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Thread: I am a drunk driver

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I am a drunk driver

    Ok so the title is decieving. I was listening to the radio this morning and they where talking about how this lady, Mary, called the police on a drunk driver and when asked about it she tells the officer that she is in fact the drunk driver.

    Given the audio clip was halarious and the whole situation was down right strange, I have to give the woman props for realizing she was in the wrong and made the call for help.

    Now the sad thing is she is going to face jail time or atleast a 24 hour detainment before she gets to go free. Sure she was in the wrong for getting in the car in the first place but when she realized she was to impaired to drive properly she made the choice to call in and get help.

    Now it is also an important fact to point out that the whole story is not all here, no one but her knows the situation when she first got into the car and decided to drive. Maybe she was still sober enough to properly operate the vehicle but while driving the remaining alcohol in her system emerged and caused her to plunge further more into a drunken state of mind.

    So I am curious on your take of the turn of events. The officer clearly informs her that she will go to jail for what she has done. Is this really worth going to jail (even if it is just for detainment) over seeing she did do the right thing in the end and reported herself or should the police officer just offered to take her home.

    Also even though I found it halarious in the same instance I find it odd that a the clip was released / leaked and is now made public. I figure there would be some kind of confadinuality violations there.

    I will go ahead and give the link to the audio clip.

    Source: Woman calls 911 to report herself as drunk driver, 911 Call, 911 Calls, Sound Bite

    And for the record, no; I am not a drunk driver.
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  2. #2
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 I am a drunk driver Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    LOL Who would actually call 911 and turn themselves in? This is interesting man, good job. I'll Look into it a little more later.

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  3. #3
    Registered User I am a drunk driver
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    This is also on Youtube. It's much longer than the link that Meier provided:
    YouTube - Drunk Driver Calls 911 To Report Herself

    I think it's great that she was in her right mind enough to call and say that she was drunk. That could prevent an accident from happening. So good on her for that. I think she should have gotten an escort home, since she reported herself in. I don't really know the laws about drunk drivers, so maybe it's just what they have to do.

    Posted by Meier Link
    I figure there would be some kind of confadinuality violations there.
    As for the confidentiality issues I don't think it would be a problem. Hilarious 911 calls are often played on the radio when I listen to a bunch of morning shows.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth I am a drunk driver Xanatos's Avatar
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    If she indeed couldn't operate the vehicle properly any further under the influence of alcohol than it was smart decision to call for help, as for actually calling the police yes I find that to be rather funny, I mean she had better options (calling friend for instance).

    I think it's wrong that she's going to jail, she didn't do anything wrong at least in my opinion and unlike many drunk drivers she actually realized that she can't drive any further so the police should give her more credit.

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  5. #5
    Sir Prize I am a drunk driver Sinister's Avatar
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    There is something in Taoism called "Superior Nature". Being in tune with your Superior Nature helps you enact the immediate and correct response to any random situation. The Taoists of old were not fond of writing down the law in certain terms. They claimed it hampered the law's ability to adjust for every situation and too often provided loop holes to be taken advantage of...

    I think she did what she thought was right and is being screwed over by the law.


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  6. #6
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    As for the confidentiality issues I don't think it would be a problem. Hilarious 911 calls are often played on the radio when I listen to a bunch of morning shows.
    See there is the issue, radio stations humiliating someone because they want their ratings to go up. I am sure this lady is already embarassed enough about what happened but to have situation exploited all over the nation and now thanks to youtube all over the world. Sure it doesn't really matter here where I live because no one knows her and it is laughable but imagine what would happen if that clip is played in her home town or if someone stumbles across it on youtube. No it goes from comical enjoyment and taken to a personel level where people can recognize her and it will affect her day to day life.

    Also on the news (IE crimestoppers) I have heard them play audio clips where someone has called into the police to report something and then they have their voice blasted all over the TV so that anyone can figure out who they are. Given in most cases their identity is safe but lets say it was someone that is close to the person that commited the crime and their friends pick up on the likeness of the voice. Even if it wasn't that person that called in but had a simular voice it could turn into some spiteful vengance thing and someone could get hurt because of it.

