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  1. #1
    Yay!! Lesbians kicked out of game FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    Lesbians kicked out of game

    I heard in the radio that two girls were kissing at a baseball game, and they ended up being kicked out for it. Supposedly they were not even making out, they were just gently kissing.

    Now I'm not gay, but I seriously dislike people who hate gay people . Now getting hit on by them is another thing, but I'm talking about them just being there. They are human just like everyone else, and who is to say who they can and can't be with. Many mothers at the game said they didn't want their children to see the girls kissing, so they complained. Okay, how stupid can you get to actually complain about girls kissing. There are many bad things the heterosexuals do together, so why didn't they just kick out all the couples that were at the game??!!

    I know that I said I dislike people that hate gay people, but I want to know if you guys think that gay couples are morally wrong. Or if you would care if your children saw gay couples kissing or holding hands.

    I seriously wouldn't mind if my future child saw them because it's their business. They will eventually learn about it in middle school or highschool, so what is the point of trying to deprive them of something they will learn later in life?

    Tell me what you guys think about it...
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  2. #2
    Registered User Lesbians kicked out of game Dimi's Avatar
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    No offense dude but we've just had a recent thread about homosexuality not too long ago. However, if you're talking about having children be aware of homosexuals in their surroundings then I wouldn't want to hide it from them. Eventually they would find out about the world and the people within in it including their sexual orientations. But I wouldn't want my children knowing about things like this at an early age.

    Maybe by then the gay community will have more acceptance then what it is now. Slowly, it is becoming more accepting in some places. Personally, I don't have a problem with homosexuals. They are what they are and who am I to judge them and degrade their character? They're people just like us.

    As for the lesbians being kicked out of a bas----A BASEBALL GAME???? Dude, it's a baseball game. You'd think the baseball players would like that kind of shit along with the guys drinking the beer with their wives at home. I wonder what kind of baseball game was this. >< Was it a Little League's game?

  3. #3
    Yay!! Lesbians kicked out of game FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Fishie;1137352]No offense dude but we've just had a recent thread about homosexuality not too long ago. However, if you're talking about having children be aware of homosexuals in their surroundings then I wouldn't want to hide it from them. Eventually they would find out about the world and the people within in it including their sexual orientations. But I wouldn't want my children knowing about things like this at an early age.[/QOUTE]

    None taken. It seems that I worded my question wrong. The children being around thing was a question, but I meant to say was it wrong the people to kick out the girls.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
    As for the lesbians being kicked out of a bas----A BASEBALL GAME???? Dude, it's a baseball game. You'd think the baseball players would like that kind of shit along with the guys drinking the beer with their wives at home. I wonder what kind of baseball game was this. >< Was it a Little League's game?
    I'm not sure about that I just heard that it was in Seattle at Safeco Field.
    Last edited by FF_FrEaK; 06-02-2008 at 08:50 PM.
    You know, its about time I changed my dumb old sig

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  4. #4
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I seriously hope that this thread doesn't become like the last one. Anyway I'm so sick and tired of how gays and lesbians are still being mistreated like this in this day and age. I mean it was just a frickin kiss! I mean for God's sake, what is wrong with some people? The dumba$$ mother should have moved to another seat or something or just sit there and get the **** over it. The Kid is going to figure out how the world is sooner or later anyway so I dont understand why parents are trying to hide it now. Heck, kids are figuring out things as early as 7 these days, I've known I was gay since I was a little kid, shows how developed these kids are getting these days.

    I mean most parents try to hide everything from there kids that they going to know about sooner or later anyway. I pray from the bottom of my heart that the next generation doesn't grow up to be a bunch of homophobes or carry on the mistreatment of gays and lesbians into the future. But seriously that is awful, I've seen some heterosexuals do a hell of alot more then just kiss in public places like baseball games, believe me, but seriously if it was a heterosexual couple kissing like crazy would the mother make complaints? Typcial.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  5. #5
    Magically Delicous Lesbians kicked out of game Merlin's Avatar
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    I would rather have my child see something that might confuse them or bring up questions while I am present, rather than them figuring it out, and most likely getting the wrong idea from their peers. First off, the parents are assuming that their kid even noticed. If he/she did notice and asked a question, wouldn't it be better for you to explain it to him/her rather than letting his/her friends tell them what's going on? Do you want your child's homophopic friends teaching your child that girls kissing is disgusting and morally wrong? Yeah. The simple fact is they will learn about it whether you like it or not.

