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Thread: Do you believe in ghosts?

  1. #1

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    Pretty simple question.

    Also, any stories you'd like to share?
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  2. #2
    G'day Do you believe in ghosts? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I don't believe in ghosts, I have never had any experiences with them. I think maybe they exist, but I don't know for sure. But my boyfriend and his brother do, i have a story for you I find quite funny.

    My boyfriends brother, Ricky and my sister, Lisa stayed over at our house. Ricky was trying to crack onto my sister all night long, which he failed at miserably, but he kept trying.

    It was about 1am and my boyfriend and I went to bed. Ricky asked my sister if they could stay up and talk. They were talking in the lounge room, with the lights off and me being a nosy person, decided to eavesdrop from the hallway, because I though it was hilarious.

    The next morning, Ricky mentioned to us that he saw a ghost in the hallway the night before and said how he was pretty scared. I said to him, 'No, that was just me, eavesdropping on you two.'

    Hahahahaha. Still cracks me up. Sorry, I know it's not really a ghost story, but I think it's funny as hell

    My boyfriend claims to have seen a little girl, hovering over the bed before. But he also said the same thing about an old lady and an old man. Coinsedence? I'm not sure....

  3. #3

    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Interesting story lol. And yeah, kinda funny too.
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  4. #4

    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    When i was about six years old, i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a man standing over the bed watching me. Aside from being freaked out, i watched him walk out of my bedroom and noticed that i could not see his body. All i saw was a face. Quite scary stuff.

    Another time i woke up in the middle of the night with my arms crossed over my chest. That was bizarre lol.
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  5. #5
    #LOCKE4GOD Do you believe in ghosts? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dream Recluse
    When i was about six years old, i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a man standing over the bed watching me. Aside from being freaked out, i watched him walk out of my bedroom and noticed that i could not see his body. All i saw was a face. Quite scary stuff.
    I believe they call that a paedophile.

    I'm sceptical. Though I still like watching those 'ghost hunting' shows on TV, and I do have one story, although it's not my own.

    When she was about 7, my (not at the time, obviously) girlfriend and her friend were out the back of my girlfriend's farm. They were playing in the grass. Then, her friend looks out over to a far paddock, and sees a solid black, featureless but humanoid shape coming towards them, over a fence. My girlfriend sees her pointing, and looks too. She also sees it. They both start running towards the house. My girlfriend says she didn't look back, and once inside they hid for awhile. When her parents came back inside, she told them about it. They were perplexed. They weren't anywhere near that part of the farm.

    Dun dun dunnnnn...

  6. #6

    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Yeah, the feature-less black shadow figure is a very common experience, based on things I read and hear. I've never actually seen anything myself, though.
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  7. #7
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Do you believe in ghosts? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Naaah i dun beleive in them..atlough before i was born my sister apparently had a "Encounter"

    Our great grandparents died before we were born on first seeing a picture of our Great Grandparents she said without hesitation who they were and that the visit her at night, When asked what flowers they should take to the cemetary she said (insert flower name here) becasue thats Great grandma's favorite and then upon going to the graveyard to which she has never been she runs off and stand directly at thier grave!

    So basically my sister is a freak!


  8. #8

    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Flea View Post
    Naaah i dun beleive in them..atlough before i was born my sister apparently had a "Encounter"

    Our great grandparents died before we were born on first seeing a picture of our Great Grandparents she said without hesitation who they were and that the visit her at night, When asked what flowers they should take to the cemetary she said (insert flower name here) becasue thats Great grandma's favorite and then upon going to the graveyard to which she has never been she runs off and stand directly at thier grave!

    So basically my sister is a freak!

    Wow, that's scary yo. I'd be terrified if i had that ability to converse with dead relatives.
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  9. #9
    Asking all the personal questions. Do you believe in ghosts? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Seeing is believing I have never seen one so I don't believe in 'Ghosts' as such I do believe that there are spirits or energies but I don't class them as ghosts not that I have ever experienced one of those either some of the stories you hear can be quite convincing.

    But that is the same as asking do you believe in demons not necessarily demons from hell but evil spirits.
    I love ancient mythology towards spirits especially the asian perspective towards spirits, but that's basing my beliefs on the likes of the movies The Ring and The Grudge so it depends on how reliable that story behind those is.

    One thing I do believe is that animals are exceptionally sensitive to spirits(energy)/ghosts.
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  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you believe in ghosts? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I don't believe in ghosts. I believe, however, that people who have claimed to see ghosts have taken some sort of hallucinogen. LDS, perhaps.

  11. #11
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Do you believe in ghosts? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I for one don't really believe, possible because I have never encountered such and entity myself. I do have this weird story though!

    I was helping my uncle move to a house in Bastrop, TX about two an a half years ago. The owner of the house was their just to see how everything was going, and then he somehow started telling us this weird story. He said when he was doing some pipe work, he dug up these bones of a little girl wearing a white dress. We asked him if he notified the police about it, but he said he just covered them back up and let them be, or rest in peace he said.

