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Thread: Amazing wonders

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Amazing wonders RamesesII's Avatar
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    Amazing wonders

    YouTube - Most beautiful place in the world: Prekestolen (Pulpit Rock)

    File:Norway Preikestolen.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This is Prekestolen a 600m sheer vertical cliff in Norway it is so beautiful and it is amazing how beautiful and dangerous mother nature can be, this is one of the places that i would like to visit before i die name some of the landmarks or wonders you would like to visit?
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  2. #2
    Whistling Songbird Amazing wonders Asectic's Avatar
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    A place I want to visit before I die ....
    If it was me, it would be Japan. For four reasons.

    First, for the animation part.

    Second, I want to see how a economically strong country runs like. Since they're stronger than either of where I live[d], surely they must have a key or way of getting that sturdy. I only visited there for a second at the airport due to a change of airline routes but I never officially went outside of that place.

    Third, is the electronics they have. Japan is rumoured to be the best there is. I'm not really saying this because I'm living in the country right next to them but because that's the way it is.

    And lastly, because they're next to korea, I found out that some words here and there are similar or the same. That's what really fasicnated me.

    I already visited other famous places such as the Effiel tower in France and the Colessium in Italy so I dont really have a need to go anywhere else. Maybe if I ever do take over my dad's company one day I probably will get to visit there.
    Last edited by Asectic; 09-04-2009 at 06:38 AM.

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  3. #3
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Amazing wonders RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athna Loveil View Post
    A place I want to visit before I die ....
    If it was me, it would be Japan. For four reasons.
    And yet none of those four reasons have anything to do with what this thread is about.

    I would love to see a lot of New Zealand. The nature over there is stunning from what I've read and heard.

    Also, Norway IS on my list. I'd love to see the fjords, like the one Rameses showed with that video.

    Less spectacular but nontheless beautiful is Ireland. I'm planning on going hiking there in the near future.

    So much to see. So little time.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. Amazing wonders Clint's Avatar
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    I've seen more impressive cliffs than those at Prekestolen (no I haven't.) Hell, I've dove off of high dives taller than that (no I haven't.)

    One amazing wonder that I would like to see sometime during the span of my life (my lifespan) is the Statue of Liberty. I swear, I've never climbed to the top of that natural wonder (yes I have.) Another natural wonder that I would love to see is Mount Rushmore. I mean, if it wasn't for the erosion of rock due to acid rain, the faces of the American forefathers would have never come to life in such vivid imagery. One of the architectural man made wonders that I would love to see is Niagara Falls, which was built by the late great Paul Giamatti in the 1940s in order to supply water power to all of downtown Detroit. Anybody who's interested in amazing architecture should check that piece of amazing architecture out.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Amazing wonders Xanatos's Avatar
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    Well I had opportunity to see some really beautiful natural wonders, nothing well known as Prekestolen that Rameses has shown but still amazing. And well now that I've seen how Prekestolen looks like I can understand why would anyone like to go there, shit now I have wish to go there.

    I would like to see Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, they're 108 m high and 1.7 kilometers wide (massive) and simply said they look unbelievably beautiful.

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  6. #6
    I've always wanted to see Iceland.

    Th place just looks so ridiculous to me. It looks magical. I want to swim in the hot springs!

    BTW, the video of the guy at Prekestolen scares the crap outta me. Beautiful, but why must he jump across the cliff edges?
    Last edited by Che; 09-04-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Amazing wonders RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos-444 View Post
    I would like to see Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, they're 108 m high and 1.7 kilometers wide (massive) and simply said they look unbelievably beautiful.
    How could I forget those. That's definitely on my list too. Same goes for the Niagara Falls, but they're not surrounded by nature so... meh.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  8. #8
    Tsuna Feesh Amazing wonders Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    Same goes for the Niagara Falls
    I always wanted to see Niagra Falls, but I've never had the chance. Stonehenge is another place that I'd like to see. I find it hard to believe three giant boulders can be that stable. Though, I hope I don't get crushed... And the Great Wall of China. Oh, and Venice, too. That place looks neat.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Amazing wonders
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    I would love to see Stonehenge as well. I know it's just a bunch of rocks stacked up and in a circle, but I still would like to go there. Kinda makes you think why and how it happened.

    Grand Canyon is another place I would like to go. I live in the US, so that one wouldn't be too difficult for me to do.

