So, something I've always loved to do is experiment with ramen noodles. They're quick to fix and absorb all kinds of different flavors, so they're somewhat of a favorite when I'm a little strapped (or just craving way too many carbohydrates).
I'd like to open up a thread for simple ramen recipes, or other such cost-effective creations.
First, I'll share an old recipe that my previous roommate used to do all the time. We did this back when we were in high school together, and it's probably what sparked my interest in cooking with ramen. If you like Spaghetti-Os, this is brilliant. Mix one can of tomato soup as per its directions. When it boils, add the flavor packet from one package of chicken ramen, and then add noodles from two packages into the pot. When the noodles are done, transfer into two or three bowls, depending upon how much of a fatass you are and how much you like to share. Sprinkle shredded cheddar over the top. Cheesy childhood, coming right up!
It's super tasty, but it's high in sodium. I never could eat more than a quarter of the entire product, heh.
So here's what I did tonight.
One package ramen. Flavor packet tossed aside. 1/2 cup vegetable stock into a small pan, heated to a boil. 1/2 tablespoon of butter dropped in the pan. Chipotle powder, lemon pepper, dill weed, and a garlic herb blend sprinkled into the pan. When everything blends, add a cup of water. When it boils again, crush your noodles and dump them all into the pan. Stir, stir, and watch the noodles soak up all kinds of flavors. It will be very thick, as the majority of the liquid will be absorbed into the noodle. When almost all of the liquid is gone, turn off the burner and keep stirring (to avoid top layer drying out). Dump into a bowl and eat with preferred utensil of choice.