I'm sure this topic was covered recently but I don't like to necropost...

I recently passed my driving test, and am saving to buy a car. I have been casually looking for one, and have found one similar to this.

I have seen some reviews which are fairly good, and it is cheap to insure and tax, which is always a plus, as new drivers are always screwed for insurance. (I do have my age in my favour, though) I just hope it doesn't get snapped up before I get to even look at it in the flesh!

So, to the point. What was your first car, and what was it like to drive? Also, when buying, did you encounter any problems such as dealers trying to trick you as a new driver? I am taking a friend of my dad's to look at it (assuming it hasn't been bought already!) as he has worked as a delivery driver for a local Ford car dealership for a number of years, so knows what he is looking for!