I'm down with cunnilingus, I'm not gonna lie.
Pete, you also went to the REAL KFC too, am I right? Tell me the Kennedy Fried Chicken story again!! :D
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I'm down with cunnilingus, I'm not gonna lie.
Pete, you also went to the REAL KFC too, am I right? Tell me the Kennedy Fried Chicken story again!! :D
Hey Oceaneyes, hang in there! I hope it's nothing, and just a glitch. Maybe the doctor is just preparing you for a worst case scenario, and said something like it to soften the blow if it is? I'm sure you're fine though - you're a healthy person, so it's probably nothing to worry about. Either way, we've all got your back on this. >=)
I eat fast food far too often, and it needs to stop. Luckily, with my job, I'm always on my feet, so I've not gained weight in the last two years. The problem is that I haven't lost any either, and I've wanted to get back into shape. My mother is seeing a dietician, so I'm going to try and follow her example. Of course, everyone is different, so it might not even work for me... I really want to start eating healthier and take up jogging, but grabbing a fast bite is more convenient than planning and making my own meals, and when I'm done with my day I just want to chill out and play a video game, read a book or browse the net.
Had a really busy day today. After a month, I was put back on commercial at work (general marketing, displays, etc), and there was a lot to do. Whoever has been doing it while I was on my break from it half-assed everything. I spent most of my shift getting everything back up to the standards I'm used to, coming from a flagship store and everything. My manager seemed impressed when I left, so... also, I'm getting a few managing shifts! Next week, I'm managing the store for two days, and I'm going to a demo/beta lock-in for Defiance, representing my store as senior sales! Makes me feels. It's nice working with managers who recognise hard work - this time last year, I was unboxing and processing over a hundred boxes of delivery in four hours, attempting to meet targets, and still being scolded for not working hard enough.
I like KFC's potato and gravy, served with fries, for dipping. Gotta love that potato on potato, my Irish genes are still recovering from the famine.
I've only ordered KFC chicken once in my life. My dad and I were driving over the country and we got stuck in a bumpkin town. The only food store (literally) was a KFC. A sign stated that it was also the world's smallest KFC, but I wasn't sure if that was something to be proud of when we couldn't even find somewhere to but fruit and milk. Anyway, the chicken was greasy as **** and God awful. Never again.
I don't really like fast food, but the thing I hate above all else is McDonald's cheese. I'm not a cheese snob, I eat edam like 95% of the time. But the cheese there is like plasticky and radioactive. I get grossed out looking at the display pictures on the menu.
Feels nice to be recognised hey? I'm managing my little EB sometime in April for a few days. I've done something right it seems - basically all measurable stats that EB has, I do really well at. I'm in the top 100 in the company and I only started in December haha. I enjoy it, but it's not my career. Having some fun with it though.
You put like, when you meant to put adore. Seriously that stuff might just tip me over for that eventual coronary.
i was just thinking about this, I almost guarentee that Ally doesnt have cancer
Indeed it does! Too bad it's taken so long for the recognition - I've been working there for almost two years, and I pretty much know how to do everything with little or no guidance. One of the managers didn't believe me the other day when I told him I can manage transfers, send of faulty hardware and software, and book in deliveries in Powerstore. Only thing I don't know how to do, and something I'm quite nervous about is cashing up and processing end of day stuff. My store manager is teaching me tomorrow. Tomorrow is a trial run with a member of management with me, in preparation for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week, so I'll see how it goes! =D
Measurable stats, as in meeting store figures, or...? I'm pretty good at meeting targets, but I get put on other duties around the shop floor and stockroom. I like being on tills, but I feel like a cheater when I write in my figures for the day and notice I was the only person to have done anything. I feel like a till camper, haha. Those damn campers, stealing my mint/pre-owned percentage! ><
On the topic of mixing fast food... a McDonalds McFlurry with a Apple Pie in it is by far the best desert out there. REALLY bad for you, but omg...
I got taught quickly. I do alphas, defective send offs and inter store restock. Not to mention opening and closing, end of day stuff, most of my shifts just coincided with that needing to be done so not better time to learn!
Store figures and personal KPIs. My store is going through the roof and my pre-owned percentage is about 40% haha.
My pre-owned sucks balls at the moment, thanks to all these new releases at once! I usually end on 40%. At worst 25%. It's easy to flog second hand in a poorer borough. The main high street was nuts. xD
For my first post outside of the welcome forum... I would like to inform everyone who may read this that I just fell (well, slid) down a few sets of stairs and now my bum hurts. I forgot to sweep the stairs.
