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Thread: Homework Thread

  1. #61
    Hi there! today it's a special day It was only for me I guess it was the day that I decided to join to this forum. I think that I'm not gonna regret because this!

    Well I will try to be good! I'll promisse!!!!!


  2. #62
    Er . . Ive got to read this book, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell (I think that's it). I believe Ive lost my book, and I cant get to the public library. I dont know any phone numbers either, so I cant call anyone to borrow their book. Im just wondering, but can anyone tell me everything that happens in Chapters 4-7, in the case that I cant find my book? Ive got to finish answering some questions . . but without the info, I cant answer. Thanks in advance.

  3. #63
    Spoony Bard
    Recurring Mini-Boss
    Homework Thread Incognitus's Avatar
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    Tiff, try
    i think it should have some sort of chapter breakdown. I remember my friends reading this in highschool... if I remember correctly, this book was rather disturbing.

    Alright, here's my Calculus problem. Any ideas on this one?

    Suppose that f has a positive derivative for all values of x and f(1)=0. Which of the following statements must be true of the function

    g(x)= [definite integral of f, from 0 to x] f(t) * dt

    Give reasons for each of your answers:
    a) g is a differentiable function of x
    b) g is a continuous function of x
    c) the graph of g has a horizontal tangent at x=1
    d) g has a local maximum at x=1
    e) g has a local minimum at x=1
    f) The graph of g has an inflection point at x=1
    g) The graph dg/dx crosses the x-axis at x=1

    *note* - [definite integral of f, from 0 to x] is an actual symbol... if I could draw it out, I would.. and unfortunately there is no symbol on a standard keyboard for it. It kind of looks like this:

    ............ x
    ........... /
    ........... |
    ........... |
    .......... /
    ......... 0
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  4. #64
    Homework Thread Wookie's Avatar
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    OK, this seems to have been posted a long time ago, but I'll give it a go anyway:

    a) Yes, as we can see from standard rules. Let F(x) be an antiderivative of f(x), then:

    (d/dx)g(x) = (d/dx)[F(x)-F(0)] = (d/dx)F(x) = f(x)

    So the answer is yes, and the derivative is f(x)

    b) Yes. A differntiable function is always continous.

    c) This is true as (d/dx)g(1) = f(1) = 0

    d, e and f) As shown the derivative of g at 1 is equal to zero. This means that one of three things is true: g has a local minimum, a local maximum OR a turning tangent. To find out what is the case wee seek the second derivative:

    (d^2/dx^2)g(x) = (d/dx)f(x)

    This is assumed positive for all x, including 1. This implies that g has a local minimum. (Had it been negative a local maximum would be implied. If it was zero an inflection point would have been indicated).

    g) Yes. The value is zero, and derivative is nonzero (namely positive).
    Snegle spiser kiks!

  5. #65
    Ack. Alright, this isnt exactly considered homework, but it kinda can. Uh, Im going to need sites with a lot of info on Chinese Culture and History. This is gonna be just in case, cause I want to write up this essay thing (money prize ^^; Heh . . ) and . . yeah. Any help at all would be appreciated.

    Also, Im going to need some info on the "Vestial Virgins" too . . gotta write up a story or whatever on them . . @@

  6. #66
    Last edited by Widow Twanky; 04-07-2002 at 05:28 PM.

  7. #67
    I have a question, did the gov't under which Shakespeare live affect his writing? Like did he have to be extra careful about what he wrote, and were his boundries limited?

  8. #68
    Heh forget about the Vestal Virgins . .got enough on that. Thanks Llanowar! ^_^ And I he DID have to be careful about it, though I remember reading somewhere that he once wasnt. Something about a play that inspired a group of people who wanted to overthrow Elizabeth or something, and then he barely got out of that nitch . . ? I forget. -_-'

  9. #69
    Thanks a lot!! Now I can concentrate my research . . . woah! Yes, thank you! Now that I have something specific to work with . . .

