How do you know god wrote out the 10 commandments?
Buddhism is older than any christian religion (by about 1500) and makes more sense.
Christianity is about 2500 years old and the earth is millions of years old, so in your eyes god was sitting around for millions of years and then 2012 years ago decided to create his religion?
Anybody who believes in an all powerful being living up in the sky always watching us and doing nothing to help is a retard. Its complete nonsense, as the years go by, more and more people are realising this and it will eventually fade out. Just like people who believed the earth was flat.
We are the first conscious beings with wonderous imaginations, god didnt create the commandments, or religion. We did! People who think otherwise cant and have not been able to prove the existence of a god without trying to refer to the bible or whatever. They pawn off their beliefs as fact which is just the height of ignorance and selfishness.
Christianity traveled like a plague across europe, heck America didnt have any idea of this religion until Columbus started feeding them the shit. So really, you're educated about this religion by a man, not by a god or supreme being, i honestly cannot believe people still buy into this crap considering all that we have discovered ourselves..
Have faith? no faith but what we make!
Humanity, please cop on and think for yourself and start LIVING, you're hampering your life with this crap.