    Personally, I don't mind people of any combination kissing in public, to a certain extent. Showing affection is fine, but when it is done for the purposes of "marking your property", I find it a bit offensive. An example of this is a girl who thinks someone is checking out her boyfriend, so she proceeds to slobber all over him for an extended period of time to show that he's taken. Its totally unnecessary and a violation of other people's "public". Leave such behavior to animals and get a room. Signs of affection is one thing... when it proceeds into borderline sexual activity, you are crossing into public indecency and I and many others don't want to see it.

    In other news, I find this story rather peculiar. Was the baseball game so incredibly boring that people were focused on such pointless details? Its not like the two lovebirds were having a knock-down argument. If so, please ban them immediately. Otherwise, kicking them out is very well a violation of law and grounds for a lawsuit. Its discrimination and wow, I believe that was outlawed ages ago...
    Last edited by Merlin; 06-02-2008 at 10:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Lesbians kicked out of game Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishie View Post

    As for the lesbians being kicked out of a bas----A BASEBALL GAME???? Dude, it's a baseball game. You'd think the baseball players would like that kind of shit along with the guys drinking the beer with their wives at home.
    Funnily enough, those were my thoughts when i first read the post

    This really shows how prejudiced society can be today. If you saw a young couple (entirely Heterosexual) doing that kind of stuff at a Baseball game, you'd think nothing of it. With gay couples it's entirely different and this annoys me. They are no different that anyone else.

    I would be all for them staying, personally.

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  7. #7
    Registered User Lesbians kicked out of game winterborn86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FF_FrEaK View Post
    I heard in the radio that two girls were kissing at a baseball game, and they ended up being kicked out for it. Supposedly they were not even making out, they were just gently kissing.

    Now I'm not gay, but I seriously dislike people who hate gay people . Now getting hit on by them is another thing, but I'm talking about them just being there. They are human just like everyone else, and who is to say who they can and can't be with. Many mothers at the game said they didn't want their children to see the girls kissing, so they complained. Okay, how stupid can you get to actually complain about girls kissing. There are many bad things the heterosexuals do together, so why didn't they just kick out all the couples that were at the game??!!

    I know that I said I dislike people that hate gay people, but I want to know if you guys think that gay couples are morally wrong. Or if you would care if your children saw gay couples kissing or holding hands.

    I seriously wouldn't mind if my future child saw them because it's their business. They will eventually learn about it in middle school or highschool, so what is the point of trying to deprive them of something they will learn later in life?

    Tell me what you guys think about it...
    I completly agree with eveything you said here, there is no way of stopping children from seeing this kinda thing, you get on the soaps on tv, so their guna find out about it sooner or later, there is nothing disgusting or wrong about gay people, its up to them what they do with their lives and i do hate people who hate gays, being gay does do anyone harm some people just have be stupid and akward about something that doesnt concern them.

    I love gay people, they are really laid back and friendly, a couple guy mates of mine are gay, and ive been to one of their gay clubs with them, and the atmospere is wonderful, its chilled out and fun, everyone is up for a laugh, and i had no fear of havin my drink being spiked by men.

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  8. #8
    Well, they were kinda doing it in public, so it may be disturbing for some. But it wouldn't bother me. After all, it's not my business.

    And I don't mind lesbians and gay people, because my best friend is a lesbian. But I guess what those two girls did was not the best thing to do, though I think that mom was exaggerating.

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  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    What?! They were kissing! Not going all touchie touchie! Jeese, what is wrong with the world today?!

    I think its geat that they were not afaid to kiss in public - I see straight couples to shy to all the time, and there is nothing wrong with it! Good on them girls!

