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Thread: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

  1. #1
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

    Alright, im taking an introduction to film class right now, and the very first day of lab our teacher asked each of us to list our top 10 favorite movies and why. I found this excercise actually quite difficult, as you could just list 10 movies you watch a lot, but this spans all movies you have seen, everything, and really trying to think about why each one holds significance and importance. What makes it so good you rank it in the top 10.

    So take a shot, if you want to mention a series, like Star Wars, or LOTR, you can group them into one, or if you only like a specific one, feel free to list only that. You dont have to list them IN order, but try to have some sense of order.

    To be honest, these lists are always subject to change, I know the list I made in class then is not the same as I make now, but there are so many good movies out there, its almost hard to put it into 10... so yeah, here are mine.

    10. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I was looking for an excuse to put Pirates on there, trying to find a way to incorperate Johnny Depp, one of the best actors around, but I had to go with this. Tim Burton is an amazing man, with such amazing ideas, and it all breeds through in Nightmare. More people rant about it over I... but I feel its of worthy mention, The music is interesting and the puppetry is beatufiul. I think thats its best grace is the puppetry... a good holidy times film... watched on halloween, not christmas... hehe
    9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail- Easily one of the Most quoted movies of all time. This is a great comedy, just plain wonderful. Its a classic in and of itself, and will endure the time as just one of the greatest movies.
    8. The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd - This is a bit lesser known, as its a LDS produced religious movie, its going to be available on DVD soon, and I have seen it twice. It is such an amazingly powerful movie, its really hard to describe. On par with Passion of the Christ I would say. Just beautiful.
    7. Spirited Away- Hayao Miyazaki really has produced a masterpiece. It took me a few viewings to really gain an appreciation for it, but I must say, its beautiful. The artwork is just amazing and wonderful, really shows how much change has happened with Japanese anime, but also in animation in general. Great story, great ideas, good stuff
    6. The Mighty Ducks (I)- I have been on a 90's kick as of recent, and if there was one movie that stood out from my childhood. Its just one of those happy family films you return to again and again. This is something my kids will have to see, and it just has so many memories attached to it... great stuff.
    5. The Bourne Identity- This one is tricky, as you could get good and bad from it. I had to include and action type americanized film, but I like the format of the movie. Its one of the "based off the book but not on the book" format. I appreciate both for their interesting ideas, but they are seperate and different. Great psychology, and you really follow Bourne, and seem to know about as much as he does through teh course of the films.
    4. Star Wars (IV,V,VI) - You cant list a top 10 without this and the upcoming LOTR. Star Wars is simply amazing. The brilliance of it cannot even be fully comprehended. The story, the characters, the synergies, the ideas, the musical score. These movies are ones that will also endure the tests of time, and should not be forgotton. They take us to another galaxy and we are THERE... the Force is real for our time watching the film. The Special effects are also wonderful, and really do not show over the years.
    3. The Matrix- You really must see it. This is the true product of greatness by the Wachowski brothers. It really is. The story takes us to the "What if's" of our imagination. What if we could fly, we could dodge bullets, we could be a martial artist. Not to mention the ideas it presents, the future, the world reality beyond our own. The idea of being trapped in the Matrix without even knowing it. The action is so anti-typical of your action films, the story is different, the actors had to do their own fighting, they trained, they learned... ok so Keanu Reaves cannot run, but this movie flies.
    2. The Lord of the Rings- This really isnt hard. Its Lord of the Rings... Peter Jackson took us on a journey, took us to Tolkeins world and had us live it. We lived the wonder, the magic, the ups, teh downs. Howard Shores music is just stunning and spectacular. Pure greatness, bringing us to Middle Earth and back again, the series is a combined work of magic.

    and now for my number one

    1. Unbreakable- This may come as a suprise to some. M. Night Shyamalan made this after The Sixth Sense, and even furthered his ability to make a great movie that really just shocks you. Its intense, but not overwhelming, the story is just... really thought provoking, and just good. This movie is HIGHLY underrated in my opinion. The build up, the action, the intensity, its NOT what you expect, and I think thats why a lot of people dont like it. It really takes you on a believeable journey, it has you follow the ideas, the scene, and will keep you guessing at the same time. Its one that pulls you in and if you follow it start to end, the puzzle comes together in a perfect completeness... M Night Shyamalan is just brillaint, and it really shows in this work. My number one favorite movie of all time... a must see for all, Unbreakable

    Ok, whats your lists? I may add some additions to movies I want to note later, but im curious to see what you people have to say, what your interests are, maybe we can all discover some new movies, directors, styles, ideas that we never discovered or looked at before.
    Last edited by psychosyd; 02-10-2005 at 06:31 PM.
    Member of SOLDIER

  2. #2
    Sid Hudgeons
    My top eleven. Just cos i'm special.

    11 - 21 Grams
    Just a very well made drama. It uses an interesting technique where it'll intersperse what's going on in the main narrative with a quick snapshot of the immediate future. usually random enough to cause intrigue rather than irritation. the leads are wonderful here, and it's just pretty amazing to see everything somehow tie together in the end.

    10 - The Godfather
    Classic gangster story. I actually like Goodfellas more right now, but in terms of an all time top ten list you gotta go with The Godfather. Al Pacino is just fantastic. Marlon Brando, James Caan, Robert Duvall, it's just great, great, great acting. And to think Ford Coppola almost got fired as director for this movie.

    9 - Zatoichi
    Not the old skool zatoichi, but the Takeshi Kitano take on the blind swordsman. It's got just the right blend of action, humour and drama. The characters are great, with the film focussing on the secondary characters rather than the title character, which i thought was really wise. Zatoichi is just such a limited character in terms of development, which is not necessarily a negative. I also loved the quirky little touches like the farmers with their picks and shovels in rhythmic perfection, and the total randomness of the village festival dance at the end, one of the most entertaining credit sequences for sure.

    8 - Groundhog Day
    Hmm, I can't say for sure why i love this movie so much. i guess it's just that bill murray is pitch perfect in every single scene, the script is unbelievably good. just one of those movies i could watch over and over and over, ironically.

    7 - Desperado
    Well, I wanted to put in Pulp Fiction in my top ten, but to be fair, this movie is so shamelessly fun, and there's only one spot in my top ten for a Tarantino connection, so here it is. Great action, comedy, endlessly quotable, very, very silly, and salma hayek is smokin' in this movie.

    6 - Eternal Sunshine
    The movie is just so creative, well acted, and such a visual feast. Carrey is surprisingly great.

    5 - Memento
    Memento, master of the gimmick, but oh what a gimmick. Like 21 grams, it's shown in a somewhat unconventional fashion that allows the audience to see the world as Leonard sees it almost, setting up a scene by introducing it at a totally different point, and then joining the dots. lather, rinse, repeat. and sammy jankis, that story was heartbreaking.

    4 - The Shawshank Redemption
    Morgan Freeman, master of the inner monologue. I like this movie cos it's just so... uplifting. strange to say, for a prison movie that involves a guy getting raped, but it truly is inspiring. not the rape part obviously. fantastic story, stephen king wrote the original novella for this, which might surprise some. Infinitely watchable movie.

    3 - Lost in Translation
    Bill Murray again. Scarlett Johansson, she's so yummy. i'm sure everyone's felt that kind of loneliness before, just the feeling that everyone around you is a little alien. i loved at the end, how Bob whispers something into Charlotte's ear, but you don't hear what it is. i can't explain, i just loved it.

    2 - Fight Club
    Ed Norton, new master of the inner monologue. this movie is just... epic. nihilism was never sexier. brad pitt and marla singer are awesome too. david fincher uses CGI in the best possible ways, giving us the coolest shots and angles. That apartment exploding scene, where the camera flew like a fly around the gas lighter then down to where the fridge sparks, and similarly, the shot where the camera drops 20 storeys straight through the pavement, and around the TNT inside the parking lot. great, great stuff. It's a neat movie what can I say.

    1 - Donnie Darko
    This is probably subject to change, but i love this movie to death. it's just so... offbeat, the soundtrack is amazing. it's got a great mix of humour and drama. That scene with Frank inside the movie theater when he tells Donnie to 'burn it to the ground', it just sends chills up my spine. just an unbelievable movie.

  3. #3
    Hmmm... well, this thread is somewhat old, but I need an intellectual challenge... and sorting my top 10 movies and explaining why I like them is, believe it or not, kind of an intellectual challenge. That being said, here's the list.

    10. Kelly's Heroes
    This is a Clint Eastwood WWII movie from back in 1970. What I really like about this one is that it's not your average war movie - the title character is a sergeant who hears about a cache of Nazi gold, and persuades his entire crew to leave the Army and steal it. It's put together excellently, and this is one of those movies I can watch over and over again.

    9. Star Wars Episode VI: The Return Of The Jedi
    Back when I was a kid, I was a Star wars nut. When I saw the end, when Darth Vader died, I was crying. Now, I recently watched it again, and it's still as epic as ever. I wasn't quite brought to tears this time, but nonetheless, it still rules.