    We kinda just laughed about it for a long time, until one day something strange did kinda happen. It was about a year and a half later his daughter came out of their closet in the room. I also happened to be their at the time, and she came out asking her dad where did the little girl go! (keep in mind that she was 2 and a half at the time, and she never heard the story about the little girl) My uncle said "What little girl, Natalie", and she replied "The little girl in the white dress in your closet, she was talking to me, and then she just left"! After hearing that I was a bit sceptical, but still don't really believe.

    The house they live in was pretty far out into the woods as well. I can say that I have never felt myself being watched so much in a house before. I have a good sense of when someones watching me, and I can usually turn randomly and see someone doing so. At that house I did feel that constantly when I went into the back room to go to sleep. I'll also never forget how freaking cold it got in that room either!
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  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I've only seen shit fly through the air in a vacant house. I was like 4 maybe 5 years old. There was this house that was always empty but the doors were open randomly. I would see shit moving in the house but nobody was in there. :\
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  13. #13
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    My boyfriends' mum said that when Jord was really young, they moved into this big house. Apparently the house had a history because she and her husband saw an old lady at the foot of the bed at night. Apparently my boyfriends' stepdad felt very uneasy in the house (which if you met him, you would never believe since he is a very logical, very strong minded type of person). When my boyfriends' mother saw it, she insisted they move right away, which they did.

    My mother has seen the ghost of her dead father in the doorway. He seemed happy and gave her a good vibe. She considers his appearance to be his way of saying 'I'm okay.'

    And my auntie said she saw her aunt standing on her own headstone, warning her of danger and not to come back. Supposedly a young girl was chased through the graveyard the night after.

    But who knows? I'm a bit of a skeptic.

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  14. #14

    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    My grampa was a psychiatrist and he had one very difficult and suicidal patient. Well one night, exactly at 3AM he suddenly jumped out of bed, when a big and loud thud woke him up. My grampa never believed in ghosts and such things, but that night changed his beliefs. When he called the clinic minutes later, he realized that the patient had managed to jump out of the window and commit suicide, exactly at 3 AM. That was the first time I really saw fear in his eyes, when he talked about ghosts. Thinking about that incident freaks even me out every time I think about it.

  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy Do you believe in ghosts? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I beleive in coincedence. I also believe that if someone wants to believe in something so much, they will believe it and it will become a truth to them. I dont believe in ghosts, although I use to.

  16. #16
    Hewerya love...? Do you believe in ghosts? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Clint Eastwood View Post
    LDS, perhaps.

    Once i had a dream i was licking caspar the ghosts head, and when i woke up i was being sexually abused
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  17. #17
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I'm almost 100% sure I saw the ghost of a maid going through a set of drawers one night when I was on a school trip to Kench Hill. We woke up to find some of the clothes on the floor and in the hallway the next morning. Everyone was asleep, and I remember waking up for some reason, and there she was.

    I've also stayed in a haunted cottage. The cottage was attached to a large house (both were owned by my mother's friend), and used to be the maid's quarters to the larger place. Apparently a maid was murdered in the basement of the house, and we happened to be staying there on the anniversary of her murder. In the middle of the night, there were three loud, frightening bangs from the house next door, and my mum could have sworn she heard a scream.

    In that same cottage, a chair moved halfway across the room in the dinning room when I was reading Goosebumps (of all things!) to my mum. We heard the sound of it screeching across the tiles, and Rolo, my dog, started whining fro down there.

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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  18. #18
    The Brave Do you believe in ghosts?
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    No. That's all that I can say.

  19. #19
    Nobody Shaves Me Do you believe in ghosts? Gummy's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    No. Nor do I believe in anything else of that sort. Even if I saw a ghost I would not believe. Rather, I'd think it was just my mind playing tricks. I keep thinking I'm seeing my cat who died recently, but I know it's just fragments of memories. My brain is so convinced I will see her if I look in x spot at x time that I actually do see her for a few seconds (I grew up with that cat, so was very used to seeing her & knew her habits well).

  20. #20
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Do you believe in ghosts? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I do believe in ghosts. Demonic entities too.

    My mother told me, when I was 5 years old, that she came up the stairs at 1am, like usual, to turn off the radiators and shut the windows before going to bed. When she walked in the room, I was sitting up and talking and looking at the door, and when she asked why I wasn't asleep, I replied ''I'm talking to the man behind the door mummy.'' I remember the fear in her voice when she was even recalling it.

    My younger sisters shared a room. This was about 5 years after my encounter with the man behind the door, my sisters were 4 and 5. My mother came up to do the usual window-closing etc, when the same thing happened with my sisters, except they were both sat upright, crying. When asking what was wrong, they replied ''the old man on the chest won't let us sleep,'' ... the chest being a big wooden chest that was in the room.