  10. #70
    Alright, Im working on this Debate thing. The first topic I need to finish is whether or not to amend the anti-terrorism bill. Im going to need a little help on it (okay, maybe a lot ...). Thus far, these are the points that Ive got. The main ones, at least. Note, that I am on the opposition. The opposition wants to keep the bill the same.

    Alright, firstly, about the bill. As far as Ive been told (I havent done any research thus far, really), the bill lets anyone who is UNDER SUSPICION to be searched without a warrant. This means that their email could be read, their phone could be tapped, their bank account could be frozen, etc.

    1. Invasion of Privacy
    --Look above

    2. Directly Opposes Constitution
    --Bill of Rights, etc

    3. Racial Profiling
    --Well, it's more on the enforcers and not the bill itself

    4. WWII Japanese
    --The Japanese were pulled into camps around the time that the war itself started, I believe

    5. No Statistics
    --There are no statistics to support that Sept 11 could have been prevented

    6. Due Process

    7. Repeating Mistakes
    --Refers to WWII Japanese

    1. Pearl Harbor
    --Its relation, etc

    2. Statistics
    --passed 257-66 House, 98-1 Senate (is that right? I dont think so ... )

    3. New Advances in Technology
    --faster comps, etc

    4. People dont always change
    --Go in Jail, Come out, Go back, Come Out, Go back, Come out, etc

    5. Detained for Only 7 Days
    --I think ya get the point

    6. Time of Crisis
    --as was the Japanese Detainee, etc

    7. Could have been prevented [Sept 11]
    --nuff said

    8. Const. Amendments
    --was made to be amended.

    Those are the points I have thus far. If there are any more for either side, information backup would also be appreciated. Lol ... Ive also got some already written up stuff. Uh, Im going to be writing different topics in diff paragraphs, not in one whole thing, because we've still got to finish organizing things etc. It'd be nice if gramatical and factual errors were pointed out, etc.


    "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

    Should the Hours and Senate amend the anti-terrorism bill? You, I am sure, have clearly heard the words of Albert Einstein just previously spoken before. It is true that evil suceeds when good does nothing about it. So does that mean we should change, even eliminate the bill? Absolutely no! The safety of our people currenntly depends on the bell. And if the problem itself cannot be resolved, this bill will resolve it. Why, you ask? This is why ...

    Pearl Harbor:

    I am sure at least 99% of you know what happened on December the 7th, 1941. Pearl Harbor. The Japanese attacked the naval base, thus sending us blindly reeling into war. As you know, teh Sept 11th terrorist attack is often compared to Pearl Harbor. "Could it have been prevented?" Questions like so can and will constantly pop up. If something in the past is repeated in the present, there is now doubt that it can and will happen in the future. Remember Pearl Harbor and September 11th. Don't let it happen again. Dont change the bill.

    Alright, that's what Ive got thus far. Ive got a bit on the passing, but I havent finished that yet. So ... ?

  11. #71
    My request is very simple. For my group science report, the leader for our group wants us to do something on quantum physics, which I know nothing of. Can someone get me a good book on it? Thanks.

  12. #72
    Darrk Phoenix
    Quantum physics... very ambitious. What level of information are you looking for (ie is this for high school, college, what?)

  13. #73
    Homework Thread Wookie's Avatar
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    And what topic are you dealing with? I might be able to give a simple explanation straight away if it's not too complex.
    Last edited by Wookie; 05-10-2002 at 07:00 AM.

  14. #74

    Erm..Tiff, I really like the one you are doing. If you are still on it...

    "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

    Welp, I believe after thinking about this for a few minutes. That Einstein supports retaliatory action, or pre-meditated action. Which in the case of the latter, would require privacy infringement, or uncomfortable realism conditions, to ensure safety. Again, a world in which one or all live in (possibly constant)fear. I also think he would oppose gun control highly.

    Unfortunatley if this is true, he's almost from two political and ethical schools of thought here.