    8. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
    What can I say? This is an absolutely hilarious film about two heavy metal-loving teenagers who will go on to form a rock band that will bring world peace and harmony - but only if they don't flunk a big history assignment that's due tomorrow. So a guy from the future gives them a time machine and has them travel through history and kidnap "historical figures" such as Abe Lincoln and Napoleon for their presentation. It's brilliant.

    7. The Shawshank Redemption
    I first saw this movie a long time ago, before I could understand what it meant. Once I was old enough to get it, everything clicked. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are at top form for this movie, and it's a crime that the latter didn't win an Oscar for his performance. Another one of those movies I can watch over and over again.

    6. Seven Samurai
    The Western take on this movie, Magnificent Seven, was what got me into western films. So, naturally, I wanted to see the original version, and I had a chance to do that about half a year ago. What can I say? It's an incredible film with great acting and a top-notch story, helmed by one of history's greatest directors. Amazing.

    5. Monty Python And The Holy Grail
    I first saw this film in sixth grade, and I found it hilarious. The Dark Knight segment and the French taunter were most appealing. After watching it again a year ago, however, I began to see the deeper meaning to the humor, and that made me enjoy it even more. (Yes, there is deeper meaning. I'm not joking.) It's a comedic classic.

    4. Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
    Stunning. Absolutely stunning. I remember back when I thought that Helm's Deep (from The Two Towers) was awesome... but it's nothing compared to Pelennor Fields. Everything, from the visuals to the acting to the music, falls almost perfectly into place to create an absolutely epic film. The first time I saw the movie in theaters, I was in the aisle during the ending, on my knees and begging for it to never end.

    3. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
    The first two movies in the "Man With With No Name" trilogy, Fistful Of Dollars and For A Few Dollars More, were pretty cool. But this final episode bests them all. This is one of the original "spaghetti westerns", which were westerns directed by Italians, and it shows. Sergio Leone is my favorite director, because it just wouldn't be the same without him in the chair. But, of course, the most integral part is the actors. Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach all give (in my opinion) the best performances of their careers, portraying, well, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The final shootout, enhanced by a score by Ennio Morricone (one of my favorite modern composers), is dramatic and legendary like no other climax that you've ever seen.

    2. Blazing Saddles
    The only thing better than a dramatic western is a properly made mockery of one. Mel Brooks is a comic genius, and it certainly shows here. The story: The bad guy (the state Attorney General, played by Harvey Korman) wants to run a train track through the town of Rock Ridge. But the citizens don't want to go. So the bad guy appoints a new sheriff (Cleavon Little) who's black, counting on his mere appearance to drive the citizens out. But things aren't that simple. It's delighfully un-PC and makes fun of every single western cliche that you've ever heard. Little touches (such as Mel Brooks' portrayal of a Yiddish-speaking Sioux chief) also help immensely. If you're easily offended, though, stay away. Far, far away.

    1. Braveheart
    In the end, i'm a sucker for drama, and this movie delivers. It's based on the story of William Wallace, a Scottish freedom fighter during the 1300's who tries to free his nation from English control, and eventually pays the ultimate price - death. This movie left such an enormous mark on me that I can't even begin to describe it. It's funny, it's dramatic, and it's epic all at once. As a person of Scottish descent, this movie means a lot to me, and it was because of this film - and this film alone - that I began to read more into that side of my heritage. What else can I say? I love this movie to death.

    So that's my top ten. If you haven't seen any of these films, I highly recommend them - especially my top three.

  4. #4
    10. The Warriors - A gang movie from the late 70's. This must be the film i've played to death. Ever since i was about 5 years old til my early teens, i played and played this film. It's just the type of film that every boy would worship in that 'Movie Star' era of the 90's. Back in school when you were 7 and the only films that mattered were Stallone/Schwarzengger/Van-Damme. A street gang who are on the run from -every- gang in the city, fights, chases and not much else. Pretty mindless, but one hell of a ride. A film that will just stay with me always.

    9. Conan The Barbarian - Maybe the fact Schwarzenegger has little to no dialogue makes this great? Nah, great soundtrack, good fantasy story. I just get into this film so much, a tingle down my spine when Valeria saves him from beyond the grave in a blinding light. Giving Thulsa Doom what he deserves... a good ol' beheading.

    8. The Crow - This film is just sad. It made me feel for the character, imagine that everything is taken away from you and then your given the chance to get revenge... You would just go and butcher them. Brandon Lee's last film, who knows what he would have gone on to do, he was known as Bruce Lee's son, but The Crow wasn't a martial arts film and he did so bloody good. A shame.

    7. Ichi The Killer - An extreme film, maybe a little too graphic or disturbing for some... or most. It was just differant and wild from anything I'd seen before. A Masochist hell bent on finding the ultimate sadist. Kakihara in this movie just blew me away, he was crazy.

    6. The Wild Bunch - What I love about this film is the realism, these guys really were a wild bunch. They shot to kill wether it was man, woman or child. They weren't clean, well built, handsome actors like in a lot of other westerns, *cough*Magnificent Seven*cough*. A classic western.

    5. Predator - What's great about Predator is you just don't exactly know what it is until about half way through. Something moving thrugh the trees picking off these commando's one by one. Schwarzenegger's finest hour, what with dialogue like "Rahn! Go! Ged to zaa choppah!". One of the best 80's/90's action flicks easily.

    4. Nightmare on Elm Street - Do Horror film's even exist anymore? Shouldn't they just rename the genre 'intense thriller' or 'another redneck cannibal film', society is just so ****ed up these days, horror films just dont have the impact they use to. Nightmare on Elm Street part 1, still creeps me out though. I mean, whats scarier than a paedophile burnt to crisp... getting you in your dreams with his claw. You can run from Michael Myers, Stay away from Cedar Lake and Jason won't bother you, but you have to sleep eventually. Great Stuff. The sequals were weak and took a more comedic turn, but the original is awesome.

    3. Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies [Go to White Castle - if your American] - From start to finish, this film is just one joke to another. Most comedies have one or two 'wild' scenes that make you think 'what the hell', but every scene has you saying it with a laugh. From the crazy Burger Shack employee who wants to burn it down, to the crazy jamie kennedy appearing in the middle of nowhere and starting an argument about a bush. Great Stuff and John Cho is a legend and needs to be in more stuff, damn them for cancelling Off Centre!

    2. Donnie Darko - Mind Blowing, the first time i watched this film, I was stumped. I spent more time thinking abou it afterwards than i spent actually watching it. For most of the night it was all I could think about, so thought provoking and so sad. The scene that gets me is when the young boy asks Gretchin 'Did you know him?' and she says 'No.' Thats just wrong, so sad. Brilliant film and a great performance by Jake Gyllenhaal.

    1. The Goonies - The ultimate feel-good kid's movie ever. Everytime i see The Goonies i just wished i lived in some city where adventures like that were possible. I don't even think its aged, my younger brother asked me what it was a while ago and I told him to just go watch it. All i kept hearing for and hour an half was him laughing, he wathed all my comedy films and i haven't heard him laugh like that.

  5. #5
    1. Elf - A really funny and a little stupid Christmas movie. Starring Will Ferell. It has a funny storyline and it's a perfect Christmas movie. It was about a human raised by elf and came back to see his father. It has a little drama in it too.

    2. Napoleon Dynamite - Yet another comedy. It's very funny. The storyline is a little stupid(Or some say it doesn't really have a storyline...) but all in all, it's funny.

    3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - One of my favorite films ever. It's very good, and nicely done. The storyline is good. My favorite part in this movie was the Quidditch!

    4. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - This is my most favorite movie out of every Indiana Jones movie. It's good and full of action! Indiana Jones is so cool!

    5. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - This movie is good. The computer graphics used in the movie were very stunning. Not only the computer graphics but the real things also, of course.

    6. Man on Fire - A very good movie. The storyline is good and it's full of action. The actors were great.

    7. Titanic - Love stories are always good. This is the best love story movie there is, probably.

    8. 50 First Dates - Funny Adam Sandler. The story is good, and I like how they were able to train the animals like that.

    9. Mr. and Mrs. Smith - A very good movie, with action and romance. It's quite funny too.

    10. My Sassy Girl - A Korean movie, and a very good one. It's a romantic-comedy movie and it's really good. It has drama also and it made me cry a little bit.