    Do straight couples get kicked out places when they kiss? No, so why should that be different for gay couples? The excuse was because there were kids there? Don't make me laugh! Kids see and hear worse things at home - whether that be on the internet, tele, books and even parents! What does it matter if they see a gay couple kissing/making out/whatever?

    I don't think I'd care if my kids saw a gay couple. At the end of the day, they are going to end seeing all of this whether I sheild them from this or not.

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  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I don't like public displays of affection too much. Okay, okay, I've been a hypocrite about this a couple of times, but it was pissing rain down and I didn't really foreign grannies were hanging around. They appeared out of nowhere!

    Anyway. It depends on the kiss. A peck is fine. I don't want to see anybody totally necking it in public. Dee-fucking-scussting.

    That say, I don't want to see either heteros or gay people doing that. I have nothing against gay people pecking or holding hands in public, same as how I feel about straight people. Sexuality isn't an issue to me.

    As for getting kicked out... It depends on the kiss. You say gently kissing, which to me, is slow kissing, with tongues usually. Unelss you meant a peck, a quick touch of the lips, in which case it's an entirely different story.
    I think there's a thin line between what should be tolerated and what shouldn't be tolerated. I'm on the fence with this, but I don't think it should have a thing to do with sexuality. Just with imtimacy in general, straight and gay.

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  11. #11
    Such filth! No wonder that woman didn't want her poor, angelic children exposed to such horrors!

    I understand perfectly. If ever my children happen upon two people engaging do I say this...homosexual displays of affection, I shall shield their innocent eyes. Really, exposing innocents to such a horrible sight! How do they sleep at night...


  12. #12
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! Lesbians kicked out of game ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    Honestly I don't find a problem with this subject, what I mean is that if two girls or guys want to kiss each other that shouldn't be a problem, as long as they aren't trying to kiss just to put on a show. Honestly I don't care about the whole gay thing, everyone has the right to love whoever they want and any gender they want.
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  13. #13
    The World's Enemy Lesbians kicked out of game Rob17's Avatar
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    Personally i think thts just bs, whats the difference between two girls, two guys, a girl an a guy, two kids?
    ppl kiss for various reasons, thts just a fact of life whos next? what an elderly couple?
    my sister's gay and ive seen her kiss her gf,an i didnt have a problem with it, so i dont know why people, especially these days, have a problem with two random people doin it in the middle of a crowd?
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  14. #14
    I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to the story than what was reported/posted. I can't see them getting kicked out just for kissing.

  15. #15
    I do what you can't. Lesbians kicked out of game Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Alright, let's get down to this.

    Two people were kicked out of a baseball game for kissing.

    Would anybody have a problem with this? With this amount of information presented, would this be a big deal? Two people were in public doing something slightly indecent and were asked to leave because of it.

    In addition, this was more than likely a private game. As in, not paid for by the state of Washington. As such, they had every right to ask people to leave for whatever reason they wanted. Hell, if I wanted to, I could start a whites-only restaurant. Or start a baseball league that I only let straight white kids -- or even straight, white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids -- play in. I could even start a college just for white people. Because as a private, non-public funded organization, I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason.

    Even so. If this was a straight couple that was kicked out, nobody would give a damn. Why does everybody take offense when something happens to a minority that probably should have happened, and would have happened had they been different people?

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  16. #16
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Alright, let's get down to this.

    Two people were kicked out of a baseball game for kissing.

    Would anybody have a problem with this? With this amount of information presented, would this be a big deal? Two people were in public doing something slightly indecent and were asked to leave because of it.

    In addition, this was more than likely a private game. As in, not paid for by the state of Washington. As such, they had every right to ask people to leave for whatever reason they wanted. Hell, if I wanted to, I could start a whites-only restaurant. Or start a baseball league that I only let straight white kids -- or even straight, white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids -- play in. I could even start a college just for white people. Because as a private, non-public funded organization, I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason.

    Even so. If this was a straight couple that was kicked out, nobody would give a damn. Why does everybody take offense when something happens to a minority that probably should have happened, and would have happened had they been different people?

