Yeah I read about that on yahoo news. I thought parks control systems prevented things like this from happening. Who knows what kind of bad publicity this could bring for the beloved family friendly park. From what I have read no real specifics have releasd outside of specualtions. Will be interesting to see what is put out there.
I doubt this is actually going to make much on the lines of the headlines though. It is sad but it will be shadowed by Jacksons death for a long time to come. If it was any other time you know this would be a world wide "scandle" and people would probably blame it on terrorism.
The horrible part is a life was lost, tragically at that. Another sole ment for a higher plain. But this poor person will only have bad publicity. I really hate hearing the news of death, specially when it is not natural. But it is a fact of life, everything is bound to die and rot (sorry for the bluntness).
I will end this rant at that.