  6. #6
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Green Angel's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Singapore, Orchard Rd.
    1.- Scary Movie 3: So Funny I loved the way they acted and all that I wanted to die of laugh when I saw the movie.
    2.-A cinderella story-. Very sad and romantic, it made my cry the first time I saw it(I know, what a crybaby, lol) I wanted to know if there was going to be a Cinderella Story 2 But there is not. I liked also that it was funny and the way they acted the movie was very impressive, the best part of course was that Chad Michael Murray was there
    3.-The pacifier-. Funny movie, funny characters, very strange, hot guy in it(the son)
    4.-You Got served-. A movie of breakdance! Yeah baby! I liked this one because it was breakdance, and I love that I even know a little of it its difficult but easy at the same time. The story was not very interesting and kind of boring but it was ok.
    5.- Freaky Friday-. Lol, Chad Michael Murray again, and another funny movie, except that Lindsay was there . The movie was very good and the lines were awesome. I even bought the movie
    6.- Titanic- I don't really like this one, but I have fun with it. I laugh out lout with the thigs they say. It is NOT romantic, its funny, besides when Leonardo dies he looked so funny and Rose! Jesus Christ! She didnt look like a rose, she looked like a freaking zombie.The scene at the end where Rose says "Jack Jack" that he is dead in the water was so hilarious
    7.- Fast and Furious.- Oh yeah Baby! Cars! The cars were real shit! I liked both movies! It was so impressive I watch the movie 5 times in a day! Besides Brian(Paul Walker) was hot and the movie was better.
    8.- Harry Potter.- Well this is cool because there are some funny parts and some mistery in it. I like this one cause of that
    9.-White chiks-. SURPRISINGLY FUNNY! SO GOOD
    10.- The hot chik-. HILARIOUS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!
    When I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
    Just smile back

  7. #7
    ok here goes top ten

    10) monty python- the holy grail, very very funny. i almost wet myself best film he eva made

    9)lord of the rings all of them though the books nicer the films were amazing but u know after i saw them my bum had gone completely numb lol

    8) star wars but only da old ones beats lord of the rings just because of light sabers wow i want 1

    7) Evil dead - zombies raahhhh!!!

    6)house of wax 1958- i love black n white horror pure genius

    5) house of wax 2004 (i think)- sori beats da old 1 for 1 reason chad michael murry lol

    4)its getting tricky id have to say- silence of da lambs wow go jodie foster but y didn't u do a squeal? and antony hopkins was the perfect hanabil lector!

    3) Saw- i just love this movie! it is so pyscolocically (sp) brillant, but dat clown on da bike scary!

    2) Scream- gr8 humor n da phonme calls were gr8, i watched this wiv my m8 who isnt 2 keen on horror movie n now she won't answer da phone or go 2 da school toilets by herself cuz there just 2 similar 2 da ones in da movie. it scarred her for life lol

    1) ok muba 1 has got 2 be nightmare on elm street but just da 1st one, i can watch this movie ova n ova again n neva get bored i mean man eating beds da best creation eva!!!

    ok thats my top ten most of them horror but thats just me!!

  8. #8
    10 - Queen of the Damned - stuart townsend in that movie is so hot it burns. maybe that's just me. n.n' though i like the book much better, the movie has some awsome freakin music, and the dvd has some killer music videos.

    9 - Fright Night (one and two) - they're so cheesy! i love old fashioned vampire movies. plus i love roddy mcdowell. n.n

    8 - the original Planet of the Apes movies - though not all of them had roddy mcdowell in them, i love them for their sheer hilarity. just picture it... the planet earth, ruled by the same creatures we all evolved from (well, according to science that is)

    7 - FF: The Spirits Within - okay, this movie sucked major balls. but i have to admit, i still watch it from time to time just so i can keep on track with my theory of trying to prove that all ff games are connected in some complex way (and no, that does not include the fact that many of them had chocobos)

    6 - all three Sailor Moon movies - okay okay! i admit it! i'm a uber fanboy. but it's not what you think! i don't watch because of all the girls in short skirts. oh no. i watch because of tuxedo kamen.

    5 - Audition - the scarriest horror movie i've ever freakin seen. seriously, my number one fave around halloween just because it's so gross.

    4 - hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy - the books in the series were hilarious! plus, i love the manically depressed robot. he's just so awsome, what with his massive intellect and all.

    3 - Matrix - yes. all of them, including the Animatrix. i'm paranoid as hell, and for all i know, that could be precisely what's going on. i love sci-fi and kung-fu movies, so it's like, the best of both worlds.

    2 - Lord of the Rings trillogy - orlando bloom is just so hot. that's the main reason. the other reason is very personal. i had surgery a few years back that almost killed me, and my mom bought me the first lotr movie to keep me preoccupied. ever since, i've been addicted to the thing! when i have a bad day, i just pop in the extended dvds and zone out till i feel better.

    1 - FFVII:Advent Children - this movie... i can't express it in words without feeling that i have cheated the thing of it's supernatural greatness. all hail this movie, and it's godliness! when i saw it, it changed my life. and that's all i'll say.

    and yes... i am such a nerd. get over it.

  9. #9

    Lightbulb my top10

    here we go then

    Notable mentions: Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, troy, kingdom of heaven, bill and ted, reservoir dogs, jackie brown, kill bill vol 1 and 2, enter the dragon, fist of fury, big boss.

    10. Gladiator
    Being a big fan of the era its set in (Roman) i thoroughlly enjoyed this film. It is a epic film, and for once actually lived upto the hype a film in this genre generally gets. Also Russel Crowe is brilliant in it and with Gladiator, it has the last performance of a legend Oliver Reed.

    9. The Goonies
    Haha this was my favourite film for more tan 5 years as a kid. I recorded it off the TV and still watch it. The variety of personalities in the group of kids, the evil bad guys, the pirate setting, the truffle shuffle! and the hilarious Slaw (im not sure if thats the name but he is the weird troll type character)

    8. Trainspotting
    Gives a grizzly realistic look at UK junkies which has some of the funniest moments in a film i have ever seen. Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle are fantastic in it. It also has a great soundtrack with Iggy Pop, Underworld and Elastica on it.

    7. Fight Club
    I have never been able to fully understand Fight club but maybe i just haven't truly realised what the message is. I think its about how crap society is, however it could be about paranoia, fascism, insanity.
    Apart from that it has great acting from Brad Pitt and Ed Norton especially on the humour scenes. It is VERY funny.

    6. Saw/Saw2
    Original, intelligent, clever, shocking. These 4 words sum up the "SAW" films. In both films (in particular Saw1) the acting is quite good, especially from Leigh Whannell in the first film. The best bit about these films is for me, it always leaves you wanting to see more.

    5. Lord of the Rings
    Put Peter Jacksons name on the map, made stars/or bigger stars of ALL the leading cast. If you look in the dictionary next to epic you should see LotR next to it. The acting is good, the make-up is great (orcs!!!) and the story is flawless. Although some parts of the book were left out, it doesnt matter when the film is this good. The fight scenes were sometimes cheesy(Gimli) but they were always done well. Second best series ever

    "Nobody Tosses a Dwarf!"

    4. Pulp Fiction
    I could of put any Tarantino film up here and justifyed it, its just Pulp Fiction is my fave. 3 interlocking stories, all in non-chronological order makes great viewing and more importantly makes you watch it again. A great cast also does no harm with Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta and Bruce Willis the most notable performaces.

    "ENGLISH MOTHER ****er do you speak it!"

    3. Star Wars (1,2,3,4,5,6)
    The greatest series ever. The most profitable film series ever. You just cannot beat star wars in terms of film series. The futuristic setting is spot on, the characters are unforgettable and the story is pretty awesome as well.
    So many classic moments, Obi-Wan + Qui Gon vs Darth Maul, Samuel L Jacksons purple lightsabre, the X-Wing deathstar trench run, frozen in carbonite, Darth Vader(in general!), and a million more.

    "The Force will be with you...always!"

    2. Waynes World 1+2
    The funniest film ever IMO. I think what stuck out for me in this film is the partnership between Mike Myers and Dana Carvey, you actually truly believe this is 2 best mates making a stupid film. Also their no let-up in the humour, its non-stop laughs. The plot is ok (for a comedy) but i especially laughed at Del Preston and the ghost of Jim Morrison and also the weird naked indian!


    1. Amelie
    At the moment this is my favourite film ever. Audrey Tautou plays Amelie who is a quirky girl who decides to cheer up everyone around her to achieve happiness. She does not crave love but eventually...Ahh just watch the film to see the plot.

    It is brilliant in its simplicity, its wit and also something i found out recently that it uses computer graphics to show characters emotions more vividly. It also is in french but with english subtitles, but don't let that put you off, it is still one of the most replayable films ive ever seen. It's another where you have to watch it a few times to work out everything.

  10. #10
    10 Ferris Buellers Day Off-I think i've seen this movie more than anyone. It has great quotes, and music, like yello's "Oh Yeah". Not to mention the Ferrari 250 GT California. This movie eveyone knows and I won't explain it anymore.

    9 Back to the Future II- I know it's a bit random but this was my childhood movie, i can't even remember the amount of times that i've watched it, it's a classic to me and always will be.

