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Thread: Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties.

    Well this thread has nothing really to do about pirates just something that id did today that made me laugh to myself. This thread is actually about swearing and curse words would you believe haha, anyway i am aussie for those that don't know and i swear a lot not on purpose it has just become a habitual part of my language mind you i do watch my language around my kids but as some of you may know situations arise when nothing substitutes a good swear word. Anyway i am not saying that collectively aussies swear a lot just 99% of us haha (Silver, Celeb back me up here) anyway the kids were in bed so i had no reason to hold back on my vulgar languge and i was cleaning the house when something dropped in the kitchen onto some trays making a massive clang noise that quite literally scared the bageebas out of me and i instinctively uttered curse words.. but the words i said were 'Shiver me timbers' not f*** or S*** or others but that phrase, i paused and realised what i had said and just cracked up laughing at myself it was quite unexpected it just came out.

    Anyway how much do you guys swear or curse or do you think us that do very vulgur and disgusting.
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  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    Anyway i am not saying that collectively aussies swear a lot just 99% of us haha (Silver, Celeb back me up here)
    Damn straight. Hell you're thought to be odd in some places around here if you don't drop the occasional chunk of colloquial.

    I tend to swear in my general speech as do most people I associate with regularly. I'm good at holding back if a job requires it, but apart from that it don't bother me what I say as much as it might bother me how some from elsewhere act towards it. Shit still stinks regardless of how much you decide not to mention or how much you sugarcoat it.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I swear a lot yeah. It helps to make yourself not complain too much. Just a good 'curse word' and you're ok with it.

    Like many Dutch speaking people under 30, I use a lot of English words. I tend to use 'fucking' as an adjective to indicate something is either really good, or really, umm, shitty/annoying. That's kind of the way it is used in movies. I also blurt out the occasional fuckin' hell.

    It might seem strange to you folks that people who speak Dutch swear in English. But that's just how it is over here. Although when my aunt from Texas, Dallas visits, I try not to say shit and definitely not fuck, since it's her native language, so it comes across a tad harder than when dutch speaking people say it.

    Well, you know how those people from the Bible Belt can be.

    Fuck yeah.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-08-2009 at 09:17 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  4. #4
    Hell to the yeah. Interesting article too. Swearing helps pain relief!

    I swear quite a lot. Neds in my hometown are overly fond of the word c-u-n-t; they will use it as a noun, meaning person or part of the body ('I hit him right in the ****', in that case meaning 'mouth'); adjective, as in '****ing huge', a replacement for fúck; and as a verb. A sample: "Th'on **** up in ma face, right ****. Smashed that **** in the ****ing ****, 'for he cud tell ev'ry **** bout the fightin'." That is not an exaggeration. I'm a fan of the phrase 'Th'on ****'. I first heard it in the sentence 'I was pure shoppin' wi' th'on ****.' It was love.

    I don't swear that much though. I say 'shit' quite a lot, as in '**** that shit', or 'shiiit'. But I know when to switch it off. When I'm a home I do swear a lot more, just because you get called posh if you don't drop frequent expletives.

  5. #5
    アズテオル Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Azuteor's Avatar
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    I don't swear as much because I know I'll get in a lot of trouble by my parents and the rest of my relatives. If I do, it always comes out awkward. I get the same feeling if I attempt to swear around TFF. Haha. My friends are not used to hearing me cuss and usually expect me to use safer and appropriate substitutions. (ex. fudge, shiznit, etc.) Hey! We were kids back then!

    I only cuss out of anger, frustration, and shock.

    I don't think it's very vulgar and disgusting. The things you say and my friends say doesn't matter to me. It's not like I can do anything to keep you from cussing. The only way I can see it as vulgar is if the person's personality isn't acceptable.

  6. #6
    Ellipsis Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Meigumi's Avatar
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    I usually avoid cussing/swearing as much as possible. And if I did, my mates would freak.
    It's not likely for me to cuss, knowing my nature(timid and calm lol), but it's also not likely for me to not cuss at all, since I'm not acting like a teenager(I feel more like an 20 year old at a young age- It's not normal for me to feel that way, I know).
    I've matured a year(or two) ago, and yet, I haven't cussed. But actually I keep the bad words to myself(Just keep those thoughts at bay).

    And no, I can't feel the pressure to curse at someone. Something about it feels so wrong and tainted.
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  7. #7
    アズテオル Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Azuteor's Avatar
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    Know what kess emmak means? Found out by listening to Natalie Portman.