    I have seen nothing since then, until very recently. I'm actually not sure whether it's a haunting, or a demonic attack of some sort, but it scares the hell out of me. I'm living in my boyfriend's house just now, and have been for 2 years. For the first year it was fine, nothing paranormal at all, except the dog (which I friggin' HATE!) used to bark at thin air when only I was around and nobody else was there. Anyway, for the past couple of months, a lot has been happening to me. First, I have had physical symptoms, which I don't know if they are related to this, but are known symptoms of demonic attacks. I have had a sudden loss in weight, even though I have recently been stuffing my face constantly, I stay awake for around 2 days, then sleep for 20 hours, I have had unexplained scratches (deep ones at that) over my back and arms when I wake up. These happened for about a month. For the past 2 months, however, these have still been happening, but new symptoms have arrived. I no longer leave the bedroom, like, literally, I haven't been out of this bedroom in about 2 months, except every morning for a shower. I don't know why, I just am scared to leave the bedroom. At the same time, EVERY night, there are scratching noises and loud bangs and shrieks that come from downstairs, which causes the dog to bark, and when my boyfriend investigates, there is nothing there. Throughout the day, I get these severe headaches at the back of my head, and it sometimes causes a feeling like I'm being electrocuted, which causes my arms and legs to curl up, and obviously freaks me out.

    Saturday just past, at the time that I usually hear the bangs and shrieking sounds, they never happened, instead while I was watching the television, a white 'mist' floated past the television and towards me, and I freaked out and started screaming and couldn't breathe, and my boyfriend then freaked out. He said he never saw anything, just got a fright from me, and said my temperature was very cold, even though the house was literally boiling.

    Other than that, nothing forgive the smiley, I just get nervous telling people this stuff, I hate to be in the ''heeby jeeby'' category.
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  21. #21
    Kiss with a fist. Do you believe in ghosts? Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?


    And, I don't really have an actual ghost story, even on LSD I haven't seen one. However, there was that one time I was playing with a Ouija board with a few friends. We were messing with this one girl in particular, had her all freaked out. We asked the board a question and the thing started to 'move', my dryer had epic timing and went off, which at the time equated to a really loud buzzing sound - the girl jumped a foot in the air and pissed her pants; I almost felt bad. Almost.

  22. #22
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

    I kinda do but I am not 100% 'convinced' that my experiences are ghost stories.

    I do love watching ghost hunting shows on TV. I find paranormal stuff interesting. The thought that there's more to this shitty world we live in is comforting in a way. If that turns out to be blissful ignorance, then so be it. I know a lot of stuff in this world can't be explained (yet) and maybe I would not find out the answer in my lifetime so I keep an open mind about a lot of stuff.

    I do have a few encounters but because I get too scared to fully investigate (ie, I run off/not look at it), I never really get the chance.

    Me and my sister (I think I was between 8-10 years old at the time) woke up and 4 am and decided to sit outside on the patio. We were singing and just having fun when I suddenly saw a shadow fly off the window of the 2nd floor of the neighbor's house and towards sky. I ran off scared back to the house and so did my sister. She said she saw it and thought it was just a cloth flying off. But it's trajectory was going upwards (towards the sky) and there's no pull of gravity. One thing that made me doubt this experience (though I am pretty sure I was awake and I got my sister to back that up) was that the ghost looked like it was the ghost that you see on cartoons - like this . Only pure black:

    Another experience was me already in college. Me and my cousins were sleeping on a relatives house (that is mostly abandoned, cept for one old caretaker who doesn't spend time in the house. The owner already died a long time ago which is like a distant relative of mine as well). I dont really like that house, it has this sad and eerie vibe in it. Anyhow, it was the holidays and the house next door (my aunt's house) is full. So me and my cousin occupied a room in that house. We were all huddled together in two beds attached with each other. All of a sudden, in the middle of the night. I could hear the door open and bang close. Repeatedly. At first I thought it was one of my cousins taking a piss but it did not stop. (I had my face covered with a pillow. Didnt' dare to look). It happened over and over again and it was freaking me out. I know that door is not loose because we went through it before (obviously since we had to go through it to get in and out of the room =P). I thought I heard someone singing too but I cant remember that part very well. But I am damn sure about the door. I asked my cousins about it the next day and they heard nothing..all of them were really asleep.

    Third experience that I can remember was when I was in a nighttime programming class. It was 9:30 pm at night and no one was at the facility except us (6 students and a teacher). I excused myself from the class to take a piss and as I was walking to bathroom stalls in the ladies room, as I was standing at the door... I heard a loud bang from the inside of one of the cubicles. Like someone was trying to get out of it. No voices whatsoever just loud repeated banging sounds again. I did not dare to investigate, it could be a ghost or someone crazy or something. So I turned around and left. I went back with a friend but it was gone. *shrugs*

    Not ghost related but I do have three experiences that are weird that relates to me getting out of an accident (one could've been fatal) unscathed somehow in the weirdest of ways.

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