    Sorry for making this out to be more then it probably is but I figure I would throw out different scinarios to make the conversation interesting.

    Also thanks for adding the extended clip, I am at work so my access to the full web is limited at the moment.

    And yes I know I am not helping the issue that I am talking about by posting the link to the event in this thread, so there is no need to point that out.
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  7. #7
    I'm DYING to see you! I am a drunk driver ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Ok so the title is decieving. I was listening to the radio this morning and they where talking about how this lady, Mary, called the police on a drunk driver and when asked about it she tells the officer that she is in fact the drunk driver.
    Doesn't this mean that someone at the police station tipped off the radio stations? The police of all people should realise that the woman wanted this under lock and key. What ever happened to privacy anyway?

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  8. #8
    So, did she pull the car over and call the cops...or did she keep driving drunk and bust out her cell phone while driving drunk and call the cops on herself?

    Bravo for like, not killing anyone, and admitting you're in the wrong, but holy crap people. You're drinking alcohol, you're not on ****ing acid. How does everyone get so stupid?

    She should go to jail, obviously. You can't save your ass by calling in that you're driving drunk. You did something wrong the moment you started the car up. Maybe give her a tiny bit of slack for admitting she was wrong, so that it gives incentive for others to possibly do the same thing.

    Could she have not just called a friend though? What the ****...

  9. #9
    Registered User I am a drunk driver
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    Posted by Che
    So, did she pull the car over and call the cops...or did she keep driving drunk and bust out her cell phone while driving drunk and call the cops on herself?
    She was still driving when she called. The 911 operator told her to pull the car over.

    As for the whole confidentiality issue, I looked for some more information about it and found out that 911 calls and police reports are a matter of public records. So basically anyone has access to them, and I guess that means that they can do whatever they want, like play them on morning shows. Do I think that's right? Not really. It really does compromise someone's privacy, but then again, if they weren't public, then news media would probably be shouting that it's unconstitutional.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    She was still driving when she called. The 911 operator told her to pull the car over.
    Thanks, I didn't watch the full version, I only listened to the clip.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    As for the whole confidentiality issue, I looked for some more information about it and found out that 911 calls and police reports are a matter of public records. So basically anyone has access to them, and I guess that means that they can do whatever they want, like play them on morning shows. Do I think that's right? Not really. It really does compromise someone's privacy, but then again, if they weren't public, then news media would probably be shouting that it's unconstitutional.
    People sound slightly different on the radio, and the only people that know it's her are the people that can put together that someone in their work got a DUI recently and they sound a lot like whoever that lady is. They didn't give a name over the radio, I don't think.

    I really just don't have any sympathy for the lady. Don't drink and drive, don't talk on your cell phone while driving, let alone being drunk, don't call the police on yourself. The last one would actually be good if she pulled over to do it. But definitely not smart on her part.

    Thankfully she didn't kill anyone.

  11. #11

    Seriously, why couldn't she call a friend, or family member to come pick her up? I do think that she should get a little bit of slack because she turned herself in, but I'm not so sure she did it to be responsible, or even if she knew what she was doing, I mean she was wasted. Maybe she's just a just a lucky drunk dialer? I know a few people who call people on the phone when they're drunk and talk gibberish.

    But, If she did know what was happening, then yeah kudos to her for not killing anyone, or herself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    See there is the issue, radio stations humiliating someone because they want their ratings to go up. I am sure this lady is already embarassed enough about what happened but to have situation exploited all over the nation and now thanks to youtube all over the world.
    She has nothing to be embarrassed about, she helped save lives
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-02-2009 at 01:22 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  12. #12
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Yup. I'd have called a friend. Or pulled over and napped some of it off before trying again.

    Not that I'll ever drive, but yeah.

    As for these call recordings being allowed to broadcast... wtf? It doesn't matter if it would be impossible for someone to immediately work out who it is (if you know them, of course), these are police records. Yeah, she might have saved lives, but if I were her, I'd still be humiliated that anyone with access to a radio or internet could hear that conversation.

