I heard a funny thing the other day on a cooking program on TV.

Apparantly it would be a good thing is people ate a Christmas lunch everyday. Not only for health reasons but social ones too.
I guess this makes sense to some degree... but I don't think I could stand it every single day.
Anyway here were a couple of the reasons they gave:

  • You get the veg needed for the day (or something. You know the 5 a day rule?)
  • It is cheaper as leftovers can be used for after.
  • It encourages family to sit together at the table and chat. Apparantly not many familes eat together anymore.
  • It puts you in a happy mood.

Whereas I think yeah Christmas lunch is lovely... but I really couldn't stomach it everyday.
But then I thought... How many people don't eat at the table with their families etc?

So yeah, your thoughts? xD