    Haha, it feels better to swear when you say it in another language when you know most people won't understand you. ^^

  8. #8
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    When I'm a home I do swear a lot more, just because you get called posh if you don't drop frequent expletives.
    That's a funny world you live in.

    Actually, being obliged to curse lest being considered 'posh', isn't that kind of posh itself?
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  9. #9
    Sir Prize Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Sinister's Avatar
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    I don't get an opportunity to swear often. When something goes wrong, I don't talk aloud. No point in it... I'm not above commenting harshly on a bad turn of luck...but only when I'm talking to someone about it.

    I've gotten much better, for a while I cursed whenever I spoke. It get's tiresome, I noticed, and I just don't bother anymore. I tend to glare more than curse, which can be more fun in the right circumstances.


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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    That's a funny world you live in.

    Actually, being obliged to curse lest being considered 'posh', isn't that kind of posh itself?

    In a Scottish context, posh means rich, basically. I get called posh by the people on my (very working-class) street because I go to university. If I started swearing less they'd do it more. It's a horrific cycle, all their children sound like dockers. Goddamn, I hate that place. I'm happy to have escaped.

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I swear. I swear a lot. I don't even notice it when I do most the time. I know when not to though. I swear in front of my parents. I usually don't drop the f bomb around my mother though.

  12. #12
    When I swear, it is usually because G-mod failed, {probably because I set off about 20 hydrogen bombs}, or because I epic failed at something {fell while going up a staircase}, or am aggrivated.

    Then again, it's usually "sonofabitch", "****", or "shit". Never GD, hardly ever damn, and oh! "Bastard" is one of my favorites to describe people. xD
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  13. #13
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I will admit, I cuss. I cuss alot. It is something that is ingrained into my day to day vocabulary. I try to limit it though when I am around people that are not so profound with the curse words. I say I do alright in those situations.

    I will even go as far to say I cuss around my son, rarely. I try not to around him but it is hard not to. The only time he hears me say a "big boy word" is when I am really irritated or when I have found another way to cause pain to myself haha.

    I don't findd curse words offensive becuase they are a common part to my daily speach and have been used as filler words for a long time.

    I find them conviniant because I have a problem where I speak to fast for my mind to catch up haha so I use profanity to give me that split second to think about what I am wanting to say.

    I don't find it as offensive as other might deem it, the world today is filled with more problems then just a few bad words. If we could fix everything else then maybe I might think about limiting my extinsive foul vocabulary.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 08-08-2009 at 09:04 PM.
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  14. #14
    Gingersnap Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I swear a lot, and yet I don't. It's weird. I don't know, it's almost like I do it in a way that no one notices. I got a little belligerent one day and said a string of them, and someone said, "I've never heard you swear!" Which was weird to me. I don't think anyone would call me a potty mouth, but I know how to work some naughty words around. But most of my swearing is for humor (because I'm rarely mad) and I might say like... "Fuuuuuuuuck" through laughter if I've... ****ed up.

    When I get mad, though, it seems my favorite swear word is "goddamn" because it has two syllables I can really emphasize. I like that, I don't know. I like "mother****er" for similar reasons. And I like "goddamnit" as an expletive, but that's actually more for my own amusement than it is to let anyone know I'm angry. I picked it up from a friend of mine. Say his cat jumped up on the kitchen counter and he heard it from the next room. "GODDAMNIT!" And then you'd hear the cat jump down and see it run out of the kitchen. Ha.


    There is a time and place for swearing and I always try to keep it under control. I do not swear when it's time to be polite. And I don't swear when I'm aware of strangers around me, like in a grocery store. Someone might swear more than I do, but if I'm spewing profanities through the store, talking loudly to some friend, he/she might still assume that I'm trashy. And I wouldn't blame that person.

    So I'm really pretty well behaved.

    Dragoon, I like your story. It made me laugh. I love when ridiculous shit like that comes out instead of what you'd expect.

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  15. #15
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Though I'm normally a quiet kid, I can have a potty mouth on many occasions. If I'm just at home, I'll normally throw a few expletives into my vocabulary, mainly because it puts me at ease and there aren't any little ears around to pick up on naughty words. When I get irritated and start swearing a lot, I like to use the one syllable words and drag out their phonetic sounds, such as "shiiiiiiiit" (when I'm amused), or "dayyyyyyyum" (when I'm suprised) or "fuuuuuuuuuuuuck" (when I'm in trouble). When I get angry, I tend to switch between dropping some hardcore swearing, like "oh my ****ing lord!" to some funny name-in-vain-taking, like "oh my ____ ______" (most of the time, the blanks are filled with famous attractive women, like Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox, Katy Perry, Tila Tequila, and so on. I also like to throw in a "batman" at the end of the sentence from time to time so I can keep it fresh).

