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Thread: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

  1. #31
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    all of u r saying that you need to buy and watch on tv.............THERE IS A THING CALLED INTERNET!!! go here>>> Watch FULL METAL ALCHEMIST Online or Download FMA - to watch all the eps and the movie in dub.........and they are making a second season of it!!!!! (the manga is totally different because most of the show was filler eps and the movie [like all anime movies] was a fake).

  2. #32
    The joke is far too true Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? loner-kid's Avatar
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    I watched full metal alchemist a while ago now and really enjoyed it bar a few choice points in the ending, I wont spoil anything but I'm pretty sure anyone who saw it knows what I mean. I'm interested in knowing how and when the anime differs from the manga, I know it's a little off topic but still.

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  3. #33
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    look down: vvv

    Quote Originally Posted by Fullmetal Alchemist View Post
    (the manga is totally different because most of the show was filler eps and the movie [like all anime movies] was a fake).

  4. #34
    The joke is far too true Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    I was hoping for something a little more specific but thanks for answering anyway

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  5. #35
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    well it means that the whole story (other than that they're getting the stone) is different so u kinda need to read it from the beginning.

  6. #36
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    I heard the 2nd season will be in the other side of the gate. You know, the "real world".

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    Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of Jalapenos! what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow

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    LoVeLeSs - Freaky Goddaughter
    brnthsdiscout - FF Lovin' sister
    DiaryofJane-Music Loving God Mother
    Unknown Entity - My sister and my right hand in the family
    Silver - Enforcer

  7. #37
    Oh dang, this brings back so much memories.
    I loved watching FMA when I was younger. I like the story, the style in drawing, the concepts about alchemy and more. One of the best anime series out there if I do say so myself.

    Some of the characters I like are: Ed, for being the hotheaded shorty, Armstrong, with all that muscle craziness xD, Roy, `cause he kicks ass, and Riza Hawkeye. She keeps reminding me of how much I love guns xD

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

    Just press it:


    Final Fantasy Fan Cid, my high-flying cousin
    Rocky, my older brother from another mother xD
    Unknown Entity, my Vincent-loving aunt
    LoVeLeSs, my awesome granddaughter
    diaryofjane, my music loving sister
    brnthsdiscout, my FF lovin' sister
    Dark Squall, my God Father.

  8. #38
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    Roy: "tiny mini skirts!!" xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Squall View Post
    I heard the 2nd season will be in the other side of the gate. You know, the "real world".
    well it starts there (well it supposed to) but idk what it will show.

  9. #39
    wow thats pretty cool,i wonder what it will be about. i thought being stuck on the otherside would sucked for full metal
    wheres all dragoons? We were suppose to meet here

  10. #40
    I can't wait for the new season! It's been like...4 years since the last episode "ended". I'm so glad it's starting up again

  11. #41
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    new season will be in April of 09 and it will be following the manga. (it also adds a new character that's in the manga)

  12. #42
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Somewhere with no killing...Eden
    Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this. Don't get me wrong. You can find a myriad of (at this point very old) posts in the annals of this section of the board (plus in my journal most likely) about how obsessed I am with the series. It's definitely in my top five or so, with Maes Hughes being one of my favourite characters ever. However, here's where the problem comes in:

    The anime doesn't start diverging from the manga for a while. True, by now we've got 17 volumes of the manga released in the states (and 20 released in Japan), but the first 25 episodes or so of the anime were still following the manga reasonably well. If they re-animate it from the beginning, we'll be going an entire season with virtually the same storyline, and it's not even too old of a show where you could at least argue, "well, the visuals will be a lot better" (like they're doing with the Evangelion movies, for example).

    Additionally, if they animate it from the beginning through where the manga is now, it's going to turn into quite the lengthy series, as the first seven volumes covered those 25 episodes or so, which means we'd easily be looking at a series that could reach triple digits episode-wise. Also, since Arakawa has made no indication that the manga's near a conclusion, that means we may run into the same issue again of catching up with the manga and having to create a new path again (which there's nothing wrong with, as I was very satisfied with the ending of the series, but, when your selling point is "based off of the manga," it should be...based off of the manga. -_-). On the other hand, it may not be a problem, as, by the time they manage to animate all 20+ volumes, the manga could very well have ended, as I don't know how much longer they could stretch out the homunculi story (unless they start a new story after that). But I'm rambling now, so I should stop. >_<

    Of course, I'll still watch it, devour it, and, presumably, love every minute of it, but I'm just saying they've got some hurtles in front of them and I can only hope they pull it off with as much success as they did the first time.

  13. #43
    Yes this anima is awesome to bad it ended. If you haven't seen the movie Conqueror of Shamballa the last movie for the series it was very good.

  14. #44
    Asking all the personal questions. Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Love it, Love it, Love it my favourite anime of all time i used to walk past it in the video store the hiring type and read it and didn't hire it not thinking much of it and then i finally saw a preview and bought the first one and i just went crazy and bought the whole lot and bought the movie as soon as it came out i absolutely love FMA if you haven't already guessed.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
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  15. #45
    Registered User Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? HUNK's Avatar
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    Well ever since Adult swim started showing FMA I decided to start watching it and I gota say I think its pretty cool.