    How can a baseball game be private? I can see a private section for important people, like the president, or some iconic figurehead, but overall this is a public baseball game, open to EVERYONE. And yes Sassy this is a big deal, the simple fact being that 2 lesbian women were only kissing for God's sake and got kicked out of the game for that stupid little reason. I can see if they were getting undressed and having sex and they were asked to leave, but for kissing? Come on now.

    That's against our rights as Americans, we have the freedom to kiss our partners in public places there's nothing wrong with that. I mean I've been to a football game once and I've seen some nasty shit that heteosexual couples do in public and trust me they weren't kissing. I've rode the damn bus tons of times and seen some women sitting on top of guys ****'s while kids were on there. I mean come on, get real, Kissing is nothing, compared to what heterosexuals have done in public places.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  17. #17
    I do what you can't. Lesbians kicked out of game Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    How can a baseball game be private? I can see a private section for important people, like the president, or some iconic figurehead, but overall this is a public baseball game, open to EVERYONE.
    Everyone who buys a ticket, everyone who is allowed in. But it's a private company, a private organization. Just like I can kick you out of my house, or my restaurant, or my baseball field, for whatever reason, Safeco can kick you out of their field for whatever reason. It's their field. It's not your field. It's not a public field. It's their field.
    And yes Sassy this is a big deal, the simple fact being that 2 lesbian women were only kissing for God's sake and got kicked out of the game for that stupid little reason.
    Two people were doing something indecent and were asked to leave. Would you be bitching if two heterosexual people were kissing and asked to leave?
    That's against our rights as Americans, we have the freedom to kiss our partners in public places there's nothing wrong with that.
    Actually, there are laws against acts of indecency, depending on the extent. And that's in public places -- private places (like baseball fields owned by private companies) can do whatever the hell they want. They can be sued, boycotted, etc., but since they're not a public (government, tax-payer funded) organization, the government cannot tell them who they must allow, who they can't allow, etc. Like I said, I can create a restaurant that only serves straight white people, if I want. Just like you can start a restaurant that only serves homosexuals.
    I mean I've been to a football game once and I've seen some nasty shit that heteosexual couples do in public and trust me they weren't kissing. I've rode the damn bus tons of times and seen some women sitting on top of guys ****'s while kids were on there. I mean come on, get real, Kissing is nothing, compared to what heterosexuals have done in public places.
    And that makes it right? Some people have done things they shouldn't and have gotten away with it. Don't bitch when some people do things they shouldn't and don't get away with it. And by the way, we're not talking about under the bleachers at high school football games and in the back of the bus to school, we're talking about the real world.

    So, I ask again: Would it raise this much attention if the same situation happened with two straight people?
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 06-05-2008 at 03:37 PM.

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  18. #18
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Everyone who buys a ticket, everyone who is allowed in. But it's a private company, a private organization. Just like I can kick you out of my house, or my restaurant, or my baseball field, for whatever reason, Safeco can kick you out of their field for whatever reason. It's their field. It's not your field. It's not a public field. It's their field.Two people were doing something indecent and were asked to leave. Would you be bitching if two heterosexual people were kissing and asked to leave?Actually, there are laws against acts of indecency, depending on the extent. And that's in public places -- private places (like baseball fields owned by private companies) can do whatever the hell they want. They can be sued, boycotted, etc., but since they're not a public (government, tax-payer funded) organization, the government cannot tell them who they must allow, who they can't allow, etc. Like I said, I can create a restaurant that only serves straight white people, if I want. Just like you can start a restaurant that only serves homosexuals.And that makes it right? Some people have done things they shouldn't and have gotten away with it. Don't bitch when some people do things they shouldn't and don't get away with it. And by the way, we're not talking about under the bleachers at high school football games and in the back of the bus to school, we're talking about the real world.

    So, I ask again: Would it raise this much attention if the same situation happened with two straight people?

