I heard in the radio that two girls were kissing at a baseball game, and they ended up being kicked out for it. Supposedly they were not even making out, they were just gently kissing.
Now I'm not gay, but I seriously dislike people who hate gay people. Now getting hit on by them is another thing, but I'm talking about them just being there. They are human just like everyone else, and who is to say who they can and can't be with. Many mothers at the game said they didn't want their children to see the girls kissing, so they complained. Okay, how stupid can you get to actually complain about girls kissing. There are many bad things the heterosexuals do together, so why didn't they just kick out all the couples that were at the game??!!
I know that I said I dislike people that hate gay people, but I want to know if you guys think that gay couples are morally wrong. Or if you would care if your children saw gay couples kissing or holding hands.
I seriously wouldn't mind if my future child saw them because it's their business. They will eventually learn about it in middle school or highschool, so what is the point of trying to deprive them of something they will learn later in life?
Tell me what you guys think about it...