Yeah, gotta remember sassy, the first post of this thread set this thing up as a debate. Said specifically that it was intended as such, and that if you felt that someone didn't explain their beliefs to your liking, not to back down about telling them so. It also said "no name calling," but the thread's already failed there![]()
I agree with you though, that there's nothing anyone on a message board can say that's going to shake someone's belief systems so much that they're going to change their minds about everything. To assume that you as some block of text on the internet can do as much is fairly arrogant. However, this thread was meant for debate. It's not going to accomplish anything but cause bad feelings between people and reaffirm those who think they're smarter than everyone else, but eh. That's why I usually don't post in these things. Personally, though...
I believe in the Christian God, and Jesus Christ. I was born into a Catholic family, and events throughout my life have only reaffirmed my faith. I have a wonderful group of friends who have stuck together since Middle School, and they are all Christians now, but they didn't used to be. One was very much an atheist at one point, and wanted God to come face to face with him and tell him He was real. Another was a pagan, and another a Wiccan. Through the course of High School though, these diverse viewpoints and belief systems all came to Christianity.
We've also seen loved ones survive sickness when they were supposed to die. One guy's father was supposed to not survive the night, and my friends all went to the hospital to pray for him. He survived. More recently, his grandpa was supposed to have surgery on the heart that no one has survived before. We prayed for him, and he lived. The Lord has come through for us in other ways, too. Unexpected funds when we were running low on money, difficult tasks made substantially easier, comfort in dark times...
Furthermore, I love the figure of Jesus and the example that he set. Whenever I read the Gospel, I'm filled with a warm feeling inside. Living by his example is something to strive for, although I can't say I'm doing the best job ever at that, always. Also, Jesus was a historical figure. There are documents about him from that time period. Some people claim that they aren't legitimate. I don't know that I should take their word for it.
Beyond all that, I have taken college level courses in biology, I've done some study of physics, I have a general knowledge of such things, and my recent ASVAB scores would suggest I've got a fairly decent grasp. I have a friend who is much more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, as well; one of his hobbies is reading biology, chemistry, quantum physics books, etc., on his own time, heh. He could probably explain much better than me... but nothing we've ever come across that science has put forth to be the answer to the origin of the universe or life has ever been convincing to us. That lightning striking the water theory? That space dust being in perfect order to become a life form somehow, just by accident? I am not convinced. And I am aware that the more some scientists have studied the beginning of the universe, the more they are led to believe that all of this couldn't have started on its own. I've even heard that Stephen Hawking thought this at one point.
I won't say that I am super educated on the subject of all origin theories or science in general, but I know enough to know that they haven't found a satisfactory answer yet. All they're doing is taking "Not Creator" and putting it in the place of "Creator," with no great amount of proof that their "Not Creator" is even a viable answer. If they were honest, they would simply say that they don't know how everything was created yet. But there can't be a God/creator, right? Let's just squash that notion right now.
I am well aware that there are likely holes in my argument, that anyone who's already posted in this thread (or hasn't) will likely not be swayed by anything I said. These are simply the reasons why I believe what I believe. As human beings, we tend to take whatever information reaffirms our beliefs (or "mindsets") and ignore that which detracts from it. You're going to believe what you want to believe, regardless of what anyone says. Any change in your beliefs ("mindset") is going to come from change within you, and not from what anyone else tells you. So... my final conclusion is that this debate is pointless. I could go look for links to back up what I've said, but I don't feel like it, and my sources would probably be refuted by somebody anyway. Go ahead and respond to me. I probably won't say anything else. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom