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Thread: Anime suggestions

  1. #1
    Anime suggestions Ragtime's Avatar
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    Anime suggestions

    Hey guys I'm just on the look for a new good anime series to watch. The series that I watched and loved are Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note and Gundam Wing. So guys, if any of you like these animes and have any others that you like, please could you just tell me the names. Thanks in advance guys you rock!

  2. #2
    Registered User Anime suggestions
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    I watched all those anime. I pretty much enjoyed the ones that you have listed. I guess I could recommend one for you:


    It sort of has a mix of shoujo and shonen, so it appeals to both boys and girls. It's a little older, but it's still a good watch. It was one of my very first anime, so I might be a little partial to it.
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  3. #3
    Anime suggestions Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Thanks man, I've watched escaflowne a bit and i liked it, but i just didn't get into it. I'll make sure to watch that.

  4. #4
    .............. Anime suggestions smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    While i admit im no expert when it comes to anime your list pretty much makes up my favourites. Personally im quite partial to Bleach(i know, i know, an obvious choice) but if you like character driven anime i would recommend Planetes or Ghost in the shell: SAC. Neon Genesis Evangelion is quite good too.( BTW Visions of Escaflowne is actually quite girly, More so than it is macho. Still good though.)

  5. #5
    Anime suggestions Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    OMG how could i forget Neon Genisis Evangelion! That was one of the first 'proper' animes I watched. I didn't mention, but I generally steer clear of those overly long animes (Bleach, Naruto etc.) simply because they feel like they go on forever and ever.

    But thanks for the advice guys and smurphy, I'm no anime expert either, i just watch and enjoy

  6. #6
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime suggestions Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    I can suggest a few. You might like Black Lagoon or Baccano. They are both aimed for older audiences like some of the ones you mentioned and have action and such.

    If you like Fullmetal Alchemist, you might like D.Gray-man. D.Gray-man is pretty long and technically not finished yet, though.

    Finally, you might like Code Geass and the newer Gundam series. Code Geass is similar to Death Note in a way and is very good too. The Gundam series share similar themes, so you might like the newer ones of the franchise too. I personally think both Seed and 00 are better than Gundam Wing.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Anime suggestions kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    serial experiment lain is pretty freakin cool...and weird. and its only 13 ep. long. and like dodie said, escaflowne really good also

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  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Anime suggestions Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Well, if you liked Samurai Champloo I'm sure you would love Rurouni Kenshin, it's a little bit older but nevertheless it's a good one. If by any chance you decide to watch it I would also suggest you the OVA episodes, they're good but hard to find.

    If you're looking for something humorous than Golden Boy might be perfect for you, unfortunately it only has 6 episodes, manga is longer but I can't vouch for it, some chapters are rather bizarre.

    GunGrave would be my best suggestion, great anime especially if you're into movies like Godfather. I think there's a game on PS2 based on this anime, you might have stumbled upon it.

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  9. #9
    Anime suggestions Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Thanks everyone, and Treize, D. Gray-Man is pretty cool (I watched a couple episodes).

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    +1 for Black Lagoon. It's on an entirely new level.
    And judging by what you've said you liked, you *might* also enjoy Ergo Proxy.
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  11. #11
    The Quiet One Anime suggestions Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    If you're open to Shoujo, I'd suggest Skip Beat. You can find english subs of it completely legal and free on Crunchy Roll, along with a ton of other anime. They're completely legal uploaded by the Japanese studios themselves.

    If you enjoy Gundam Wing, it's always good to go back to the original source and get Mobile Suit Gundam. If you do watch it I'd suggest picked up Gundam Zeta as well, Zeta is an awesome series, but it helps to see MS Gundam first. Also Gundam Seed is to MS Gundam as Gundam Seed Destiny is to Zeta Gundam, more or less.

    Perfect Blue and Paprika are worth watching, they're movies and Paprika is probably one of the most interesting and visually stunning movies to watch in recent times.

    I have a list of things to suggest, but it helps to know your interests. I haven't really found an anime I didn't like except for Colorful.
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  12. #12
    O Rly? Anime suggestions Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Case Closed is an awesome anime, its a Murder mystery type of Anime believe me you will like it i was obssesed with it at one point, its reallly old but good, look it up, but you have to watch it, if you just read what its about its hard to understand. Lots of killing and lots of blood and some brutal ways of dieing as well o.0

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  13. #13
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime suggestions Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragtime View Post
    I generally steer clear of those overly long animes (Bleach, Naruto etc.) simply because they feel like they go on forever and ever.
    Arch, you probably named one of the longest anime out there.

    Like Andromeda said, we aren't really sure what genre you are looking for. You might want to try the new season of Fullmetal Alchemist. Right now there are only subs for it, so you would have to watch it online. You could go to funimation's website, and watch them for free. Right now it looks more promising than the first adaption, but the plot does move a little slower.
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  14. #14
    Anime suggestions Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Sorry I wasnt clear about the genre and stuff, because I'm not too stuck on a certain genre. And thanks, guys I have got enough suggestions (I have started watching D. Gray-man and the new FMA)

  15. #15
    Elloewen Anime suggestions ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    I am in the process of watching all episodes of bleach on hulu slowly. if your america- HULU.COM even has it in Japanese. its awesome and addicting. Im on episode 90 and love it. That's my recommendation
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  16. #16
    The Bad Boy of TFF Anime suggestions Block's Avatar
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    Re: Anime suggestions

    Macross Frontier, Jyu Oh Sei, Welcome to the N.H.K., Darker than Black, Honey & Clover
    Those are all pretty sweet. Jyu Oh Sei is my favorite anime ever.

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