Hey Oceaneyes, hang in there! I hope it's nothing, and just a glitch. Maybe the doctor is just preparing you for a worst case scenario, and said something like it to soften the blow if it is? I'm sure you're fine though - you're a healthy person, so it's probably nothing to worry about. Either way, we've all got your back on this. >=)
I eat fast food far too often, and it needs to stop. Luckily, with my job, I'm always on my feet, so I've not gained weight in the last two years. The problem is that I haven't lost any either, and I've wanted to get back into shape. My mother is seeing a dietician, so I'm going to try and follow her example. Of course, everyone is different, so it might not even work for me... I really want to start eating healthier and take up jogging, but grabbing a fast bite is more convenient than planning and making my own meals, and when I'm done with my day I just want to chill out and play a video game, read a book or browse the net.
Had a really busy day today. After a month, I was put back on commercial at work (general marketing, displays, etc), and there was a lot to do. Whoever has been doing it while I was on my break from it half-assed everything. I spent most of my shift getting everything back up to the standards I'm used to, coming from a flagship store and everything. My manager seemed impressed when I left, so... also, I'm getting a few managing shifts! Next week, I'm managing the store for two days, and I'm going to a demo/beta lock-in for Defiance, representing my store as senior sales! Makes me feels. It's nice working with managers who recognise hard work - this time last year, I was unboxing and processing over a hundred boxes of delivery in four hours, attempting to meet targets, and still being scolded for not working hard enough.