View Poll Results: How do you take yours?

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  • DVD at a time

    23 26.14%
  • Boxed Set

    20 22.73%
  • DVD then Boxed set

    11 12.50%
  • Download

    38 43.18%
  • Television

    33 37.50%
  • Youtube

    38 43.18%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: How do you watch your anime?

  1. #61
    deaths sadness How do you watch your anime? AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    i just will stick to the dvds and youtube

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  2. #62
    I use to watch them in some sites that are providing them free.
    But i am thinking about buying some DVDs of One Piece cause i like to watch it again and again.Here in Greece Tv don't show "serious" animes.Just animations for kids like Pokemon or Smurfs.

  3. #63
    The joke is far too true How do you watch your anime? loner-kid's Avatar
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    I'll usually watch it online, although I have started to buy the dvd's and boxsets. The problem for me is that there isn't really anywhere for me to get them, I mean there are few shops with an anime section but these sections are very small and the chances of it having something that I not only like but am willing to spend money on is slight. I don't really have that much money so I prefer boxsets because they're much better value for money

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    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

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  4. #64
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom How do you watch your anime? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    I buy the box setsand dvds depends whats in the store. then i'll get a few mates over have a coupla beers and some pizza and watch Anime. happens a little less now that we all have jobs or uni!


  5. #65
    Sephiroth's Girl How do you watch your anime? sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    I buy the DVDs often and watch them on tv alot (whenever they are on). I have started recently a manga book collection. Mainly I watch/watched Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, DB/DBZ series, Yu-Gi-Oh, YuYu Hakusho, Pokemon, Zatch Bell, Inuyasha, FMA, Ah! My Goddess, and Naruto.

  6. #66
    I tend to go by the boxset route :3
    Why? I'm too impatient to wait any other way... and get extremely paranoid...



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  7. #67
    Master of the Shadow Key How do you watch your anime? KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Boxset for my favorite shows (like naruto and death note). Otherwise, tv or the internet..

  8. #68
    Warrior Ninja How do you watch your anime? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    I watch some of my anime on DVD like FullMetal Alchemist =]
    normally though, I watch it on t.v ex: Naruto, Bleach 0=3.....but I also watch it on the internet because I forget what time it's on t.v. xD

  9. #69
    Mostly I download them. It's quite expensive to buy all the animes and I love the shows that are currently airing. And not every anime will be published anywhere else than in Japan. So there is no other way for me. .-."
    But when I really really like an anime I tend to buy the DVDs too. So that I can watch it again. >3 (Although I don't like that it's always dubbed - I rather watch the subbed version on the DVD ^^)

  10. #70
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How do you watch your anime? Xanatos's Avatar
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    I always buy DVD-s, because I buy them very cheap. My friend own's a quite large anime collection so he sells me me evrething at a low price. I have never asked him how he gets all those anime but my instincts tell me I shouldn't. As long as I buy DVD for 1,5$ everthing is OK.

  11. #71
    Registered User How do you watch your anime? Yesha's Avatar
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    I buy DVD at a time, and I watch it mostLy on my computer, aLso.. when I Like the Anime that is airing at a specific channeL.. I watch that too.. :-)

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  12. #72
    Registered User How do you watch your anime?
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    I picked Television and Youtube.

    I used to wait for my favorite anime to play on television. I watched whatever Cartoon Network and Adult Swim would throw at me. When I got Dish network, a whole new world of anime was opened up for me, and I watched more diverse shows than the ones I grew up on.

    When I finally got access to the internet, I found some sites that would let you watch full episodes for free. Now I just watch anime on my computer instead of on t.v. I am especially fond of the anime abridged series that are on Youtube.

    I don't usually buy anime sets on DVD, but I will buy the movies. I will especially purchase anything that Hayao Miyazaki makes. That man is a genius in my eyes.
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  13. #73
    レイール★レイヴン How do you watch your anime? SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    well..i usually watch anime on television..but i also buy it's DVDs and download it from various sites including youtube.
    i used many references to add my anime knowledges..



  14. #74
    I watch them on TV when they broadcast them and I'm at home(in this period very seldom).

    Otherwise I search for them on youtube and on the web, but only if I'd like to watch series that are not already bought in my country.