    8 Kingpin- This movie is one of the most underated comedies ever. The Farly brothers follow up from Dumb and Dumber, didn't do so as well, but still delivers. It follows a washed up bowler, who coaches an amish bowler to Reno Nevada, so they can enter a bowling contest to win 1 million dollars. Bill Murray plays as the rival in tis film which really is wonderful to see him as the jackass Big Earn McCracken. The humor is stupid, but I still get a laugh out of it.

    7 dumb and Dumber- This is the movie that i have seen far to many times. Jim Carrey and Jeff Bridges play best friends who are going to find a girl in Aspen, from Rhode Island. The humor is quite plain and obvious, and i wouldn't have it any other way. Even though i've seen it so much that I don't laugh at almost any of the jokes it's one that I will never forget about.

    6 Die Hard- This movies has so much balls to the walls action it's a must like. Bruce Willis does a great job firing off cliche lines, and bullets in this one. It's the first action movie I ever really watched and I still watch it every year around Christmas time. I can't give a solid reason on why I like this movie so much, it's just one of those films that I know is cheezy, but i'd still watch it.

    5 Chicago- One of the few musicals I really like alot. This has the right roles for the right actors, and actresses. The songs are based around the time of vaudville and it sounds wonderful. In a very light hearted way it shows the sleazyness of the world we live in, while it stylizes it to some spectacular jazz. I can't express how much this movie rules, it just hits all the right notes for me, and i highly recomend it.

    4 Collateral- I'm not a big fan of Tom Cruise, but this is one of those exceptions. a hitman, and a cab driver go through L.A. while he takes care of business. The tone of the film is very dark between the 2 characters Cruise has a very cynical outlook on life, and is willing to adapt, and stay on his feet. Jamie Fox is a very predictable cab driver, who has bigger aspirations, but only dreams it while he lives his life away with a false hope. It's so serious, and cold showing how life is it's hard to not love this movie

    3 Training Day- A movie that shows 2 different types of people, one being a rookie and the other a crooked narc. It shows how someone can change with time in the business, if you let give in to the lifestyle. While some people give in others say no. A very good mix of action and drama.

    2 Rocky-Yeah it's Sly Stallone in one of the only good movies he's ever done. He wrote, and starred in this movie of a Phili small time boxer, who took the wrong path in life and is now a bum. He gets a second chance and does exactly what he plans to do, go the distance. The sequals suck, but this is one of the most inspirational movies ever, hands down.

    1 A Clockwork Orange- It's the only movie that i've ever seen where some of the most horrifying things can be put into such beauty. The elquant ways of being the leader of a gang, to a prisoner to a free man with wonderful music, and excellent dialogue Not to mention it's Kubrick film.
    Last edited by Maridia; 11-24-2005 at 05:02 PM.

  11. #11
    ViV's Avatar
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    You tell me!
    My Top 10ish:

    I cannot in anyway order this at present, it would be way too arduous a task. I don't even feel right mentioning these 10 and not others, so these were the first that sprung to mind, I won't edit what's on here, because I still love 'em all

    Dazed and Confused - Dazed and Confused is my personal favourite teen comedy of all time, and I think that objectively, it is one of the best teen comedies of all time. I love Richard Linklater's slice of life films, all of them, but this one sprung to mind first as being the one I like the best. I can watch it no matter what mood I'm in, and I love it for that. Plus, I mean, it totally has Parker Posey
    In the Mood for Love - This is my favourite WKW film. Maggie Cheung. It has the two best performances (I believe) of his oeuvre, and is the most sumptuous by far. The costumes, the sets, all of the details are perfect. This also has some of the most beautiful cinematography of any film, ever, thanks to the fantastic Christopher Doyle. Maggie Cheung. I dig the soundtrack. Maggie Cheung.
    Pulp Fiction - Pulp Fiction was one of the first movies I saw when I began to become interested in film, because I heard it was a good film. It became one of my favs and has remained so. The screenplay is fantastic, and Samuel L. is a hoot!
    Rear Window - I didn't know which Hitchcock I preferred. Vertigo, Rebecca, Psycho, etc. But Rear Window finally emerged triumphant. Fantastic film. Jimmy Stewart is at his best, and Grace Kelly never looked more beautiful.
    Fargo - The Coen's are fantastic. The script is brilliant and Frances McDormand is to die for. I love the way that the plot unfolds. Plus, (spoiler) the woodchipper scene (/spoiler) is deliciously infamous. William H. was robbed.
    Almost Famous - The movie that got me into movies. Nuff.
    Lost in Translation - I just.. adore the pace, and the cinematography, and the performances, and the atmosphere. A gorgeous film.
    Magnolia - What a cast! Never thought I'd be so entertained by a 3 hour drama! Julianne Moore makes me soooo happy. Her performance is astounding. As is John C. Reilly, Melora Walters, and a surprise Tom Cruise. Phillip Seymour Hoffman rocks my world.
    Sunset Blvd. - "All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." One of my favourite classic films. I didn't expect to like it that much, but I loved it. Loved. It.
    Alien - One of the best directed horror films of all time. Fantastic, scary, a blast. Sigourney Weaver is a great actress. Ian Holm is... so creepily good. Great flick.

    And of course I'm neglecting to mention about 50 other films I adore XD
    Last edited by ViV; 12-31-2005 at 03:36 PM.
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  12. #12
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I don't think my top ten list will be as interesting as the rest of you guys lol.

    10. Wayne's World: I love this movie so much! I first watched this film when I was about six years old and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm nearly 18 now and I still love it just as much. It's just a great movie and it's very humorous. It's a great comedy and Garth is just a funny character. I got it on DVD recently and I've watched it so many times. Everytime I hear "Bohemian Rhapsody" now, I start to headbang to it just like they do in the film.

    9. Happy Gilmore- Another great comedy. Adam Sandler is one of the funniest men. He has some great films out there. My favourite out of his films is definitely Happy Gilmore. It is hilarious and I enjoy it everytime I watch it. This is another film that I have loved for a long time. Me and my brother loved watching it whenever it was on television. Shooter McGavin is a really funny character and I like it at the end where he steals Happy's winning jacket and runs for his life. Of course the fans run after him and eventually beat him up.

    8. Terminator 2- I know a lot of people who love this film. I love this movie, it was very well made and there is plenty of action. The soundtrack is awesome (Guns n' Roses are on it) . Arnold does a great job as Terminator, he's just wicked cool in this film. He doesn't even say much most of the time but he's still REALLY cool. It was a sad ending for this film though.

    7. Grease- I have no idea how many times I have watched Grease but I know it's a lot. It's such a lovely film. The soundtrack is great. Most of the songs on it are very catchy and it's very easy to get them stuck in your head. John Travolta was a very talented singer in his time. All the characters have their own unique personality. Sandy is a quiet, shy teenage girl while Danny is a typical teenage boy. There's plenty of happy moments and plenty of drama. It's a typical love story... of course I'm into them!

    6. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation- What a hilarious movie. I watch this every Christmas. It's a classic. There are a heap of funny scenes in this film. Cousin Eddie has to be my favourite character. He is just so random about everything he says. The Griswold's think they're in for a happy Christmas but it all turns into one big disaster. It all turns out well in the end of course.

    5. Star Wars (the whole series) - Wow, what an amazing series. I love Darth Vader, he was the coolest. I remember seeing one of the Star Wars films when I was about eleven. I had no idea what was going on. We had to watch it at school because it was the last day. At first I didn't like it but by the end I was loving it. The fighting scenes were action packed and I thought they were totally awesome. The acting was pretty good, probably not the best but it was still cool! I love the Stormtroopers too! Bad guys rock!

    4.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- I love Johnny Depp. He is such a fantastic actor. He is very talented and can do any role perfectly. He picks roles that are different each time. I really enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was a lot different from the original. I prefer the new version to the old. Willy Wonka looks eerie but he's a very interesting character. Freddie Highmore does an excellent job playing the part of 'Charlie'. He is also a very talented young man. This movie has some really humorous scenes in it. It's a VERY entertaining film.

    3. Pirates of the Caribbean- Yeah, I know, another Johnny Depp movie. This is another excellent film. Even if it is Walt Disney, it's not very childish compared to the other Disney films though. This film is a lot of fun to watch and Jack Sparrow is such a funny character. He enjoys his rum a bit too much. I am really looking forward to the sequel, hopefully it'll be as good as this movie.

    2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone- I love the Harry Potter books. I also love the films too. Philosopher's Stone is the original Harry Potter movie and it happens to be my favourite. This movie was well made and I never get sick of watching it. My favourite character has to be Hermione Granger, she is smart and she's just a really interesting character. I have seen all four of the Harry Potter films and this one is the best in my opinion.

    1. THE LORD OF THE RINGS! (The series) - This has to be my favourite trilogy. These films are absolutely stunning. I love them. The battle scenes in the Return of the King amaze me every time I watch it. The characters are all wonderful. The elves are just beautiful creatures. The third film was very emotional, even my brother said he nearly ended up crying . These movies were made VERY well and Peter Jackson should be very proud of himself.