    Actually dude I know what the real world is, in fact I live in it everyday, having to deal with bullshitty people like yourself. Second of all I don't bitch when striaght couples kiss and shit in public because its really none of my business, just like it was not that mother's business, she was probarly the only one in that stadium to bitch about something that was really nothing at all. And guess what Sas? I'm not a heterophobe, I know that there are some decent heterosexuals out here in the world, some are good people, some are my friends, and you know? I would open a restaurant that serves all kinds of people, regardless, because just opening a restaurant that serves only one kind of person isn't very nice to all the good people out there.

    It would be just like it was back in the day when blacks weren't allowed in the best restaurants. They should be allowed to any place they want. I wouldn't care if anyone kissed in my restuarant, they should be allowed to, its their right. You want to live in the 1950's? That's your choice pal, but I live in the present, the "real world". It probarly wouldn't surprize me if the woman didn't report a Striaght couple kissing, but to "auto-target" two lesbians just for kissing and request them to be kicked out is just nothing more then discrimation.
    Last edited by Phantom; 06-05-2008 at 06:34 PM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  19. #19
    I do what you can't. Lesbians kicked out of game Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Actually dude I know what the real world is, in fact I live in it everyday, having to deal with bullshitty people like yourself.
    Now now, kid. Let's not get offensive.
    Second of all I don't bitch when striaght couples kiss and shit in public because its really none of my business, just like it was not that mother's business, she was probarly the only one in that stadium to bitch about something that was really nothing at all.
    Like the example I mentioned before, somebody masturbating in public -- or a couple having sex, or somebody being raped -- is none of your business either. If it went on long enough for quite a few people to notice and be offended enough to complain about it, it wasn't just a quick peck. They were doing something indecent and were told to leave because of it. Period.
    I would open a restaurant that serves all kinds of people, regardless, because just opening a restaurant that serves only one kind of person isn't very nice to all the good people out there.
    Good for you. But you wouldn't have to serve all people -- because you own the business, you can control who you allow in and who you don't.

    I'll make the point again that two people were doing something indecent and were asked to leave because of it. It's that simple.

    And I'll ask again. If a heterosexual couple was doing something indecent -- even "just kissing", as this couple is rumored to have been doing -- and was asked to leave a private business, would many people complain? Would there be a thread about how their "rights" had been "violated"?

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
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  20. #20
    Now I really don't care what gays or lesbians do. Right now I'm friends with two gay guys, a couple of lesbians, and a few bisexuals. I really doesn't bother me. Now what the people at the ball game did was just wrong. You go to a game yeah theres a possible chance that somebopdy will kiss but I guarantee you that if a straight couple had kissed the people would be like aww thats nuthin' let em' kiss. But let them be different orientation and they other people will ride your ass about. I'd let my children grow up around gays and lesbians because sooner or later in middle school or highschool they will learn about heterosexuals and their own orientation.
    Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
    Boy: No
    Girl: Do you like me?
    Boy: Not really
    Girl: Do you want me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you cry if I left?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you live for me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you do anything for me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Choose--me or ur life
    Boy: my life
    The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...
    The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
    The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
    The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
    The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
    The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
    The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
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  21. #21
    The World's Enemy Lesbians kicked out of game Rob17's Avatar
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    For whatever stupid reason two people were asked to leave because they were doing something that maybe a minority with power thought was wrong, does anyone know what state was it in?

    oh yeah, would you take any offence at all if it was an interacial couple/black couple/asian couple?

    Even if it was a private company they still would have there own rules or code of conduct, so they couldnt just throw someone out without having a reason for it.

    BTW, straight people get away with more because they're overlooked in todays society not because nobody cares?
    Last edited by Rob17; 06-05-2008 at 05:16 PM.
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  22. #22
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Lesbians kicked out of game FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Now now, kid. Let's not get offensive.
    Phantom doesn't seem that bad. He seems more offended than offensive. So what that they were kissing and that could be considered indecent. Heterosexuals do that much too. Why should homosexuals get kicked out because of it?

    I'll make the point again that two people were doing something indecent and were asked to leave because of it. It's that simple.
    Really? They weren't doing anything besides kissing, that isn't the most indecent thing you know... They were kicked out for being lesbian. That's pure and simple.