  15. #75
    i usually download first then buy the boxset if it's worth it

  16. #76
    your friendly neighbourhood Genga How do you watch your anime? J3N0V4's Avatar
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    actually all of the above although I generally download first then pull the curtains turn the lights off and sight in the dark with no clothes on(but that's just me )
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  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphİ View Post
    i usually download first then buy the boxset if it's worth it
    This is basically what I do. DVD sets are too expensive to buy without really liking the series in question, and there are honestly a lot of mediocre titles that I've watched a couple of eps of that I'd kick myself if I'd paid money for. Then there's the matter of great series that never got a proper US release (as far as I can tell, Diebuster only got released in that horrendous movie edit). For the ones that are good and do have US releases, though, I buy when I can. It just annoys me that part of that price is for the dub (which is something not good to me, to say the VERY least).

  18. #78
    How do you watch your anime? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Well, this is how I answered the question in this thread initially....

    Quote Originally Posted by SSJ4 Goku View Post
    I buy the DVDs one at a time or watch it on TV for the most part. I don't go for the boxed sets simply for the fact that I don't have room to display my DVDs and, since they're just going under my bed in a box, I don't need to spend the extra money on pretty-looking boxes. If it's one of those boxed sets that are released as good deals (i.e., cheaper than buying the individual DVDs, like Andromeda mentioned), that's another story.

    Nowadays, a lot of my anime comes from TV due to my decreased lack of funds. The fact that Trinity Blood and Bleach are coming to TV soon excite me (especially the former, as I've seen some of it and like it a whole lot).

    And then on occasion, you'll find me downloading fansubs, though NEVER of licensed materials. For example, I started downloading Monster over two years now and, while I've made very little progress in the last year (like...six episodes -_-'''), I still intend on watching it until it gets licensed (if it ever gets licensed). The same goes for the live-action version of GTO, which I started a little less than two years ago and plan on continuing my über-slow downloading of the series until I finish it/it gets licensed.

    But yeah--I usually get my fix from TV and DVDs.
    But that was three and a half years ago. >_<

    Nowadays, there's very little anime I actually watch on TV, though that's not entirely my doing. The only anime I watch on TV now is Monster, which I have to go to my girlfriend's house to watch, as my cable provider no longer gives me the SyFy channel. -_-' (of note, yes--I DID finish Monster when I was downloading it all those years ago. I'm quite obsessed, though, and want to watch its English dub on TV. I'm also buying the boxed sets as they come out because of how awesome it is). That's really all I watch on the actual television, though.

    Now, much more of my anime is brought to me via streaming sites (specifically, Adult Swim in the past few years and FUNimation more recently). Thanks to Adult Swim's site, I managed to watch all of Death Note, plus both seasons of Code Geass at my own convenience (though, with Death Note and the first season of Code Geass, I ended up watching them weekly/as they were released, anyway >_<). I've since dabbled on Anime News Network's streaming services (I started watching Gundam 00 on it over the summer, but I've yet to see it through to the end), and now FUNi has been providing me with two of my latest endeavours, namely Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (awaiting its return with episode 40 this week! ^^) and, at the suggestion of Kevin (Spike here on the boards), Higurashi ni Naku Koro ni ("Higurashi- When they Cry" is the dubbed name).

    So yeah, that's a pretty beefy portion of my anime watching. I still do the fansubbed thing, too. I've been watching Hetalia (just watched ep. 50) and Cross Game (just watched 40) that way, too. Also of note, the new (and final) season of Nodame Cantabile will be starting this week, so that'll be on my list, too.

    Of course, I still buy the DVDs, but mostly just in boxed set form (I -did- end up buying all of Death Note once they released the boxes, I already mentioned Monster, and I still need to pick up the other Romeo x Juliet boxed set once Borders has it off of back order). Of note, those were all shows I was watching fansubbed at some point (save for Death Note), so that goes to show that I do intend to support the industry by buying the shows I really like. The only single DVD releases I've picked up in the last year or so were mostly movies (a few Lupin III movies I hadn't yet acquired, the first Rebuild of Evangelion movie, etc.) The one exception was the one disc I was missing in my Eva platinum collection, but that was just because I started buying them years ago before the box was released and I only needed one more DVD to complete my set.

    But yeah, the point of that 2010 anime intake has seen a decrease in TV watching and an increase in streamed anime watching since August of 2006 (when I last posted in this thread). Let's see what happens in the years to come!
    Last edited by SSJ4 Goku; 01-12-2010 at 08:57 PM.

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