    I have many other favourites but this thread says 'Top 10' not 'Top 1000'.

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  13. #13
    10: The Nightmare Before Christmas //
    first and foremost, i love basically any film Tim Burton produces. i didn't thing Big Fish was so hot, but i understand the reasoning in it, being his father had just died. but anyways... TNBC was such a magical movie. very few people i think can incorporate christmas and halloween in the same movie, and pull it off so well. the music and songs, and the way they portrayed how each holiday existed was amazing. it really gets you in the mood for both holidays. halloween town isn't a kiddy, cartoony town... it would appear to be a great place to live, and is quite hallowed and gothic like, and christmas town is everything you'd expect from it.. the town, people, elves, it's greatness.

    9: Great Expectations //
    this movie was made after the book. the book was better, but it's not one of those OMG THE BOOK WAS SOO MUCH BETTER type deals. the movie portrayed his life moving up through the ranks of nobility, and i loved how he never knew what was going to happen next in his life. it was a complete mystery since he achieved his rise from lucky donations also the story doesn't have one antagonist, there are many people who effect Pip/Finn differently contributing to many side stories of the main plot.

    8: The Mothman Prophecies //
    i had to watch this movie twice to understand it heh. it mainly caught my eye because its based on true events. if you go to the mothman web site, you can see where some events have taken place. the movie itself is bone chilling... the thought of some entitity... and not knowning whether it be from heaven or hell.... warned you about the future, when bad things were going to happen is just crazy. the movie is fun to watch in the dark to. good acting.. very well made. it could have turned out cheesey, but the acting, atmosphere and setting of the movie, music, etc made it amazing

    7: The Recruit //
    i think i may have been going through my cia/espionage time period when i watched this movie. i was alone one day and decided to go see a movie by myself and picked this one at random. come to my surprise it was about a young man's accidental recruitment into the cia, and the conspiracy that unfolded during, and after training. i love the twist ending, and i love how a lot of research was put into making this movie, as most of the venues, and verbiage used hold true to CIA and NOC operatives.

    6: Scarface //
    some may argue with me, but i think this is the king of all gangster movies. tony comes from a man with not a penny to his name, and turns it into an empire. his actions upset me a lot, especially the murder of his friend, but tony was a guy that definately did what he had to do, no matter what, he had balls. it's rare to find someone now days that will come through on what they say. i enjoyed it overall, mainly because he molded into the part so well. you've never think he was a Coach on Any Given Sunday lol.

    5: Lord of the Rings: Trilogy //
    the whole series was amazing. it would take days to explain why, but basically the story was beyond words. the costumes, landscape, photography.. everything. i never knew what lord of the rings was about before the movies came out, but have always owend the books lol. overall... probably should go down as one of the best movies ever made.

    4: Man On Fire //
    double the points because the movie is based on a true story about an ex-Italian soldier who sacrifices his life for the daughter of the family he swore to protect. and dakota fanning is also an amazing actress for her age and im sure will only get better. the movie itself has a different style of filming and color. and im sure everyone notices right off the bat the subtitle style Brian Helgeland uses. he wanted a unique style to his movie and he obtained it. the story was great, and had a happening ending for the most part. it kind of made you want to jump right in and kick some ass.

    3: Night of the Demons I, II, III //
    overall this movie is your classic horror movie about a girl named angela who dies tragically. after her parents cant take her death they move out of their house. on halloween night, some kids from angela's school decide to sneak away and have a halloween party there, only some of the kids are going to try to awake angela. turns out, angela became friends with the devil and terrorizes the kids all night in a very disturbing manner. most horror movies would get my vote, but this one does because it holds true till this day, the *ONLY* horror movie to actually scare me. the makeup is SICK, and there is some nudity which makes it interesting. of course the sequels, overtime become obsessed with more nudity, and less story... so all thought they are entertaining to watch... the first one is by far scarier. i recommend watching on halloween night.... in the dark... alone... or with 1-2 other people.

    2: Top Gun //
    this movie was just great overall, a true classic. acting, story, music, romance, death. even i got a lil sappy when goose died =(

    1: Joe Dirt //
    this would be my favorite movie ever, if i wasn't more into the symbolic, meanigful movies that have a purpose lol. but this movie had me laughing non-stop. i could probably quote the whole damn thing now that ive seen it so much. i dont know much to comment on about this, other than... if you feel like laughing, this movie is for you =)
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  14. #14
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    The Sixth Sense; even though I had cultivated the ending soon after the film began, it was a really touching, sad and beautiful story. the way things were set was just breathtaking, and I actually cried at this movie once or twice. The relationship of the lead, older male and the child was just heartbreaking, as if you could really relate to how the characters felt. The story had such emotion and it was really just a beautiful production. I seriously felt my heart breaking when the child confessed to Bruce Willis that he saw dead people.

    Zoolander; I know this movie is one of the corniest films ever, but it was just hilarious and witty. The two main characters, Ben Stiller as Derek Zoolander, and Owen Wilson as "Hansel" were so cleverly paired, Owen Wilson often known for his goofy onscreen outlook. It was corny in every way, but it was one of those movies' that's so stupid that it's good.

    Shrek 1 and 2; I love these movies. They can just make you feel really happy when you feel down. The animations was really something, and the storylines were cute and a mixture of all fairytales in one big story. It was really a sweet, and happy film.

    The Fifth Element; one of my all-time favourite movies. I loved the way it was set, the storylines were great and Milla Jovovich just looked so fresh and pretty all the way through. It was funny, amazing, interesting and so much different to other movies, that it could just capture you and make you watch the whole thing again and again.

    - That's all I got so far, sorry. I'll probably post the other six once I've remembered which ones I want to type about. Also, I have yet to see the Silent Hill movie, which I know will be my favourite film ever, even though I haven't yet seen it.

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  15. #15
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Mine are as follows:

    10 -=- Monty Python: Erik The Viking

    It may not be the most accurate nor spectacular movie but it is funny as hell, especially if you know about the Vikings/Pagans and the Norwegian people. But the main reason I mention this is cause there are next to 0 movies based around the Vikings, and there should be more! Anybody interested in understanding why people call blonde's a little lost should watch this.

    9 -=- Pink Floyd: The Wall Movie

    Anybody who has seen this movie will know that this is really a long music video, so why would I put it in? Because it is quite intense and dramatic on top of insane yet beautiful. This movie deals with a lot of issues normal people have but never try to understand. I recommend to everybody here to check it out

    8 -=- The 13th Warrior

    A better attempt at re-creating the Vikings, more vicious and realistic. For a the average movie this is nothing special, but it is still worth checking out. I haven't watched it in a few years but I am looking for a copy of it so I can add it to my collection

    7 -=- Cradle of Fear

    Many of the BoD members would be disappointed to see a film with Dani Filth in my list, but actually this movie is fairly good! I was expecting a savage pack of midgets in an occult but the movie tells for separate stories then intertwines them at the end. This movie has a huge amount of gore and some pretty fucked up situations. Personally I think it is worth is for the laughs.

    6 -=- Silence of the Lambs

    As far as I see it, this movie re-invented the idea of psychological horror, I have only seen it once but if I remember correctly this was the 1 with him in the cell and he bites of that guys face whilst listening to classical music. In fact I am going to watch it again tonight.

    5 -=- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

    After being a huge fan of the entire the Final Fantasy series, there is no doubt I would of seen this movie. At first I thought it would be alright but nothing great but once I started watching it I was very much impressed. The fighting scenes are simply amazing and although the story is a bit short I still highly enjoyed watching it.

    4 -=- Matrix (Trilogy)

    Surely this would go on my list, but not just for the Visual effects that have been ripped off many times before, but also because of the whole story, I have seen them many times and I bet I will see them again many years down the track. It isn't often you see a series that hasn't been done so many times before, and this is 1 of the few, other movies fail in comparison to uniqueness.

    3 -=- Braveheart

    I am sure many of you have seen the story of William Wallace and you will agree that this movie is quite a good portrayal of the medieval times in the 13th Century. This movie shows the true courage of us Scots and how we have fought many battles for our people. I am rather disgusted that till this day people are still forcing people into slavery and unethical work. I will remember this movie when I face struggles from other people trying to stereotype to bring me and my people down.

    2 -=- Lord of the Rings: Trilogy

    I do not really see the need to go in-depth to this movie as most people already know about it. But the reason it caught me in particular was because of my fascination with these type of movies. I wish more movies like this were made, ie movies like the OLD Final Fantasy games. Also it would be interesting to see a some what modern or even futuristic movie in the vein of LOTR movies.