    May favorite charecter would have to be Roy Mustang just beacuse he can snap his fingures and cause people to burst into flames! Thats so cool. I havent seen many episodes though.

  16. #46
    deaths sadness Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    i love FMA i been watching it for some time i started watching it when ever the first tiem it was on adult swim just a really great show

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA

  17. #47
    Sephiroth's Girl Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    your worst nightmare
    I love FMA. I actually got started by playing the game Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel. When I started playing I got hooked! Ed is soooo cute, and I love it when someone calls him "shorty"! Ha! He loses his temper and snaps. Armstrong is nuts and shows off too much, but like Ed, he makes up the series because he is funny.
    Last edited by sephirothsbigfan; 04-22-2009 at 06:30 AM.

  18. #48
    Fullmetal Alchemist!! <33333333
    This was the first ever anime I watched. I remember everyone was into anime, and I saw it in the shops. Blissfully unaware of anything about it I asked for it for my birthday.
    Then it remained on my shelf for like a year... unopened.... Until... This year...
    AND OMFG I LOVE IT!! <3333333333333333
    Eh hem... ^_^ so yes I would go as far to say it's quite addictive. I've only seen the first 24 episodes though... but I've ordered the next ones. I can't wait *Eyes glaze over* *.*

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  19. #49
    Warrior Ninja Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    The first time I saw FullMetal Alchemist was two/three years ago my brother bought a dvd about it and made me watch it with him....I'm starting to see a pattern on how I discover anime <.< >.>, when I saw it I feel in love with it =3... I love Edwards reaction to being called short all the time..makes me laugh xD...And I remember that the last episode made me bawl ='( It was so sad....After I finished watching it I had to buy all the mangas for it and read it...I couldn't resist 0=3...This is my second favourite anime so far...<3

  20. #50


    I also watch Full Metal and Inuyasha (corret spelling)

  21. #51
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Xanatos's Avatar
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    I have watched tons and tons of anime but Full Metal Alchemist is something that you dont see every day. FMA is surely some rare jewel a masterpiece if you like. FMA has interesting characters and story so great that the other anime series should be ashamed.
    This anime is on a way higher level than the others I have seen so far.I don't think that there will be any anime greater than this one. There is nothing more to say than this is truly a anime that deserves my respect.

  22. #52
    Sephiroth's Girl Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    your worst nightmare
    I love FMA! I got started with the game Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel and just got hooked! It was sooooo funny and cute at the same time. Ed is my favorite. I like picking on him "shorty!" lol hahahahahah

  23. #53
    Fox Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? fivetail_uzimaki's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist will always have a place in my heart. ^_^ Though sad, I still enjoyed it. Ed is so funny!! Gotta love the Elric brothers.

  24. #54
    Death Before Dishonor Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Josh_R's Avatar
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    FMA is in my top ten

    5.All of the gundams
    8.Dragon Ball GT
    10.Cowboy Be-Bop

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  25. #55
    Registered User Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Rnin's Avatar
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    I have watched every Episode starting from the very start. This anime was suburb in every way. The only thing that sucked about it was the ending. =(

  26. #56
    Death Before Dishonor Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rnin View Post
    The only thing that sucked about it was the ending. =(
    the ending was the worst ending in the history of an anime...I felt that the series should have continued because it had the potential to be even better than it already was....

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  27. #57
    If you have sat down and watched the entire anime, plus the movie, Plus played the games; Then i think you like it. I did that XD I LOVE fma.
    Last edited by AbbygaleM.V.; 11-26-2009 at 07:54 PM.

  28. #58
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Well, nearly a year after my last post in this thread and 32 episodes into Brotherhood, I think I can safely say that my fears have been for naught. While I'll admit that the initial episodes weren't quite up to par with where they were in the original series, that may just be due to my already knowing what was going to happen, as we had seen it all before. I don't necessarily think that's the case, though, because, having read the manga, also, I STILL know what's going to happen, but I still look forward to each week's episode. I think that, after a dozen or so episodes, they started getting into their groove, and I really haven't had any complaints with it after that. I think they've got a good think on their hands and the only issue I still see looming is that they may catch up to the manga before it ends in Japan, as they animate roughly two chapters per episode, and, unless they take a break from animating it or the manga finishes within the next six months or so, they're going to run out of material to animate.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see, though. Regardless of what happens, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it while I can!

  29. #59
    Registered User Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    Its Awesome i watched the First Series of it, i started to read the manga and its completely different.

    TheDigitalManga Channel -
    Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 1 -
    Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 2 -
    Bakuman Episode 1 Part 3 -

    I Think You Anime/Manga Fans would really like it!!

  30. #60
    .............. Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? smurphy's Avatar
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    I love FMA, it was the first anime series i saw( disregarding pokemon et al). The reason i loved it so much wasnt so much because of its humour which was great, but it had the darkest atmosphere of anything ive seen.

    Currently watching the fansubbed FMA Brotherhood. Im loving it as much as the original series but does anyone know why they are basically remaking FMA only a few years after? Its just that they are so similar.

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