    Ambiguous. You might believe it's indecent, but ask someone else. They'll say yes or no, but keep asking and they'll prove you something.

    People. Don't. Think. Like. You.

    Hence, you can't say "lesbians kissing is immoral and indecent" because you assume that is the truth. Point of view: people will think maybe yes, maybe no, maybe they'll not care, maybe they'll say "that's not indecent, but hey, they did that in a male-focused game, what a bunch of morons". Just to put some examples. So, if not everyone thinks that's indecent, why you keep stating "it's indecent, they took that out, problem solved. Period."

    More like "heck, we'll get in trouble if some of these guys begin to protest, so we'll get our authorities to take them out!!"

    Besides, if they were to enjoy the game, couldn't they just MOVE them to another seat? That's good for both sides, don't you think? Unless you consider baseball sacred (and you not kneeling to the baseball god is heathen on your part ) and a sport of man (hence, why would women see it?)
    That sounds pretty good. People have opinions, just because they're different than yours doesn't mean that they are wrong, it's called tolerance, it isn't affecting you, so don't bother it.

    I think that it is absolutely wrong they got kicked out, and that is all there is to it, kissing is no crime, and should not be penalized.
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  23. #23
    Lesbians kicked out of game draco's Avatar
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    Accually i dont really care if my child saw gays kissing because my sisters fathers gay.

  24. #24
    Magically Delicous Lesbians kicked out of game Merlin's Avatar
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    Claiming that private companies can do whatever they please is untrue. Take a restaurant for example. If a restaurant has a sign saying “We reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for whatever reason” then they technically can, in most jurisdictions. On the other hand, if they have a sign saying “This is America. If you cannot speak English we will not serve you” it can be considered discrimination in many jurisdictions and even be overruled. Not in all. It really depends on the county/state laws.

    Sasquatch, your examples are rather poor and not that relative overall. Comparing a home to a business for instance… your house is considered a private place. If you refuse to let a black man into your house, that is your right. You don’t have to give any warning or post a sign saying “blacks not allowed”. A business is not that simple. If you refuse to let a black man into your restaurant and have no sign saying that blacks are not allowed, you are not only being discriminatory (either way you are), but you are also in violation of the law and can be fined.

    A better example is the Masters Tournament. It is a golf tournament held in Augusta, GA every year. Since the creation of the Masters, only men are allowed to join the club and to compete in the tourney. The rules are clearly marked and displayed for everyone to see. Many groups have tried to overrule it over the years and have been unsuccessful. It’s a private “men’s” club and if they want to refuse to let women join, they can… but it has to be clearly specified. Let’s take it one step further. Before you even enter the golf course, it is clearly marked everywhere that cell phones, lawn furniture, etc are prohibited and that you must remain quiet at all times. Its posted everywhere. These are clearly defined rules that this institution has set up and if you break them, they are in all rights allowed to kick you out.

    The problem here resides in the lack of information on this occurrence. Were there signs posted saying “no kissing, body touching, etc allowed”? Were there any pamphlets on appropriate behavior handed out? Was this “rule” ever mentioned anywhere that is easily accessible to everyone? If so, then yes, these people can be kicked out. If no, then the company is at fault, is being discriminatory, and very likely violating the law. Businesses and all of their property is under strict government law. Its not the same thing as a house. If its not marked, your company has no case. Even if it is marked, you might have no case. It depends on the jurisdiction. You cannot simply kick someone out because you feel like it.

    As far as two women kissing being indecent, I find that rather interesting. I fail to see how that is indecent. Everyone has their own opinion on how far someone must go to be “indecent”. By law, what they were doing is not indecent as they were not exposing any genitalia, areolas, anus, etc (based on the limited description). If they were, they wouldn’t have simply been kicked out, they would have been arrested.