    1 -=- Amadeus (Mozart)

    When I saw this movie I can safely say I was greatly impressed. The story takes place through the Early classical period, where Salieri talks of his jealousy upon the Musical genius Mozart. Not only is this a good musically movie but it all shows a lot of German and Italian culture. Many things are done to give it a sort of Atmosphere that shows what it was truly like in that period. One thing I noticed in particular was the colour schemes, like during the beginning it is mostly pastel colours, all the men, women have White/Grey hair except Salieri which I think is used to represent the calmness, then as dramatic events occur things started to get darker until Mozart performs an Opera and his Father is represented as a kind of Sauron, all black with the two sided mask. Very well done

    Mozart is the type of person I would hang out with, and have a few beers with but I could also watch him write music and marvel at his beautiful. Oddly enough Mozart is more of a teenager with a relaxed out-going personality who made some of the most beautiful music ever. Where as Salieri was a more mature lesser known composer who worshiped, envied and hated him, I won't spoil it for all but Salieri could of been the first person to inspire the Satanist ideal's and music.

    This movie is defiantly worth watching even if you are not a huge fan of Classical music, as it also shows much aspects as a German can't make and Opera as well as an Italian and vica-versa for Orchestral peaces. I highly recommend everybody check it out and tell me your opinion.
    Last edited by Angantyr; 11-03-2006 at 02:25 AM.

  16. #16
    Permanently banned Your top 10 (Descriptive version) darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad

    Here's Johnny

    My top ten is as follows....

    10. -Me, Myself and Irene
    This is the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. I was litteraly rolling on the floor laughing when
    Carey threw himself out of the car

    OMG!!! if you haven't seen this movie GO SEE IT NOW!!!!
    There is so many funny things about this movie I can't write them all, if you ask me it's Jim Carey's best movie ever!

    9. -Any Arnold Schwartznegger movie.
    I just love that guy, he's looks like an ogree berserker of DOOM with that short body and all those muscles, his movies are funny exiting and innovative.
    My favorite Arnold movie is perhaps his breakthrough movie even if it's old Conan the Barbarian from '86 (I belive)

    8. -The Gladiator
    This was a great movie, a splendid story and the final fight in Coloseum, My mate owns it on DVD and he came over to my house once to watch it because of my huge stereo, we watched with the volume on such a level that we couldn't even shout to each other in there, and it was one of my best movie experiences since we both agreed on that beat the crap out of any cinema soundsystem we had encountered.
    The effects and the sounds was incredible in this movie.

    7. -Tomb Raider
    The movies was great, Jolie was just as hot as Croft and it could easily have been my favorite game-->movie ever.
    Great effects a good performance by Angelina an overall great movie.

    6. -Resident Evil
    Both of these movies was great, my favorite of them was Apocalypse.
    Milla Jovovic was so hot and her perfomance and sacrifices in both movies made a low budget picture a great one. With a lot of shiny dollars less than the Tomb Raider crew the makers of these did an excellent job.
    It was funny, entertaining, filled with action and heey even Nemesis was there. The effects, the looks of the zombies and the scenes from the video game made this the best zombie movie ever made.
    YAAAAY Resident Evil!!

    5. -Crash
    The only movie on this list I have seen only once, but it was one of the best movies I have seen.
    It showed how peoples destinies can be linked together in horrible ways, and that life doesn't always turn out like you expect it too, infact it shows how fast a life can change.

    4. -Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
    YAAAAAAY Final Fantasy!!! My last game--->movie on this list.
    Great animations and camera angles shows how far technology has come these days. The only things I wished was different is the talking takes too much time of the relative short movie and I wished they used more materia.
    Bahamut was awesome and I loved Cloud's new sword(s).
    An action packed movie with animations from top to bottom plus it was cool to reconise many of the locations from the game. My favorite game--->movie.

    3. -The Shining
    Jack Nicholson is one of my favorite actors and this is his best movie (atleast to me). I still remember the first time I saw it and it was the first time I ever saw a horror movie, OMFG I was so scared I was 9 I belive and it was really scary.
    Today it iis one of my favorite movies and it is a must to see.

    2. -Snatch
    I just love this one, it's really funny and I could write a lot about this but it would be too much.
    A really funny and cool movie, seen it 75458934118345734 times

    1. -Lord of the Rings
    My favorite movies period
    I loved all of them, it was really incredible to see Tolkiens world come alive even if I have never taken the time to read neither LOTR or The Hobbit.
    A great performance by all the actors makes an epic triology I will treasure for the rest of my life.
    My favorite scenes are the battle scenes in Helms Deep and The White City, truly great stuff.

    EDIT: OHNOES!!!! I forgot about Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and lots more......OHNOES!!!!!!
    Last edited by darkViVi; 05-02-2006 at 01:46 PM.

  17. #17
    Okay here's my top nine, because I know that one of my favorite books is turning into a movie, Invisible Monsters:

    9. Ultra Violet

    The reason for this is because I feel like there's so many movies out there that have the whole, "Supressed Society/Messed up Society/Two sides fighting" thing going on, but in my book, this one really touched me because I feel it's just one of those movies that really go over and beyond emotion and possibly what it means to be human. I don't know. They may have sounded retarded. Oh well.

    8. Labyrinth

    I like this movie because it has David Bowie and I love him to death. I also first watched this as a little kid and movies that I watch as a little kid that I still love today is significant in my life because I'd watch them with my grandma, which for me, made it very special because she died when I was nine and I still feel a special bond with her when I watch this movie.

    7. The anime little mermaid [that was made in like 1977 or something like that]

    This movie had such a simple plot, and the prince was sort of dumb in it, but I loved that damn little dolphine that Marina [the mermaid's name] swam around with. They made this movie intended for little kids cause yes, I watched it when I was little, but it also has a deeper meaning that I didn't even see until I found the VHS and watched it a couple months ago. Just so you know, in this version, the prince doesn't fall in love with the mermaid and the mermaid commits suicide.

    6. The nightmare before Christmas

    I also watched this when I was little and I think it turned my direction of growing up a completely different way. It's really hard to explain what I mean by this one, but this will always be a favorite of mine.

    5. Edward Sisscorhands

    Yet ANOTHER old one but I like this one because it reminds me of the rich area that I live in, where all of the houses are huge and look the same and whatnot and people here don't take to different people that well. So this movie represents what kind of world I live in.

    4. Shoujo Kakemei Utena: The Movie

    I'm putting this in my list because this really defines love in my book, what you will do for love and how love is percieved by various characters in the movie. This movie also represents life after death and how your actions in life affect where you'll end up.

    3. Pulp Fiction

    I put this in cause this movie makes you think a lot. Well at least for me it did. And I found it really funny in a way that probably wasn't supposed to be too funny. But hey, it's directed by Quentine Tarentino, what do you expect?

    2. Pi

    Darren Arronofsky...the greatest director ever to me. This movie illustrates my mind in pictures and how I percieve things. Not everything mind you, but this movie really defines math and religion to me and how the two really do cross, just not many people [Like Maximillion] really think about this while solving math equations to find a pattern in the stock market and get really rich =D lol.

    1. Requiem For A Dream

    If you saw what I said about Darren Arronofsky, you probably saw this one coming. Why is this one significant for me? Because it turned my life around. It picked me up off the bad road and put me on the good one, as it probably has done to a lot of people, although you do have to brush of the feeling of wanting to commit suicide at the end. But still, best movie ever to me.
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    So I'm totally all about crayola crayons, crop circles and pokemon, if you share any of these intrests, hit me up =D

  18. #18
    Kill Bill

    Its different, it has lots violence, lots and fighting and Tarantino made it, what could be better.

    Monty Python: Life of Brian

    The movie was good but not brilliant. I enjoyed more the people *cough*, the church, *cough*, who took it really seriously, when a) it wasn't really offensive and b) highlighted some great human pyschology (basically, we are sheep).

    Lord of the Rings

    I don't think it gave credit enough to the books, but was still a great film epic.


    Hilarious, ther's a killer shark on the loose, how to kill it, lets try stabbing the humongous shark in the mouth with a hyperdermic needle.

    Donnie Darko

    They first film to make me think in a while. Its quirky but poignant too.
    And the smurf scene rocked.

    The Muppets Christmas Carol

    To anyone who has seen it do I need to say more.


    I film that showed the real Hitler.
    A fragile man breaking in his last days. A brave film because Hitler had a view of things that was screwed up and most people consider what he did was evil and wrong, this film delved into his pysche but never croosed the line.


    One of the greatest horror/sci-fis ever.It was new and original. And brought some good and bad sequels, but the first was and will always be the best.

    Resivoir dogs

    Resivoir dogs just for the big conversation at the begining, about their code names.

    Airplane(the best comedy ever).

    'Surely you cant expect me to fly this plane.'
    'I do expect you to fly this plane, and dont call me Shirley'


  19. #19
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Dustin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Virginia Beach
    Being a Moderator on a movie forum, I know my share of movies.

    My YMDB

    10. The Shawshank Redemption - Most intriguing movie of all time. The best short story adaptation by far. The second adaptation from Stephen kings books directed by Frank Darabont.

