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Thread: Homework Thread

  1. #31
    ViV, could you proof read this for me? Using my bad french vocab skillz, some of it might be wrong.. heh heh... Anyhoo, it's short, but I dun care...

    A mon e'cole intermediaire, je n'aime pas le profs, ils etais terrible! Il n'y avait pas casiers, et le lecons etaient trop longues, c'etait tres ennuyeux.
    A ma e'cole ideale, il y avait un grande stade et un patinoire de glace. Tout serait enorme, le cafeteria, le salles de classe, le toilettes... E'cole est geant alors mes etudiants sont comfortable. Je jour d'e'cole commencerait a 7:30 am, et les etudiants partent de e'cole a 1:10 pm. Il y avait 5 lecons par jour, la cavite est 25 mins, est le dejeuner est 1 heure.
    Par le premier annee (alpha), vous dernez faire ces lecons; maths, Anglais+Francais, la sciences, technologie, l’art, R.E, et education physique.
    Par le deuxieme annee (beta) vous pouvez choisir ces lecons supplementaires; Danse, Drame, Art de martial (judo, karate), Hist/Geo, l’etude d’anime, et l’etude de sorciere.
    Apres e’cole, il y a des clubs pour que les etudant participant dedans. Ils sont; Danse, club de FF, sports d’hiver, ‘Chanoyu’, et le club magique.
    Maintenant, ma uniform est… raisonnable… il est comfortable mais, je n’aime pas le modele ou le coleur beaucoup. Ma uniform serait le meme pour des garcons et des filles; une chemise blanche, un sweat bleu, un pantalon noir, et un chausseures noir. “Simple mais comfortable”
    La devise de ma e’cole sera: “Travaille dur, etuder dur, jouent dur”
    Il n’y pas le redoublement, parce que la classe set composee d’eleves du meme age. Et, c’est humilliant.
    Ma e’cole serait mauvais parce que quells etudiants n’aime pas l’uniform mais…
    Ma e’cole serait bonne parce que l’encourage les etudiants a avancer leurs niveaux de l’etude.

    Yeah, yeah, no accents, sorry, I couldn't be bothered...
    Bai bai!!!!

  2. #32
    drop them nikes


    Ok, I know a lot of people at this forum know about Biology, so I really need some help.

    I have an assignment to write analogies comparing real-world objects to certain parts of an animal or plant cell. Honestly, I have no idea what these parts of the cells do and I am really stressed right now doing Spanish, English, and other homework. If someone could help me out with the analogies or at least give me a little summary of what each part does, I would be very grateful.

    The parts that I need are:

    1. cell membrane
    2. cytoplasm
    3. chromatin
    4. nucleus
    5. nucleolus
    6. mitochondria
    7. Golgi apparatus
    8. ribosomes
    9. endoplasmic reticulum
    10. nuclear envelope

    11. cell wall
    12. chloroplast
    13. centriole
    14. cytoskeleton
    15. cilia
    16. flagellum
    17. lysosome
    18. vacuole

    Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.

  3. #33
    Darrk Phoenix
    Well, I hate analogies so I'll leave those to someone with a little more imagination than me, but I can help you out on what each of those parts does.

    Cell Membrane- this is just a membrane that encircles the cell and keep all of the other parts contained within it. A notable attribute of the cell membrane is that it is selectively permeable, meaning that it allows some molecules and ions to pass through, while preventing the passage of others. The membrane is composed of two layers of lipids, with their polar, hydrophilic ends at the center of the membrane and their non-polar, hydrophobic ends at either side of the membrane (this type of membrane prevents the passage of almost all types of molecules and ions). Passage through the membrane is allowed through proteins that are floating around in the membrane, which allow specific molecules and ions to pass through, and which sometimes even actively transport them through the membrane.

    Cytoplasm- this is just the fluid medium inside of the cell that fills the space between all of the various organelles.

    Chromatin- this is the DNA of the cell as it exists when the cell is in interphase (not going through mytosis; when it is going through mytosis the DNA exists as chromatids). In this state the DNA is basically all stretched out, and it's purpose is to store the information needed by the cell to synthesize new proteins.

    Nucleus- this is the center of the cell where the DNA is contained. It is surrounded by a second membrane to provide extra protection for the DNA.

    Nucleolus- a smaller body inside of the nucleus where the synthesis of ribosomes takes place.

    Mitochondria- these are oblong shaped organelles that produce energy for the cells through respiration (a rather complex process that you'll learn about later on).

