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Thread: How's this for a first car?

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  1. #1
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! How's this for a first car? Tallulah's Avatar
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    How's this for a first car?

    I'm sure this topic was covered recently but I don't like to necropost...

    I recently passed my driving test, and am saving to buy a car. I have been casually looking for one, and have found one similar to this.

    I have seen some reviews which are fairly good, and it is cheap to insure and tax, which is always a plus, as new drivers are always screwed for insurance. (I do have my age in my favour, though) I just hope it doesn't get snapped up before I get to even look at it in the flesh!

    So, to the point. What was your first car, and what was it like to drive? Also, when buying, did you encounter any problems such as dealers trying to trick you as a new driver? I am taking a friend of my dad's to look at it (assuming it hasn't been bought already!) as he has worked as a delivery driver for a local Ford car dealership for a number of years, so knows what he is looking for!
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  2. #2
    That One Guy How's this for a first car? dimmufan's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    My first car was actually given to me by my mother as a graduation present back in the summer of 2000. Twas a 1996 Pontiac Bonneville SE Sedan with a 3.8 litre V6 engine. Twas a sweet ride indeed. I miss that car.

    The first car I ever bought was back in the summer of 2009. Twas a 2005 Ford Crown Victoria. The asking price at the Chevy house was over 12K. I managed to talk the sales rep down to $8,000 including tax, title, and license. I'm fairly sure I coulda talked him down some more, but I started to grow bored with the games.

    It's all about wheelin and dealin with the sales rep. Tis quite fun. Don't be afraid to tell them that you WANT or NEED a lower price. You'd be surprised at how much they wanna clear the space on their lot to bring in a new car. This is good advice for anyone in any country. Car dealerships NEED to sell their inventory so that they don;t pay taxes at the fiscal year on theor inventory. The best time of year to wheal and deal for a new or used car is just at the closing of the fiscal year. In the US, it just happens to coincide with the nd of the year.
    Last edited by dimmufan; 07-09-2011 at 10:41 PM. Reason: addin some shite
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  3. #3
    Registered User How's this for a first car? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    mine was a silver 1987 volvo 740 i got when i was 17...and it was my little tank
    guy on ebay was selling it for $800 so i went to check it out with my dad and i ended up paying for half and my dad covered the other half. i LOVE this car but we sold it (it was going to cost more than it was worth to fix things, but we sold it to a guy who likes fixing up old cars so...yeah). the only downside to it was that anytime it got below a quarter of a tank of gas it would randomly start stalling out. other than that it was great

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  4. #4
    Registered User How's this for a first car?
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    My first car was a 1989 GM Spectrum

  5. #5
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    Is that a car? Vespa of the four wheel world....... kidding. I can't say anything about that car with out doing some research for you, which I might do now that I am interested. Anyways there are a few things you need to use the net to look at when buying a car
    Vin searches are critical - will tell you a lot about a vehicle if you are buying used
    Customer reviews and complaints - ignore the rare things and focus on the main things people are bitching about.
    Crash test ratings and reliablity - yes I am grouping these two together because simply put you can't have one with out the other.
    Mpg / mpl - distance is key and the more bang for the buck go for it as long as it meets your standards.

    To me a car must suit the driver and must be corfortable for you as the driver. If it is not one of the two then it is probably not the car for you. Your needs and comfort should surpass what kind of car it is.

    For me my first vehicle was a 1985 gmc sierra classic. Highly modified by the time I was done with i.t.. loved it and wished I would of never let it go. Received it broked down as a gift and started the rebuild of it when I was 16. Ran out of money so it was never fully restored.

    A last note. Look at bluebook and nada value (or equivilant) and use the fair market price to your advantage. Sales people are willing to con you into making a sale so don't be afraid to say no because they will call back wit a line and better offer. Take a person that has bought a few cars in their time with you. If you can find a good salesperson to go with you that would be good too because the can detect bs.keep in mind to do your research.
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  6. #6
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?
    Honda Civic. It's a little beast. <3U, HONDA CIVIC.

    edit: that is one HUGE picture. /takes out img code. But yeah. HONDA CIVIC.

    The person in my avatar is me.


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  7. #7
    I invented Go-Gurt. How's this for a first car? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    I actually got a picture of me in my first car.

    An old cobby T-Bucket with a flathead Ford engine that by daddy bought me for 25 bucks way back in 1947.

  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! How's this for a first car? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: How's this for a first car?

    ^ Wish cars still cost $20

    My friend who was going to come with me to look at the car has another idea; one of his friends is a semi-retired mechanic, and helps private sellers sell their old cars. He can get me one cheaper than at a garage. So, now I don't know what kind of car I'm getting. :/ I've seen some other makes and models I like, though.
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)


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