    On one hand, he is stereotypically advocating retaliation and anti arms control lobbying. Though at the same time to you wonder if he means to CONTROL such actions or methods. But I suppose that would eventually contradic the idea of the 'non-evil' people taking control against the evil.

    That is initially what I believe the right to bear arms strives for. Protection and in time of need, the ability to put down evil, rather then wait for evil to dissipate naturally.

    I know this is starting to spin off the topic of your project but try to read between the lines with contrast if you can. Find that the former arguement 'for' the bill, represents openly an infringement on specific, legal and documented rights. Moral and ethical issues that are now beginnging to be taken for granted and other misc. contraversial points.

    The latter, 'against', represents a semi live and let live approach. I personally thought the u.S. got an accumalative punishment, and on a political and idealistic level, got what they deserved. It was only a matter of time. There are many reasons why it was pulled off and executed so easily as well. They should not have started a war, especially in retaliation, and they only make themselves look even more childish by going around blind bombing for a single human target. To think, as if all the evil of the world could be solved by taking out one human, one figure of their own justice at a time. Strange....

    As for 'prevention.' The attack on Pearl harbor, could have been somewhat prevented, if not muffled and fortified partially against.
    There were ample warnings, but as you can read about or see in "TORA! TORA! TORA!" radar and visual confirmation were made, and while reported, the status receivers did not send word up to commanding officers. Thus the attack continued in what seems a completley secretive and successful fashion.

    Sept. 11th was a simple a product of the u.S. inability to quit hugging everybody and letting them into the country without second glance. I don't care if they are white, black, yellow,purple, alien, whatever, you DO stay intimidating, but do not push people around.

    There's a general misconception that 'searches' would be done with haste and inconsideration for a personal phsyical health.

    Well, quite possible, but cry me a river ya know?

    I would say advocate the bill, but I understand that they bill really does nothing to physically halt these attacks. My idea of complete border shutdown and boot of all non u.S. citizens, or 25 + year residents was prime. It weeds out the illegals, it kicks out the possible shady 'tourists.' It keeps transfer students from going undercover to extract vital info then transfer back with it.
    List goes on. Though again, that bill won't do that.

    So I have to say for now, decline it, and let them reap what they sow.

    GL to you.


  15. #75

    Angry Alistair MacLeod - No Great Mischief

    I have to write a 2000 word essay on this book, and I need a topic for it. If anyone has read this book, and has some topic ideas, (out of extreme fluke) I would greatly appreciate help from people.

  16. #76
    Homework Thread Chickenballz's Avatar
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    F***nuts. Well, as you can see here, I NEED SOME HELP. A simple request that is, jus someone PLZ find an article on SUBSTANCE ABUSE. An article I can copy and paste. No, that's not wrong. Why? We supposed to, then put a summary with it. Yes. And this article? Oh, anything would be nice, example:

    How to stop being a pothead
    Affects of Marajuwana (so I can't spell...)
    And whatever can relate to this subject.

    I need this by tommorow (Thurs. 6th). Why? Due date's 7th. Ain't that jus a kick in the ballz? And I just started...anywho, ANY website would be helpful. Thx.

  17. #77
    The sub didnt let us watch the video today, due to her being so uptight and half the class being a bunch of jackasses... and the book tells shit's worth. Lol, so if anyone knows basic stuff about "Genetics" and whatnot, could ya help me here? These are the problems..

    1. Using "T" to represent Tallness in garden pea plants, give the gene pair of a purebred tall pea plant. _____

    a) Is tallness a dominant or recessive trait? _____

    b) What then is the gene pair of a purebread short pea plant? _____

    c) Is shortness dominant or recessive? _____

    [Note: Im not going to be putting the ___ space as its faster for me to type without it.]

    2. The parent pea plants involved in a cross are pure tall and pure short. Show the resulting offspring through the use of a Punnett Square.

    a) How many offspring wil be tall?

    b) How many offspring will be short?

    c) How many offespring gene pairs contain a recessive gene for shortness?

