subject, it just might be a good idea to do a little research.

    If you had done this, you would have found out things like this: The usher saw them kissing and told them that they should stop. When one of the girls told the usher that they wouldn't stop, then the usher told them that they should leave. Depending on what news report you read -- if you research the subject -- you might find that the girls cussed at the usher and refused to change their behavior, which included "making out" and "groping". You might even find that the Code of Conduct specifically mentions that public displays of affection are "not appropriate in a public, family setting," and that the Code of Conduct is announced before each game.
    I would agree with what you said wholeheartedly, only there were no reports of straight people ever getting kicked out ...
    Have you looked for reports of straight people getting kicked out? Would they document most reports of people getting kicked out if it was more of a low-profile situation? Or are you just crying "discrimination" because it's easier to assume than it is to research?
    Well, the biggest flaw I see there is this. To keep things slightly metaphorical, where is that homosexual going to be transported?
    San Francisco. Where else?
    If one person is against someone and has no really solid reasons for it, how can they be fully comfortable around it?
    How many "solid reasons" do you have to have for being against people making out and groping in a family setting?

    I'll say again. Two people were doing something inappropriate and were asked to stop, then were asked to leave when they refused to stop. They weren't approached because of who they were, but because of what they were doing.
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 06-12-2008 at 05:21 PM.

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