    Would someone say the same thing about two hetero people doing it? Well that’s a rather pointless question, don’t you think? The mother wouldn’t have said a damned thing if it was some guy and his girlfriend. She said it because they were gay. If two heterosexual people were kicked out for kissing I’d say the same thing. Why? Because its so damned stupid. A kiss is nothing to boot someone over. Unless you have a specific rule defined where everyone can clearly see it and be aware of it, you cannot legally kick someone out for it. Other countries might be different, but the US has had strict business laws for years. Hell, businesses cannot even fire shit workers without massive documentation on “similar” infractions that have been explained to the worker and signed. While not really relevant, the point is clear: if the company has documentation stating the rule, they are correct. If not, they are wrong. That’s the plain and simple on the matter.

  25. #25
    The world is full of shit, and shit people. They'll do bad things to you at some point regardless of colour, creed, sexual orientation, whatever. The reason I'm saying this is because the following post is piqueing my curiosity far more.

    Quote Originally Posted by draco View Post
    Accually i dont really care if my child saw gays kissing because my sisters fathers gay.

    How excellent is that?!

  26. #26
    I will finish the hunt Lesbians kicked out of game Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I will keep this short and simple. I am ok with homosexuality; it does anger me, but that is just my own bitterness from a past experience with the same sex. I think there are a few reasons they kicked those girls out. Either they were either angry, thought it would cause a distraction, did not want a bunch of soccer mom's writing them 10,000 emails about it, or all of the above. The third one makes a little bit more sense to me. I can see how a lot of people would bitch and complain about it to the owners no matter if it was thier fault or not. Homosexuality is a very touchy subject. I do not, however, think it was right for them to throw them out. An some of my reasoning may also have to do with me hating soccer mom's, but that is another story.....damn yoga stretchin, latte drinkin', SUV drivin'.......><
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 06-07-2008 at 06:09 PM.
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  27. #27
    Lesbians kicked out of game V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Hey, I'm in Washington state and wow, I was surprised to know this made national news & junk really...A girl (also a lesbian) on a local radio station is friends w/the girls this happened to (and was with them when it happened) and she ended up talking about it a lot. They DID NOT get kicked out. They went looking for upper management because the usher guy or w/e said that it would probably be best if they left or w/e...

    The funniest thing is that the whole time the people representing the Mariners (or Safeco or whatever) have been upping what they say happened in their official statements. At first they said the girls were kissing. Then they said they were making out. And in their newest statement they said that the girls were 'groping'...All they did was gave each other a peck on the lips. Stadiums like that have freakin KISS CAMS!!

    There is no difference between gays kissing and hetero kisses. There's NOTHING that needs to be explained to children besides, "Those two people love/like each other". Gays shouldn't be a big mysterious unicorn phenomena to children...It's ridiculous that something like this can even happen in this day & age of supposed enlightenment.

    All the girl that was asked to leave has asked for is better training for their employees so that no one else would have to go through such idiocity.

  28. #28
    What?! I HATE HOMOPHOBES! I'm straight, but I hate homophobes!

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  29. #29
    Lesbians kicked out of game V_Translanka's Avatar
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    I felt the need to share this as I think that sums up how I feel about this happening at all pretty well.
    Last edited by V_Translanka; 06-09-2008 at 01:08 PM.

  30. #30
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Actually, even though Draco didn't word it in the best way possible, it happens. I've known a lot of people with a gay or lesbian parent... only having discovered this later on in live, of course. I think it's a good thing in some cases, albeit, at first a little embarrassing for the person who's wife or husband is gay. The reason I'm bringing this up is for the next paragraph.

    Although I think the most disturbing story I ever heard was of a couple who were VERY Christian, not just Christian, but suffocatingly conversion types. The husband decided he was a bisexual trangender. What was even more disturbing was that despite the wife not being attracted to women, she agreed to stay with her husband.
    Now if that whole story ain't irony, I don't know what is.

    For the record, I'm not a homophobe and I don't discourage homosexuals at all. There's just some stories that are pretty out-there and pretty "woah."

    I think Palazzo holds a point, too, though. I bet they were doing a lot more than just kissing. Surely this shit doesn't get fuelled by just a supposed peck on the lips.

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