    Totally not trying to suck up to the Australian TFFers, but I would also like to see the Great Barrier Reef that's down there. It looks really fascinating from all the pictures I've seen of it.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Totally not trying to suck up to the Australian TFFers, but I would also like to see the Great Barrier Reef that's down there. It looks really fascinating from all the pictures I've seen of it.
    Oh my god, stop sucking up to all the Australian TFFers. Ugh, I hate suckups!

  11. #11
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Amazing wonders RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    I always wanted to see Niagra Falls, but I've never had the chance. Stonehenge is another place that I'd like to see. I find it hard to believe three giant boulders can be that stable. Though, I hope I don't get crushed... And the Great Wall of China. Oh, and Venice, too. That place looks neat.
    Three boulders? It's more than just that.

    Venice is something one should probably see too, but I don't like those places that are just swarming with tourists.

    And the Wall of China of course. Man made structures can be fascinating too.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  12. #12
    Asking all the personal questions. Amazing wonders RamesesII's Avatar
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    Mwhaha aussie has the largest natural coral reef and the largest sand island i have been to the great barrier reef but i was very young so i don't remember much, i love any oriental garden as well. Being an Egyptian lover i would love to see the pyramids the Sphinx the valley of the kings and The temple of my namesake and his wife.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 09-05-2009 at 01:23 AM.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  13. #13
    #LOCKE4GOD Amazing wonders Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    I would love to see a lot of New Zealand. The nature over there is stunning from what I've read and heard.
    Sh*t Rags, get your ass here. It's a lot better than what you can read about it. Wait 'til you hear it.

    I want to go to South-East Asia, then take the Trans-Siberian railway from Vladivostok to St Petersberg (i think it goes that far), then go through the rest of Europe, into Egypt and through Iran (yes, Iran), hitting India and Indonesia before coming home. I think that's a good mix of natural and man-made.

  14. #14
    Imperius Rex Amazing wonders Storm's Avatar
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    I'd love to go to the Amazon Rainforest. I'm not a fan of being in too much of a hot and humid environment, but to be walk through such a rich variety of vegetation and wildlife would be something I could overlook that for.

    I'd also live to go to Cambodia, as they have lots of ancient temples in the forest. It looks like something out of a fantasy novel. One of my friends has recently come back from traveling around Asia and Australasia, and Cambodia was one of the places he visited. If you stray away from the more touristy areas and through the forest more, you can find really beautiful ones. He's made me want to see it even more!

    I'd like to travel around Iceland, Norway and Canada to look at the beautiful mountains and lakes. The Aurora Borealis is another reason i'd love to go to Iceland. New Zealand has so much to see, so I would love to go there too. I'd like to visit the Ice Hotel in Sweeden, even though I hate the cold! There are so many places I want to see!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fate
    Stonehenge is another place that I'd like to see. I find it hard to believe three giant boulders can be that stable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16
    I would love to see Stonehenge as well. I know it's just a bunch of rocks stacked up and in a circle, but I still would like to go there. Kinda makes you think why and how it happened.
    I live just a short drive away from Stone Henge. It is really pretty and holds a great amount of historical significance and wonder, however it is really annoying that you can't get close to the stones. Its rather touristy, so if you're a person who loves to get up close in a place like Stone Henge, feel the stones, and meditate in the energies and really admire it, you'll be disappointed. If you ever do visit, I suggest visiting Avebury Henge too, which is close by. It isn't made up of massive megaliths like Stone Henge, however it is still a nice stone circle and you can explore it like you are supposed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos-444 View Post
    I would like to see Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, they're 108 m high and 1.7 kilometers wide (massive) and simply said they look unbelievably beautiful.
    I'd love to see those too. My Step Dad is originally from Zimbabwe, and he says they are amazing. You can see the clouds of water and hear them from the town, so they are really powerful. The only thing which would refrain me from going is how corrupt the country is. If Mugabe is out of power and the country recovers, i'd love to go. I'd love to see the Angel Falls in Venezuala too.

  15. #15
    the mysterious Amazing wonders gothdra's Avatar
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    I want to visit

    Egypt: I`m facinated by egyptian mythology and I want to visit the pyramids, tombs and offcourse, the Sfinx

    Japan: I love their culture and technology. thats the main reasons for me to travel there

    Greek: I want to travel here because of the temple ruins and the mythology.

    Withby: I`ve heard its quite beautyful there, and each year there`s a festival for goths I really want to go someday

    thats it for now
    Last edited by gothdra; 09-06-2009 at 04:17 PM.
    Nobody is perfect...That is of course until you fall in love with them...

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