    I have my limits, however. Though I can swear to my heart's content at home without any pangs of guilt, I keep it clean at work. The kids that I work with can have some pretty choice words as well, but it wouldn't do any good by reinforcing such behavior for them.

    Also, maybe it seems to be a regional or cultural thing, but after hanging out with someone that I don't know too well, if I tend to "loosen up" so to speak and drop a few swear words here and there, I think it helps to get people out of their "shell" and people tend to feel a bit open with each other, so I guess swearing can be a positive thing in a way..?
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  16. #16
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Xanatos's Avatar
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    I don't swear not even close as I did before. I don't know what changed, what was the reason for it but now I swear really rare and I'm glad about it. The only time when I swear a lot is when I'm really and I mean really angry but that's a rare occasion.

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  17. #17
    Registered User Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. winterborn86's Avatar
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    I swear all the time, ever bloody sentance that comes outta my mouth has a swear word, mainly the F word, except for when I'm around mine or my partners family, I maybe 23 but my parents will still give me a smack around the head for swearing lol
    I really shoud cut bck on the swearing tho, my lil girl is starting to copy me, whoops

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  18. #18
    I admit that I swear quite often. It's not that I shout at other people, it's mostly just muttered to myself.
    The words I use most often are - who would've thought? - the f-word, the s-word and DAMN! <.<" I use the last one nearly every day. When I'm alone I say it loud, but when there are other people I tend to be very very silent. I think most people don't even recognize that I say something like that. XD"

    The other part of me is more aggressive. When I'm really reaaaaally angry at someone and I talk to someone about that person, I use quite... interesting words. xD" I won't say any, but believe me, it's the worst of the worst that I'm calling the person. Actually, that happened just today. I was muttering to myself when playing FFVIII about a person who got on my nerves today. And I called her... something like... (is it okay to write that word? xD") ... whore << >>"

    As you can see, I'm not the person who likes swearing, but sometimes it really feels good to just say something like that. ^^" My mother's often not happy when I tell her about people I don't like with that kind of words. xD"

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  19. #19
    I want to play a game. Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I have cleaned up my act and swear less often unless it fits the situation. Swearing in every sentence is not appealing and shows a limited vocabulary to express oneself.

    I must add this cause you put "turning into a pirate" in the title. A co-worker of mine is married and her husband has a friend who's brother talks like a pirate. And when I say talk like a pirate, he has spoken like a pirate for so long that, that is how he normally speaks now. He can't speak "normally" without putting effort into it. I find that to be quite funny and interesting and I would like to spend at most one day with him just to sate my curiousity.

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  20. #20
    When the occasion calls for it I can swear alot haha xD. But as a general rule... not so much. I don't know why really. Just swearing randomly doesn't feel right to me. Plus - when I actually do it has much more impact on those around me XDXDXD. Eh-hem...

    I have absolutely no problem with swearing, people swearing or being sworn at. They're pretty much common words these days. Although, like I said, I don't swear alot. But when I do I do.
    In normal conversation I can replace swear words with my alternative: Fudge, Sugar and Crumbs. Is it worrying that it follows a food theme? ;3

    Following the path for truth...

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  21. #21
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Arrgh i am turning into a pirate me-hearties. Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I gotta admit, I Do Swear alot sometimes, but not too much, but yeah...
    Okay I Confessed, Do I Get a Prize...LOL jk
    Yeah, Kilala is right. Swear Words are starting to become common words, more than Vulgarish trash, that used to hurt alot when people Swore at you. Anyway, Yeah...Our World Is changing, and pretty fast too I would Imagine.

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    My Lovely, Beautiful, and Awesome Big Sister: Dodie, Okami's Sister at Heart
    My Strong willed Big Sister: DragonHeart, The Dragon Collector
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    My Lethal and Shadowy, Yet Humerous and Random Younger Brother: Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
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  22. #22
    I ****ing swear all the god damned time. Seriously.

    I never curse around my parents, I dunno why. They curse around me but I just don't feel respectful when I do.

    However, I do think there are lots of problems with things being censored too much. Especially around kids. It sort of makes it taboo. Censoring things like music ruins the message the artist may be trying to send. There is a time and a place for cursing, and that should be that. It should be taught and learned when and where to do it.
    Last edited by Che; 08-14-2009 at 08:05 AM.

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