    3. What are the possile results of a cross of two hybrid pea plants for height? Set up a Punett Square.

    a) How many offspring are pure?

    b) HJow many heterozygous offsppring will be produced?

    c) How many different gene pairs are produced?

    d) What is the ratio of tall plants to short plants?

    4. What are the possible results of a cross between a hybrid tall plant and a short plant? Set up a Punett Square.

    a) How many different gene pairs are produced?

    b) What are these gene pairs?

    c) What is the ratio of tall to short plants?

    5. What are the possible results of a cross between a heterozygous round seeded plant to a wrinkled seeded plant? Use "R" in your Punnett Square.

    a) What different gene pairs are produced?

    b) How many of each gene pairs are produced?

    c) What is the ratio of round to wrinkled seeded plants?

    d) How many offspring are purebred?

    6. What are the results of a cross between a pure yellow pod plant with a heterozygous green pod plant? Use "G" to represent the genes in your Punett Sqaure.

    a) What diff gene pairs are produced?

    b) What is the ratio of GG:Gg:gg?

    c) What is the ratio of green to yellow pod plants?


    Argh, sorry. Thanks anyone who helps... oO'
    Last edited by Tifa; 06-10-2002 at 02:34 PM.

  18. #78
    Darrk Phoenix
    Ah, good old highschool bio... been a while since I've done this.

    1. Using "T" to represent Tallness in garden pea plants, give the gene pair of a purebred tall pea plant. TT

    a) Is tallness a dominant or recessive trait? dominant

    b) What then is the gene pair of a purebread short pea plant? tt

    c) Is shortness dominant or recessive? recessive

    [Note: Im not going to be putting the ___ space as its faster for me to type without it.]

    2. The parent pea plants involved in a cross are pure tall and pure short. Show the resulting offspring through the use of a Punnett Square.

    Tt | Tt
    Tt | Tt

    a) How many offspring wil be tall? 4

    b) How many offspring will be short? 0

    c) How many offespring gene pairs contain a recessive gene for shortness? 4

    3. What are the possile results of a cross of two hybrid pea plants for height? Set up a Punett Square.

    TT | Tt
    Tt | tt

    a) How many offspring are pure? 2

    b) HJow many heterozygous offsppring will be produced? 2

    c) How many different gene pairs are produced? 3

    d) What is the ratio of tall plants to short plants? 3:1

    4. What are the possible results of a cross between a hybrid tall plant and a short plant? Set up a Punett Square.

    Tt | Tt
    tt | tt

    a) How many different gene pairs are produced? 2

    b) What are these gene pairs? Tt and tt

    c) What is the ratio of tall to short plants? 2:2 (1:1)

    5. What are the possible results of a cross between a heterozygous round seeded plant to a wrinkled seeded plant? Use "R" in your Punnett Square.

    Rr | Rr
    rr | rr

    a) What different gene pairs are produced? Rr and rr

    b) How many of each gene pairs are produced? 2

    c) What is the ratio of round to wrinkled seeded plants? 2:2 (1:1)

    d) How many offspring are purebred? 2

    6. What are the results of a cross between a pure yellow pod plant with a heterozygous green pod plant? Use "G" to represent the genes in your Punett Sqaure.

    Gg | Gg
    gg | gg

    a) What diff gene pairs are produced? Gg and gg

    b) What is the ratio of GG:Gg:gg? 0:2:2

    c) What is the ratio of green to yellow pod plants 2:2 (1:1)

    Well, that was a fun little trip down memory lane. ~*LOL*~

  19. #79
    Heh, thanks. Another thing though.

    Im doing this mock trial thing in my History class, where Im a Defense Lawyer for John Calvin, King Henry VIII, and Martin Luther. This is mainly towards the Reformation, but the main point is that they are charged with "Crimes against History", which would be that they did more harm than good.