    I didn't listen to the whole clip either, but I'm sure some more personal details would have been shared in the call. o_o

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  13. #13
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom I am a drunk driver Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    LOL funny stuff!!

    Me personally ive never drunk then driven mainly becasue i happen to like not killing people or myself!!

    Shes definately stupid for drink driving in the first place, but then again she did stop eventually!! So me personally if i was a cop i would have probably given her a lift home and maybe a caution or a fine but jail time seems a little harsh!!

    I dunno


  14. #14
    I will finish the hunt I am a drunk driver Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    This lady got lucky in the sense she didn't kill anyone. She was intoxicated and talking on her cell phone. There is no doubt in my mind that she should be punished. The law was in place to prevent what she did....not to allow people to second guess there actions after the fact....and expect leniency. She broke the law.If she had killed someone and made the call this thread would be talking how to punish her...not whether it she should be punished. Like I tell my kids; sometimes sorry isn't good enough after the damage has been done.If they know they shouldn't be doing it; than they should know nothing will turn back time and allow them to make the better choice. People need to be proactive and think before they act in all situations.
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 11-03-2009 at 12:16 PM.
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  15. #15
    Bananarama I am a drunk driver Pete's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Pete's probably the best drunk driver on this forum.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Pete's probably the best drunk driver on this forum.
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  18. #18
    I love you guys. Lmao.

    I agree that she made a mistake after getting behind the wheel after a few drinks, but at least she had the decency to realize that she needed help. I agree with sending her to jail overnight, but I disagree about posting her call on the radio, or youtube.
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  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Hahahaha. Holy shit I laughed so hard at that. I love you, Rocky.

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    Survival of the fittest, I always say... Just sucks for the innocents who get the short end of the Life-Stick.

    Uhh... I'm a firm believer in walking after drinking so... uh.. This lady can shove it.
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  21. #21
    Kuzuya Mishima I am a drunk driver ziroth's Avatar
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    I was at my friends house one day and he lives near the ghetto. There was a group of wanna be gangsters walking down the road as drunk as man discovering the limitations of beer. Then after a while of walking a cop pulls upp to them and asks them if they had been drinking. They respond with the beer cans in hand, "Not anymore we ran out!" Now how do you all feel about that?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by ziroth View Post
    I was at my friends house one day and he lives near the ghetto. There was a group of wanna be gangsters walking down the road as drunk as man discovering the limitations of beer. Then after a while of walking a cop pulls upp to them and asks them if they had been drinking. They respond with the beer cans in hand, "Not anymore we ran out!" Now how do you all feel about that?
    Were they underage or something? Sounds like they were havin a good time. What's wrong with that?

  23. #23
    Anyone caught over the limit should have their licence removed. I knew a kid back in school who got hit by a drink driver. There was a dog on the road, and my old classmate at the edge of the pavement. The drunk guy chose to avoid the dog. He later admitted that he'd seen both child and dog, but being drunk, had gone, '****, DOG!' and headed towards the child. He was paralysed from the waist down, and had to go to a different school after that. Got a huge injury claim, but ****.

  24. #24
    Death Before Dishonor I am a drunk driver Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziroth View Post
    I was at my friends house one day and he lives near the ghetto. There was a group of wanna be gangsters walking down the road as drunk as man discovering the limitations of beer. Then after a while of walking a cop pulls upp to them and asks them if they had been drinking. They respond with the beer cans in hand, "Not anymore we ran out!" Now how do you all feel about that?
    I feel that they were obviously having a hell of a time and they were sad when they realized that they had run out of beer. I know i'm sure as hell pissed whenever I realize I am out of booze, but then I make my friends go and get some more. Unless my friends are too shit faced then we walk.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  25. #25
    I know I can admit that I myself have driven when I shouldn't have before. All that stuff you learn about how bad drunk driving is and how it puts other people at risk....totally gone, out the window. When I got home and realized what I had done, that's what sobered me up and have never done it since then. However calling the cops may be the right approach if it's something you've done repetitively and need help to stop.

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