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Thread: Christmas Lunch... Everyday?

  1. #1

    Christmas Lunch... Everyday?

    I heard a funny thing the other day on a cooking program on TV.

    Apparantly it would be a good thing is people ate a Christmas lunch everyday. Not only for health reasons but social ones too.
    I guess this makes sense to some degree... but I don't think I could stand it every single day.
    Anyway here were a couple of the reasons they gave:

    • You get the veg needed for the day (or something. You know the 5 a day rule?)
    • It is cheaper as leftovers can be used for after.
    • It encourages family to sit together at the table and chat. Apparantly not many familes eat together anymore.
    • It puts you in a happy mood.

    Whereas I think yeah Christmas lunch is lovely... but I really couldn't stomach it everyday.
    But then I thought... How many people don't eat at the table with their families etc?

    So yeah, your thoughts? xD

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  2. #2
    I feel epic... Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    My parents can hardly be in the same ROOM together, much less the dining table! I couldn't imagine that everyday, it'd just be insane! The same exact meal? Everyday!? Wow... anyone who could do that is... crazy.

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  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Xanatos's Avatar
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    My family always has dinner together and it's really rare when we eat separate , but to eat the same lunch especially Christmas lunch every day that is insane and impossible. And judging by Christmas lunch in my country I would weigh over 100 kg very soon.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Christmas Lunch... Everyday? winterborn86's Avatar
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    I think having Xmas dinner everyday would ruin Xmas day, it wont feel as special cos you have done it all year, and also cooking Xmas diner is rather stresssful for me so it would probably drive me insane lol

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  5. #5
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I'm really not that keen on Christmas lunch so I definately couldn't do it for more than two days running. Just gets really boring and ruins the experience for Christmas. Not only that but the expenses would be gigantic!

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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I'm really not that keen on Christmas lunch so I definately couldn't do it for more than two days running. Just gets really boring and ruins the experience for Christmas. Not only that but the expenses would be gigantic!
    Apparantly statistics showed that it wasn't that pricey... because of the leftover fact.
    But then you have to think... if you had Christmas Lunch everyday, wouldn't you star fresh each day? I don't know... but I agree xD

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  7. #7
    I invented Go-Gurt. Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Clint's Avatar
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    I don't get what Christmas lunch is supposed to mean. I mean, is there a law indicating what somebody can and cannot eat on Christmas? I had cheese steaks one Christmas. That's not too healthy. That would also be really expensive after a while, too.

  8. #8
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Christmas Lunch... Everyday? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clint Eastwood View Post
    I don't get what Christmas lunch is supposed to mean. I mean, is there a law indicating what somebody can and cannot eat on Christmas? I had cheese steaks one Christmas. That's not too healthy. That would also be really expensive after a while, too.
    Exactly what I was thinking and what made me refrain from posting in this thread. Christmas dinner is always different over here I think. I can't seem to remember a 'classic' christmas dish.

    And you made me look up Cheese Steak.

    Looks like crap, but it must taste good, based on what's in it. (Cheese and steak, duh.)
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  9. #9
    Ellipsis Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Mother usually skips lunch and eats later.
    =m= She needs to eat more, because young peeps like her has to.
    The only family I eat with is always with the boys!
    If only....I could skip lunch like her....On weekends......
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  10. #10
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I'm still trying to figure out what a Christmas lunch is as well, but it could be because my family isn't really traditional when it comes to Christmas in general. We don't usually have any fancy meals for the holiday, though my mom does occasionally make a ham or something for it. (We don't always have Christmas on Christmas day either!)

    I suppose it's a moot point though as most of the listed benefits are all things we already benefit from. Vegetables are common in this house; we have salad almost every day and the only time we don't eat together is when I'm working night. And food makes me happy. =P

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  11. #11
    HRH Albha Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Aerif's Avatar
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    I think most people here are talking about a traditional British Christmas lunch, i.e. Turkey, potatoes and all the trimmings.

    Yeah, I love Christmas lunch, but even although there are plenty of traditional variations in Scoland (like steak-pie and haggis), I would probably get bored of the meals. I get bored of turkey sandwhiches after the second serving of them.

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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Ah, so that would be US Thanksgiving. I suspected it might be something like that but I wasn't sure. Makes a lot more sense now. XD I was thinking it was something else, I just had no idea what that something else might be lol.

    Yeah, I'd get bored of that real quick. As it is we only do turkey once a year because that's all it takes to get turkied out for the rest of the year. Well, aside from the luncheon meat but that's different. Though, I could seriously eat mashed potatoes every day of the year and not be sick of them.

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  13. #13
    Bananarama Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Pete's Avatar
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    Nope. I could not do a thanksgiving-style meal every day. I'd have to be in the gym ALL THE TIME. I enjoy the gym, but **** that.

    Plus, it would lose all it's significance and wouldn't be special at all. How special would the meal have to be and how complicated would it get if it were actually Thanksgiving or Christmas? I don't think my stomach could handle it
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  14. #14
    Gingersnap Christmas Lunch... Everyday? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Haha... by vegetable, do they mean green beans and mashed potatoes? Green beans are already a veggie lightweight, but canned? Useless. And white potatoes... you could do so much better than white potatoes. Now, sweet potatoes are good for you.... but not covered in butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows.

    I'm sure their intentions are good, but I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with this... Christmas lunch every day suggestion.

    But do I think families should eat together at the table? Yes. We do it all the time. I do it with my roommates. It's nice.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 08-03-2009 at 09:16 PM.

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  15. #15
    Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Whatever study you were seeing cited really needs to have its facts checked.

    Firstly, one of their arguments is that it would mean we have plenty of leftovers. Christmas lunch leftovers last for more than one meal. If you had Christmas lunch every day, you'd waste so much food that you could probably feed most of Africa with the wasted food.

    Not to mention so much of Christmas lunch is extremely unhealthy. Yes, there are some vegetables, but they're not even the healthiest vegetables, and mashed potatos with tons of butter don't exactly qualify as healthy.

    Plus, it's good for people to get a break from each other every now and then. Don't get me wrong: families should eat together frequently, but they don't need to do it three times a day.

    Oh, and it's almost definitely not cheaper. Christmas food is usually of a higher quality than other food you eat: even if you were to eat the same quantity of food over that stretch that you normally do, because the food is of higher quality, it costs more. Not to mention there have been scientific studies that show that flavorful food tends to make you want to eat more, whereas less flavorful food causes chemicals to be released that make you want to eat less. So, not only does the food cost more per unit, it makes you want to eat more as well.

    That study, uh, has serious holes.
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  16. #16
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Christmas Lunch... Everyday? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    It would be nice...But not Every day...Thats a little too much. and it is true...Not that many ppl eat together with their Families, unless its a special occasion.

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  17. #17
    If you ate it every day it'd start to lose it's impact until you just hated it. Not to mention the work it is to prepare a full Christmas meal, 360 days of the year. Yeah nope.

  18. #18
    Erm, no, thank you. I'd become really fat if that were the case. XD"
    I live in a quite good family, so we eat lunch together every single day (with only few exceptions, like when I go out with friends or something like that ^^), so there is no need for christmas lunch. There's quite some harmony present in my family, so no need for christmas mood. There is no bashing of others, we're all mature enough to laugh about ourselves. And we can't hide our problems like we do on the christmas lunch. I mean, nobody thinks about bad things on christmas, so we would all just keep silent. And someday we'd explode and then that would make all worse. xD"

    Did I mention that I'd become totally fat? No, no, no, I don't want that. X.x I'm happy when I have different food every day - then I can eat healthier.

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