    And right now, Im in deep shit because my retard of a "client", Calvin, screwed up big time. I need info for ALL three people, mainly anything that can be used against and for them in this. Any help would be MUCH appreciated

  20. #80
    You need help to incriminate Martin Luther ?!? Well he was an heredict, in the eyes of the church.
    Maybe Henry VIII, I could look up in my biography books and western history books.
    John Calvin... not sure.

    Martin Luther is the founder of the protestant. He was against the catholic church way of handeling things (he cald the cardinals and archévêque and pope a bunch of crooks (not in those words but he didn't like them)... god damn, I know I know more but the knowledge isn't comming out. I'll look in my old note books, not so much for you but because it's pissing me off.

    But wait... is it a big assignement. Like 30 mins and more exposé ? If not, just check the net and the dictionnaries. It should be enough.

    AAHH, I'm know more of the 20th century history. Anything you need to know on the Russian revolution, Bolchevik revolution ? Vietnam ? Korea ? China ? Japan ? Canada ?
    Last edited by Sakadik; 06-20-2002 at 11:55 AM.

  21. #81
    Blah, sorry, that one's over. Thanks anyways. It was supposed to be for a "Law Case", whereas Luther and Henry lost in teh End. I was Defense. -_-;

  22. #82
    good... cause I can't find my notes on western history anymore.

  23. #83
    <~~~ hasn't had Homework in 7 years MWAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa....
    Damn I'm gettin old
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  24. #84
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    I have a confusing question, or at least for me. Isn't water the only substance that expands when cooled? Correct me if I'm wrong, but my friend and I were arguing over it. I'm pretty sure I'm right.

  25. #85
    I think so, when you freeze it and make ice it expands. But that happens with any liquid, I think.

  26. #86
    unliMited mKA
    not every liquid expands when exposed to cold. water does because of the way that the hydrogen and the oxygen bond when they slow down. they bond in a ring shape, which leaves a big hole in the middle, so it's less dense. however, most substances contract when cooled.

  27. #87
    Darrk Phoenix
    MKA is mostly correct on this. To expand a little, when water freezes what's called hydorgen bonding occurs (this is a type of intermolecular bonding in which a hydrogen atom in a highly polar bond forms a strong attraction with an atom of another molecule with a high electronegativity). The hydrogen bonding causes the water molecules to be spaced further apart when the water is frozen than when it's in a liquid state (thus causing the water to expand). A similar expandsion would most likely occur in other liquids that form hydrogen bonds when they freeze, but I can't think of another liquid that does so off the top of my head. Other polar molecules might also undergo expansion when they freeze due to the intermolecular bonding present being dipole-dipole attractions, although I'm not absolutely certain about this. Non-polar molecules, however, will not undergo expansion when frozen, and rather will contract. This is because the intermocular bonding that occurs in them is almost always caused by dispersion forces, which can only work when two molecules are very close together (so their electron clouds overlap).

  28. #88
    i hate homework but it's also aanother form of studying and all i really hate it cz i just hate study and also it's just for tests and all but like i'm in Yr. 9 and it's really boring i mean we get homework right and it's still on our books coz we wrote it down and all but meh.....i don't bother to do mine but i failed last term and now i'm doing it but SOSE still sux and scince coz of my stupid teatcher that ppl call coffee nuts coz he spillt coffee on his nuts.....yeah

    but really i heard it from my mum and she does uni that homework is just a form of studying and if ya don't do it them ya get 3 warnings and then they right up ya perents witch sux ass it's happened to me i didn't do my history...coz it sux i'm really good at only 3 things and that would be math (i love it), english and comps thats all i'm good at and i'm not planning on doing good at the rest


  29. #89
    you guys aren't gong to tell answers are you? you should just help the kids out. otherwise this would be cheating.

  30. #90
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    Thank you Darrk Phoenix and Mka! Jdm, I don't think it's cheating if you also explain and understand the problem.

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