    9. Memento - Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece. A movie that truly test you intellectual skill and memory. One of the greatest scripts that has ever been written. Some great cinematography and movie Easter eggs.

    8. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Amazing Western. Anyone can watch it, and it's contains some of the best characterization ever made for cinema. An interesting clash of fate, that inspired works like ‘Pulp Fiction’.

    7. Sin City - Considered the greatest comic book-movie adaptation ever made. From the characters, to the story. This movie is perfect. Every actor fills up their character to the top of the glass

    6. Seven Samurai – Said to be ‘The First Real Action Movie’, Seven Samurai is the crown jewl of Japanese Movies and 1950’s Original Cinema. My favorite black and white movie.

    5. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels – Guy Ritchie’s film debut. And the basis for my favorite movie, ‘Snatch’. It also introduced Jason Statham to the movie business.

    4. Pulp Fiction – Considered to be Tarantino’s greatest (which I disbelieve). But still a great film that changed the way American crime films are made.

    3. Lucky Number Slevin – One of the coolest and well-pulled movie twists I have ever seen. There aren’t many words I can say to describe this movie. But if I had to say something, I’d say: Awesome.

    2. Reservoir Dogs – The film that used to be my #1 favorite. The rewatch value of the film is tremendous. An everlasting movie, and considered the greatest low budget film of the 90’s and today.

    1. Snatch – From the plot to the Characters, ‘Snatch’ is my favorite movie of all time. It contains one of the best supporting actors: Brad Pitt, who does an amazing job at his character. This movie has the greatest cinematography, sound effects, and storyline in cinema. Guaranteed a surprise at the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by -Xu-
    Resivoir dogs

    Resivoir dogs just for the big conversation at the begining, about their code names.

    They were having a conversation about Madonna's song: 'Like a Virgin'. They didn't speak about codenames until later in the movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kinky Laughter
    1. Requiem For A Dream

    If you saw what I said about Darren Arronofsky, you probably saw this one coming. Why is this one significant for me? Because it turned my life around. It picked me up off the bad road and put me on the good one, as it probably has done to a lot of people, although you do have to brush of the feeling of wanting to commit suicide at the end. But still, best movie ever to me.
    Great choice. That's the only movie that had me physically shaking at the end.
    Last edited by Dustin; 06-25-2006 at 09:21 AM.

  20. #20
    right i don't have them in order i love them all ok mine are as follows:

    LORD OF THE RINGS: i love this film as i love the books this film was great for me becoz i love the work of J.R.R tolkien and it just brought the book to life it was an absoulute great legendary film it was pure genius they brought actors who were not really that well known up to teh status of sylvester stallone and such so this film was an absoulute great for me.

    THE MATRIX: this was such a great film it brought the element of bullet time in which was just pure genius and they use it in more films today plus i just love all the films that keanu reeves is in this was just such a great motion capture that it was unbelievable and plus you have that hole agent smith vs. neo thing which was a really great feud by the way and the battle at the end of the matrix revoulutions out of this world so great

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR: this was like when two worlds collide so much better than freddy vs. jason but this one was great becoz it was 2 of the best films rolled into one i just loved the fight at the end big alien vs predator that was amazing and the way they ended it you thought that there was going to be another but sadly we have heard no more from it i loved all the gadgets that predator had in this film they were great lol and if they were to make another one i wonder who would win ....

    FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN : i loved this film just as i love all the final fantasy games it was just a great film and the animation on it was just so great lol but as for the other final fantasy movie i did not like that one at all. this one really brought the characters to life and clouds sword wow and sephiroth's was just as cool i especially liked the fight at the end between cloud and sephiroth that was such a great fight

    PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN 1 AND 2: i loved these they were great orlando bloom and johnny depp were so right for the part and they are currently working on the 3rd which by the way i can't wait for, the way they ended the second one you just know that there is going to be a 3rd but my favourite one would have to be the second one so much more action lol i love all pirate based films anyway and this one just was an experience for all the great fans and the actors..

    STEWIE GRIFFIN THE UNTOLD STORY: the 1st family guy movie, it was great becoz it was about my favourite character i just loved it lol it was so funny and it was a great animation totally cool stewie is the greatest character out of the whole of the family, you got to see what stewie was like in the future as well or what he was going to be like... but he changed all of that lol

    SOUTH PARK THE MOVIE: this was great for me absoulute legend of a film lol it was so funny and when Cartman gets a V-chip out in his head so he can'y swear or if he does he gets electricuted and plus the movie includes the best line lol " how would you like to go see the school counciler" then cartman says "how would you like to suck my balls" lol that bit is just so funny it is unbelievable.

    SCARY MOVIE 1,2,3 and 4: these are just so funny they take the P*** out of other movies lol such as matrix and the ring lol these are great and i especially love the 4th one i like the 1st part of the 4th one becoz it is taking the p*** out of saw and he saws the wrong leg off lol no.3 is great as well it takes the P*** out of the matrix and no.1 does but no.2 is my all time favourite lol i love that one just for the bird when the girl says to him "POLLY WANT A CRACKER" and the bird replies "POLLY WANTS YOUR MOTEHRS SWEET ASS" lol love it

    i know this is kinda childish but

    CARS: this is such a brilliant animation it makes the cars act as if they would in real life e.g when the cars jump the way their tyres bounce and stuff and plus it is so enjoyable for little children and adults alike you may not like it but i love it and it is such a great story lol plus it is funny as hell lol

    THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS: i love this film becoz it involves fast cars and nice looking cars i love it becoz you get to see the world behind all of the street driving you get to see street racing and big money is up for grabs lol love it and you get to see normal cars done up which is just wonderful

    and last but not least

    2 FAST 2 FURIOUS: the follow up to the fast and the furious and i is better in my eyes anyway i love this one becoz it is set in miami and rome and brian make such a perfect race team lol and they have even nicer cars on here

    so that concludes my 10 favourite movies

    OH CRAP I PUT 11
    Last edited by sdruk12; 08-11-2006 at 10:45 AM.
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  21. #21
    *clears his throat* MY TOP 13 FAVORITE MOVIES!
    I know it says top 10 but I cannot in good conscience leave out some of these movies.

    13. Troy - Though I am not a huge fan of Brad Pitt, he did a great job as Achilles in this well known story of a war between two great states in ancient Greece.

    12. Signs - Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, and M. Knight all working together? Yeah that's a damn good movie. You gotta see this one if you haven't.

    11. Star Wars III - Ok I know that the original 3 were really great, but I thought that this one was the best. You just can't beat non-stop action. Though the end could have been done a little better, it was still a great film that I have watched many many times.

    10. The Fellowship of the Ring - Damn good movie as probably all of you know. Oddly enough I didn't like it the first time I saw it...though I blame that on the company I had with me. lol

    9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Wow that's a long title for a movie...wasn't sure about this one when I first heard of it, but it turned out to be awesome. Who of you didn't think Jim Carrey couldn't act? Well you were wrong. Watch the movie.

    8. Saving Private Ryan - Well, aside from the awesome cast, this movie was extraordinarily well done. There is no better way to experience what those men in WWII had to go through than to watch this movie and get a small taste of the horror that they saw and survived. Buy it, watch it, remember it.

    7. Tears of the Sun - Very well done by the director. Not to mention that it was long overdue to expose the public to the horrors that go on in Africa all of the time through film. The supporting cast was great, though I thought that Bruce Willis' performance was lacking. But despite that it's my #7. Oh btw, if you're interested in this kinda stuff you should read 'How Da Body' about the conflict in Sierra-Leonne.

    6. The Last Samurai - Though some of you probably think this movie was kinda cheesey and that Tom Cruise shouldn't be in it...I don't care. I liked it lol.

    5. Munich - In case you haven't seen this one it is definitely Eric Bana at his best. I wasn't sure how a movie about the Israeli Olympic tragedy would go over, but it was extremely well done and should be watched by all.

    4. American Pie Series - Though I haven't seen the newest one (Band Camp) the original series and cast were great. Definitely the funniest movies I have ever seen. Not to mention that you get to see girls making

    3. Return of the King - Best movie of the series. Though it was somewhat dragged out at the end, it had to be done as there was a lot of stuff to sort out.

    2. Kingdom of Heaven - Definitely a must see, but then again so is anything done by Ridley Scott...very well done movie outlining a pivotal point during the crusades late in the 12th century.

    1. Black Hawk Down - Not often are we reminded of just how vulnerable we are at home and abroad. Even the most elite of us can be brought down by a large enough force. Watch this movie if you haven't already, you will never see a movie dealing with a tougher struggle than that which faced 100 soldiers stuck in a city of thousands that were out to kill them.