    Golgi apparatus- this organelle is like a series of wafers stacked on top of eachother and it's purpose is to process various compounds then encase them in vacuoules for either transport within the cell or for removal from the cell.

    Ribosomes- these are distributed all around the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are used to synthesize proteins from amino acids (something else you'll learn about later on).

    Endoplasmic Reticulum- this is just a giant mass of membranes that extends from nucleus all throughout the cell, and is used as a transport system for the various things traveling through the cell. There are two types of ER, smooth and rough, and are differentiated by whether or not they possess ribosomes.

    Nuclear Envelope- This is just the membrane that surrounds the DNA of the cell, thus forming the boundry of the nucleus. It provides extra protection for the DNA.

    Cell Wall- this is an addition to the cell membrane that exists only in plant cells. It's composed of cellulose, providing a rigid shape and structure to the cells.

    Cholorplast- another organelle found only in plant cells that contains chlorophil, and is where plants perform photosynthesis (another highly complex process that you'll learn about at the same time as respiration).

    Centriole- these are rod shaped organelles that are used only during mytosis to separate the chromatids. They are usually only present in animal cells.

    Cytoskeleton- this is a series of small, rigid tubules that is present in some cells to give them extra structure.

    Cilia- small hair-like structures that extend from the cell membrane and are used for locamotion and to sweep up food particles. These are mostly found on protists.

    Flagellum- this is similar to cilia in that it is used to provide locamotion, except that it is just a single, large extension of the cell membrane that is rather like a tail.

    Lysosome- these are vacuoles filled with destructive enzymes that are used by cells to dispose of wastes, or in some cases to destroy other cells (such as in the case of white blood cells).

    Vacuole- a small sac-like membrane created within the cell to contain various compounds.

  4. #34
    ViV's Avatar
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    You tell me!
    Not bad Chi only thing is some of the time frames like you said I don't my teachers, they were terrible, it doesn't make sense you hae to say A mon ecole intermediare je n'avais pas aime les prof, ils etaient terriblent. You just have to do some minor fix ups like that proof read it some more... otherwise it's really good
    <center><img src=" postid=557597">
    Proud Wannbe Member of Emerald Knights
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    Yuffie is my cool sensei pal!

    Are you awake?</center>

  5. #35
    I'll be here to help anyone with any problems they have with these subjects:-

    * Maths
    * Science
    * IT

    and most of all

    * Spanish

    as i am the man in Spanish and cause my mum is Spanish too so ity helps. PM me if you need me to personally answer you any questions and i'll either PM you back or post the answer here.

    Happy Schooling

  6. #36
    Hey, I can help too (freshman at University, Medicine)
    -Italian (ahem...)
    -Biology and Tissues

    Just ask via PM and I will answer soon

  7. #37
    Hey guys, I need your help if at all possible. See, I am in a Speech class at my college, and my first speech is coming up quickly. It has to be an informative speech, and right now I am entertaining two ideas: the evolution of the death penalty, and the purpose of cats throughout history. Granted, they are two extremely different topics, but they are the only two topics I have come up with so far. What I'm wondering is what everyone is interested in, and I am hoping to get a topic for my speech from your input. Thanks for your time, and I'll let you know how it turns out.

  8. #38
    Hm . . . depending on where you are for the college, if you want, you can do the American Constitution and who it applies to -- how much it applies to a certain age group, etc. From those two that youve posted, I think both are interesting, personally. Though some people would like the Death Penalty more than the Cats.

    If you want it to be specified more, please tell some more information on teh guidelines of the speech and etc ^^

  9. #39
    The Purpose of Cats Throughout History is a unique idea. And can be interesting. You could invlude interesting and funny cat stories. I like to throw in a few anecdotes to liven things up a bit. Also, bring a cat as a visual aid.

  10. #40

    Okay, I'm really stuck on these terms -

    I need to know what a subordinate clause is, what a co-ordinate clause is, and also subordinate and co-ordinating conjunctions.

    Also, I need to know about what biological cues are, etc. Please help!