You need to do a better job, man. Don't drop like the raindrop, but stand strong like the BULL.
Gahhhhhhhh... Work was something else last night.. Everyone was in a jacked off mood.
My 1st 2 or 3 tables gave me lots of compliments to the manager working last night, but then 1 of my tables never got their freaking appetizer.. Popcorn Shrimp only takes like 5 minutes or less to cook .. It was going on like 20 when I asked about em 'cuz there weren't many cooks on yet. New Guy told me he's got em. The stupid entree came up like 5 minutes later and -still- no f*cking shrimp. I was so mad. Of course I got stiffed on the tip.
In other news, whoever sang the National Anthem at the NASCAR race today was -awesome- & sang it right. I can't stand when people add notes that aren't there and do all that crazy stuff with it..
This makes me afraid to wait tables as a career. Though someone said Gingers make awesome waitresses... He was probably just being nice xD
Nah, it's actually pretty true. Everyone loves redheads, even if they're afraid to admit it.
Daw well thanks! I just hope I don't get stiffed on tips ;( That's never cool!
It will always happen now and again. Though I've never personally waited, I've known enough people who did/do to have a little pseudo-experience in the field. Doesn't matter where you work, there will always be someone who doesn't tip. They're generally offset by the ones who tip well though, so it balances.
I was at lunch the other day and watched my friend Morgan get stiffed by a table of three (one lady tipped two dollars and the other two didn't tip at all). She got a $9 tip out of me on an $11 bill.
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i was talking with che, good ringtone y/n?
I like that the most active thread on here right now is the one about sex :P Aside from this one I guess.
I had a dream last night I was in a store and I put one of those inter tube things around myself and I started floating around in the air. I would bat my arms to keep myself afloat. Its like being in a bubble but with an inter tube instead.
In other news, I'll possibly be meeting with a girl at Starbucks this evening. No complaints there!
I've eaten from KFC lots of times and I feel just fine. Nothing beats the original recipe with gravy and mashed potatoes. I may be chubby but I'm healthy! :D
And by KFC...did you guys mean this?
Freaking killin' good!:
Nope, I'm not a greasy New Yorker. You have to go down to Howard Beach for those folks haha.
And so what Rocky, maybe I made out with a girl at Kennedy Fried Chicken once. No big deal.
That is ****in classy. God damn greasy New Yorkers.
Speaking of greasy...
I'm struggling with this greasy steak from the cafeteria right now because someone thought it was a good idea to serve hunks of meat without any knives.
I just ate a burrito. Home made, of course. With prime mince, corn and cheese. Simply delicious. My mum made it for me.
So I come home to find my brother playing with my brand new WiiU that finally arrived this morning! So much for me, the one who friggin bought it to unwrap my new "next gen"(lol) Nintendo console first..I'll beat him up later..He's playing ZombiU on it now..the game reminds me of Bioshock but with Zombies instead of splicers n the like. It's supposedly survival horror but it's not scaring me at all(there can actually be a huge difference between playing a videogame n just watching one) plus I can't see a goddamn thing..indoors, hacking zombies to death(?) with a cricket bat ooh now he's found my favourite gun, the shotgun not a pump-action shotgun.. Oh well The WiiU tablet itself is alot smaller than I expected also I don't expect to play on it anytime soon its seriously lacking in games let alone ones Im interested in. Iam very happy to have bought it purely for Zelda titles. I really can't wait to see what games are announced for the next gen consoles(including those PS3 exclusives yet to be released) at E3 moreso than the consoles themselves.
I also had a green tea soy frappe. Oh Sephiroth it was so yummy but nowhere near as much as Him8-()
Supposedly it's spring, but clearly New England has other ideas. Nothing like waking up to several inches of snow. =/ And it's going to keep up pretty much all day. Fantastic.
Oh well, I have hot chocolate and I'm in the middle of making some cookies, so whatevs. It'll just suck when I go to work later, especially since I know ahead of time we'll be shorthanded.
I eat at KFC all the time. Nothing wrong with that shit at all. Of course I have put on like 10 or so pounds since leaving the military so....
It is like 70 degree's here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it cause we are gonna be replacing the greenhouse roof at work today, and I would f*cking hate to be up there in the cold.
Well grr, you. I'm so sick of winter right now. At least it's supposed to be ok for PAX this weekend. So far. Sunny and not quite warm but not cold either.