ROFL being Drunk is FUN FUN FUN!!!
Ive done the whole juming off the roof thing except i jumped off the roof into a pool
The best night for drunken storiesd was when i first ever got drunk.
Story No. 1
There were to girls dancing on two different podiums sooo i just had to yell out to my mate "Hey dude if you took that ones head and put it on that ones body you would have one Hot looking bird...........but what about the other cration*Shudders*" Needless to say i got some dirty looks from the women of the establishment
Story No. 2
was leaving Afore mentioned establishment at the same time some random stranger was leaving. of course being drunk i was feeling rather friendly and started chatting away to this guy. At the time i was trying to become friends/more than friends with this girl who happened to be a christian to which i explaind to the guy andhe cameout with this phrase.
"Christian chicks just want to get ****ed like everyone else" Needless to say i was in Histerics
Story No.3
As walways drink too much and you need to pee and being a man the world is my urinal.
Anyway i needed to pee i was absolutely shitefaced and no one would let me in. soooo i climed over this concrete fence thing and dropped down and did my business jumped back up and thought nothing of it!!
However i went back to the Nature urinal and though how the hell did i not break my legs for the dropp was preetty Big .,.and then the big the hell did i get back up!!!
So yeh..there areother experiences which i may share later