  11. #41
    Homework Thread Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Mountain View, CA
    yea dtn, phoenix is primarily right on all of those, just maybe a small thing on centrioles
    originally posted byark Phoenix

    Centriole- these are rod shaped organelles that are used only during mytosis to separate the chromatids. They are usually only present in animal cells.
    thats correct, but he didn't mention that the way that centioles seperate chromatids (this might help for your project)is by sending out lots of little strings called spindle fibers that each attach to a different homologous chromosome pair and then during anaphase, both centrioles (there are two, both on opposite sides of the cell) start pulling the spindle fibers in, and the two sister chromatids(thats just the left and right side of the chromosome) that make up a chromosome have to break up... I'll attach a really crappy drawing at the end of this.. but basicallly both centrioles pull the two pieces of the chromosome apart....

    originally posted byark Phoenix

    Endoplasmic Reticulum- this is just a giant mass of membranes that extends from nucleus all throughout the cell, and is used as a transport system for the various things traveling through the cell. There are two types of ER, smooth and rough, and are differentiated by whether or not they possess ribosomes.
    once again correct, but the reason that some (the rough endoplasmic reticulum) have ribosomes on them is seo they can export proteins out of the cell... and the smooth ones export lipids, carbohydrates, and etc out of the cell...

    originally posted byark Phoenix

    Ribosomes- these are distributed all around the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are used to synthesize proteins from amino acids (something else you'll learn about later on)

    correct again, but for clarification, there are also ribosomes inside the cytoplasm not attached that make proteins for use inside the cell....

    thats all I have to say on that....

    EDIT: Kiwi I missed yours... a dependent clause is a clause that contains a subject and verb (like all clauses do) but can not function as a sentence, here is an example:
    Because the frybread tasted good
    that can't be used in a sentence... hence dependent on something else, also called subordinate clause

    there are three types of dependent clauses, adj clauses, noun clauses, and adverb clause... whether they are adj, noun, or adv depend on what role they play in the sentence:

    Adj: I am throwing the ball that I won.

    Noun: Whoever gets in line first gets the pie

    Adv: While I was eating pie, Spekkio blew up
    an coordinating clause: I've never heard of those.... I don't think they exist

    subordinating conjunction:is a conjunction used to introduce a subordinate/dependent clause...relative pronouns also introduce a subordinate clause...
    Subordinating Conjunction: Because, While, When, where, etc
    Relative Pronouns:That, which, who, whom...etc

    coordinating conjunctions: those are conjunctions that join two clauses, phrases, adjectives... etc, these include and and others like that

    I went under the water and over the mountain

    The battle was won and the war was won

    I ate the bread that Mia gave me and you made
    I'm a 9th grader and am currently in:
    Advanced Biology
    Western Civ I
    English I
    AP Calc
    Spanish II...

    so if you have a biology question I can probably answer it... ask me nothing past 0 from civ.. English... if I've read it I can help, I'm good at Spanish, but math is my real forte (notice the calc thing)
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 02-16-2002 at 08:11 AM.
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  12. #42
    Help me please, for my winter vacation hw...

    If you were 45 degrees west, would sunrise happen earlier or later?

    I know it would be earlier but why?

    (I live in NY so 45 degress (3 hours) would be like California...any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks.

  13. #43
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    it would rise earlier because you are further east and the sun rises in the east....

    so california would get sun before new york because it is further east...but in new york the sun would set later than in california because it is further west....

    i think that should answer your question...if not......i am sorry...

    but heres a question which is tangent to yours.......i dont care....cause i am just makin it up now....

    why, in the summer, would teh sun rise earlier and set later in the North West Territories??? i know why....but it uses the info i just gave to you and lets you synthesize the answer...

  14. #44
    Look, the sun Rises in the West, Japan, Land of the rising sun, ever hear o' that?
    And NY is west, but CA is wester, so how?
    Also, anyone know the Sunrise and Sunset times for yesterday the 16th?

  15. #45
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    actually the sun rises in the east.....

    japan is the land of the rising sun.....because if you look on a map....japan should be in the east side....

    but i am retarded....i got my east and west mixed retarded....sorry about that.....but if you look on a map north american will be in the western hemisphere and japan will be in the EASTERN hemisphere.....

    i remember is by

    and by default....west is later....match up the "E"'s...

    but your question may have something to do with the rotation of the world....and the angle at which it sits.....and if you wanna know the sunrise and sunset you should probably go to your local weather network site.....and it shoudl tell you....

    im not too good in geography though....sorry about that....momentary mind lapse

  16. #46
    Oh, that's why dude, thanks...a lot rJ ...

  17. #47
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    glad to be of help.......

    although i dont know really what i said....

    im glad to be of help

    WHY CANT SOMEONE ASK A QUESTION WHERE I AM ACTUALLY GOOD AT (accounting, math, politics, law)

    on another note....i hope my made face seeing if what happens in the quick reply if you see something above my post...which is not a mean face....i have failed...

    edit - it worked
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  18. #48
    It works dude, it works...

  19. #49
    Please tone down the spam in this thread people. Especially you GZ. "It works dude. It works." What the **** is that?

