Well this thread has nothing really to do about pirates just something that id did today that made me laugh to myself. This thread is actually about swearing and curse words would you believe haha, anyway i am aussie for those that don't know and i swear a lot not on purpose it has just become a habitual part of my language mind you i do watch my language around my kids but as some of you may know situations arise when nothing substitutes a good swear word. Anyway i am not saying that collectively aussies swear a lot just 99% of us haha (Silver, Celeb back me up here) anyway the kids were in bed so i had no reason to hold back on my vulgar languge and i was cleaning the house when something dropped in the kitchen onto some trays making a massive clang noise that quite literally scared the bageebas out of me and i instinctively uttered curse words.. but the words i said were 'Shiver me timbers' not f*** or S*** or others but that phrase, i paused and realised what i had said and just cracked up laughing at myself it was quite unexpected it just came out.

Anyway how much do you guys swear or curse or do you think us that do very vulgur and disgusting.