    I have a question. What is the definition of spam?

    Oh wait, here it is.....

    Spam- n. 1. Food substance that Nobody Likes. 2. Messages that have no meaning/purpose/interest. See: Ground Zero's posts.

    As for a real question, at what age did Mark Twain Die?
    Last edited by Spekkio; 02-17-2002 at 03:15 PM.

  20. #50
    He asked about if his faced worked, I replied man...Also, Did you read the PM I sent ya?
    Twain Lived From 1835-1910...
    Oh, and Spekkio, for a mod you sure don't act like it, you spam also, and why are you acting like an asshole? What the hell is your problem?

  21. #51
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    i am sorry for taking this off topic....but spek was sayin nothing much....he was simply saying that this was almost spam....

    but i agree...he is not the anti-spam person he makes himself out to be......but he is not THAT bad...

    everyone spams sometimes....and he does it too....just some spam more than others....
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  22. #52
    Hi I am not good at math at all, and I need help if at all possible. I am doing my homework now, and we are studying exponential functions. Here is the question: "A one-page letter is folded into thirds to go into an envelope. If it were possible to repeat this kind of tri-fold 20 times, how many miles thick would the letter be? (A stack of 150 pieces of stationary is one inch thick; 1 mile=5280 feet). I know the equation needs to be in the form y=ab^x. but after that I'm stuck. I'm not sure what "a", the initial value is. I THINK the growth factor, "b", is 1.33, but I'm not sure. Thanks for any and all help!

  23. #53
    Darrk Phoenix
    The initial value a would be equal to the thickness of one sheet of paper (1/150 of an inch), and the growth factor b would be 3, as you are tripling the thickness every time you fold it. So your equation would be y=(1/150)(3)^x (for your question x would be 20). I'll leave the computation to you.

  24. #54
    Thank you very much...I'm really bad at math, so I have trouble with most concepts....thank you though...I got approx. 367 miles, I hope that's right. Have a great day

  25. #55
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    i need some help with a little physics thing....

    i need to propell my device ONLY by air escaping a balloon(s)

    it has to go about 5 metres in a straight line, along a rope/string

    i can use helium for lifting and i can use any type of string...the only thing you are limited by is only using air out of a balloon....

    you are judged by a grams/second ratio....

    my plan is to have a couple helium balloons to help lift some of the weight.....a pully attached to the string so that it stays in a straight line, and 2 balloons to propell the device....regulated by straws so that air does not escape and be inefficient....

    does anyone have any other ideas??? all ideas are appreciated....and i need it kinda quick...cause my prototype must be ready by kinda cuttin it short....

    so please please please help me...


    rJ floW
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  26. #56
    ok this isn't really like i need help solving a problem...well it is but u know what i mean, i need advice...yeah, that's the stuff, well anyways, i'm doing a massive school assignment and it's on terrorism, we have to do it on one event in particular and all it's concequences, i don't want it to be on 9-11 because so many other ppl are doiung it and i want a good one, any ideas?

  27. #57
    I need help on my math again, if possible. We're doing logarithms now, and I am confused about one problem in particular.
    log(1-x)-log(1+x)=2; we're supposed to solve exactly for x. Well, when I did it, I got -50, but then my calc said that was a non real answer, so is this a trick question, or did I just do it wrong (I usually do). Here is what I did:

    Now, even when I tried x=50, it still said non real answer, so can this question be solved? I'm confused. Thanks for any and all help. Have a great day

  28. #58
    I hate logs... but let's see if I can make this work.




    log(1.98019801980198019801980198019802/0.019801980198019801980198019802)~log(100)=log(10^ 2)=2log10=2(1)=2

    Alright... now to explain that hell... You can't raise the log(1-x)-log(1+x) side individually, you have to group it into one block, then remove the log.

  29. #59
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    Reppin the old skool since 1984

    well i just want to say that i am pretty much disappointed in this thread....i thought there were some good ol physics experts here.....and that i could get some good ideas.....

    but there is no good ideas......i was not helped by you guys at not mad, just disappointed......but never fear.....i got 1st in it........and i got 100% on the project........

    i just had to say that...

    on topic....

    there are many rules in logs......when you know them all then you will know the easy way to do the question
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  30. #60

    Heh, I just loved the amount of people, that felt the need to jump on the 'look what I can do' bandwagon

    P.s. You can ask me, but I hardly feel like putting down some bogus resume about myself. Besides, I'm sure yall can look around and gather what I am capable of, or in some cases you'd like to point out, "not."

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