  22. #22
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) 1WingedDevil's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Good auld...Ireland
    10: Pirates of the carribean:A good movie but one that i wouldnt watch again to drawn out and i didnt like the love story or should i say love triangle.
    9: Star wars:A New Hope:once again a good movie but i thought it was the worst star wars....Luke really got on my nerves in this film.
    8: 007:Golden eye:A good james bond flick but pierce brosnan done an ok job at it....not as good as Sean Connery.
    7: Welcome to the jungle:Stifmeister was funny as hell in this but the rock ruined it for me he was a bit too cool.
    6: Terminator 1:For once the prequel is worse than the the sequel.
    5: LOTR:Fellowship of the ring:Just too long for the first one should have been a bit shorter and also very dragged out.
    4: LOTR:The 2 towers:Brilliant movie but Sam and frodo just annoyed me.
    3: LOTR:Return of the king:Once again absolutely brilliant,fight scenes amazing but Sam and frodo just....uhhh...ZZZZ....!!!
    2: Dead or Alive 2:Movie by Takashi Miike.IMO one of his best also the fight scenes are brilliant.Didn't make no.1 coz i like another movie more.
    1: Swordfish:By far Hugh Jackman's best movie and John Travolta was brilliant in it...great thriller and great story.

  23. #23
    Arachnie Suicide Your top 10 (Descriptive version) ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    Mine are:
    --Moulin Rouge. It's not usually my type of thing, but I loved the music and I thought it was very artistic. It's not everyday you get a soundtrack with that kind of music that's mainly sung by the two lead actors. I never knew Ewan could sing before this.

    --The Fifth Element. I absolutely love it. It's a good Sci-fi movie, and although it's getting old, you really wouldn't tell. It just doesn't seem to age.

    --Ultraviolet. Milla Jonovich is pure sci-fi gold. I could watch her in anything. and the scecial effects in this are specially amazing, I love that scene with those swords, and the fire..

    --Underworld. I love vampire flicks, and this was great. Great, full stop. It's actually one of my mum's favourite movies, I can blame her for my taste in movies.

    --Queen of the Damned. Another good vampire flick. Gotta love how they bite holes in eachother!

    --The Island. It's action and sci fi in one^^. And it seems that I'm growing to love Ewan Mcgregor.

    -- Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. What kind of Sephy fan would I be if this wasn't in my list? The graphics were amazing, and the voice acting was great. Lots of action, too^^

    --Hide and Seek. I loved this as a psychological thriller. it's one of may favourites, and it really appealed to me. Put in the right place Dakota Fanning just freaks me out..and it was good, because you had 'Charlie' suspects all the way through to throw you off..and then..the butterfly.. [dun dun duuun!]

    --Dragonheart. I love the actors in this, and it totally made me cry. I love dragons, and even for back then the special effects are great. With the voice acting for the dragon it's just so easy to fall in love with him.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  24. #24
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Juice's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    With my pup, in a house on a hill
    These are definately in no perticular order... but anyway! ^_^

    The fifth element
    Love this movie for the sound track and because it never, ever fails to make me laugh. Ruby Rodd is fabulous and bruise Willis just plays an awesome role.
    Might Ducks
    One from my childhood that made me buy hockey gear for years after. I still have some of it, i wish i had got into ice hockey for real!
    Pirates 1 & 2
    I saw the first film over 7 times in the cinema, me and the friends would be bored and becuase we had cheap tickets we'd just go waste time seeing it. God i loved it. The second one, pure class. The ending just rocked me and now i cant wait for the third one!
    Fight Club
    This film changed my life, unfortunetly for the worse, but hey. Fab film, very mind bending and the twist got me hard the first time. wow. The book isn't too bad either. If you can understand it.
    Anchor man
    Never, ever, ever fails to make me laugh. Ricky bobby was not up to scratch, but Anchor Man is just brilliant.
    Who doesn't? I found these books very hard to read, so the movies really made me happy.
    The whole nine yards
    Seen this film heaps. Always loved it, im not sure why.
    spirited away
    The bloke who created this is just brilliant. All his films (kiki's, castle in the sky) are just amazing. An amazing film.
    ....... do i really have to saty anything? This is my kinda humour.
    Harry Potter 4
    The first 3..... no love, (especially the third, ew) But the fourth was definately worth its time and wait. Truely did injoy this film! I believe they cut out what they had to, to make the film work and the story work. The graphics were lovely and the actors just keep getting better. <3 much love for HP4
    <img src="">
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    <b>I Love My Puppy!!</b>
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    The Oldskool Cult Of Kefka
    Da Auzzie Club
    Dawezy, Piroblaze & Tiffany, Zell Dincht, Random.Delirium
    W-Cid, Mojo_the_monkey,
    Chalcedony & Holly valance

    <b>¤guarded by¤</b>
    Kou Leifoh & Keisuke Takahashi

    Contrary to popular beliefe, i am sober sometimes

  25. #25
    Sir Prize Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    Could you ask a harder question!!

    10. Red Dragon Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ralph Feinnes and Harvey Keitel! Based on a book that was already a number one in thriller/crime on my list.

    9. The Name of the Rose The book was better but then again the book didn't have Sean Connery *shrugs* What are ya gonna do?

    8. Day of the Dead Umm, what do you want? I love the way Romero can use a vapid topic like Zombies to make some of the most powerful statements in Hollywood history. What do you think he was trying to say about Ike's Military-Industrial complex in this one?

    7. Gosford Park If you want a reason? It was hilarious and for some reason it is the most comfortable movie to watch that I can think of. It creates a weird noir soothing atmosphere.

    6. In the Mouth of Madness Nothing creepier than Jurgen Prochnow as a demigod, and the coolest actor in hollywood (Yes that's right coolest!) Sam Neil. But seriously, rent this! It will mess with you!

    5. North By Northwest Duh, Classic! Witty, edgy and it has James Mason!

    4. Adaptation Hands down the niftiest movie of our time! And it had Orchids!

    3. The Big Lebowski I cry everytime I watch this movie. I fact I almost laughed myself into the hospital because of this flick!

    2. Casablanca So help me, if I have to explain this one to you, then you sir, should be shot!

    1. Henry V I'm sorry that this movie is better than the pitiful movies in your list. I'm sorry that this is the movie. I'm sorry that no greater version of this movie will ever be made than the one with Kenneth Branagh. I can quote it while drugged and freak out a nurse that was trying to administer anesthesia so much so that she asks my girlfriend what I was talking about in a disturbed tone. lol that was funny as hell.

    P.S., BTW and while we're on the subject: The member who posts Lucky Number Slevin in their list will go far!
    Last edited by Sinister; 01-20-2007 at 05:37 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  26. #26
    Ok. In no particular order....

    A Very Long Engagement

    Call me a mush but I love this film. Tautou is wonderful. MMM, and all of that; it's just a lovely tale about not giving up, fate, and things like that.


    I have no idea why I like this film so much. It might just be the soundtrack; it might be Stone's direction, Sheen's performance, or just the story.

    Beavis and Butthead Do America

    I'm an intellactual, baby. This film cracks me up, compeltely. Especially after smokin' a wee bit. Cornholio....'Come to Butthead'....everything.
    Butthead to Hilary Clinton's daughter: 'I notice you have braces. I have braces too.' Classic stuff.

    The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    Just...yes. Bill Murray coins a classic performance. The soundtrack is amazing too. I love the way this film is so...erratic. One of my favourite parts is near the beginning, where Murray is talking to his son. His son asks him some difficult questions, and then Murray strolls off. Cue a slow-mo 30 epic bit with Life On Mars slowly gaining volume behind it. Murray stands and smokes, in slow-mo, while Life On Mars rages on in Portugese, before returning quickly to his son, with the music vanishing. Completely random. Classic.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    'Some birds were never meant to be caged...' Great performance by one of my favourite actors, Morgan Freeman. The story is very inspirational too; it doesn't matter how long it takes, so long as you reach your goal.

    The Fifth Element

    This film is great fun, which is why I enjoy watching it so much. The performance of the Diva is great too.

    Donnie Darko

    I am in love with Jake Gyllenhall. This is a great film, very mysterious (I never have understood it properly) with a great soundtrack. The themes surrounding suburban America and its problems were also well-contsructed, and well played. A great watch.

    The Breakfast Club

    The last bastion of the only Simple Minds song that I can stand. I absolutely love this film. It's just a feel-good trip, you know? And Judd doesn't look half bad, might I say.


    This film is great. Maggie Gyllenhaal really steals the show. It's a bit on the 'hmm' side of things, but the issues it deals with are very well-done. It's just a film about love, at the base of things.

  27. #27
    Here are can kind of ignore the numbers because I wouldn't say any are in order really besides my top two spots being Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction.

    1.) The Big Lebowski - Funniest movie I have ever seen, hands down and in my opinion, the Coen brothers finest hour. This movie tells the story of the laziest person in LA which as the movie explains means he is the laziest person in the world. Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski is a loser who has three joys in his life: getting stoned, bowling, and listening to CCR. Suddenly through weird circumstances, the Dude, and his friends Walter (played by John Goodman), and Donny (Steve Buschemi) find themselves involved in a kidnapping case. The characters in this movie are in a class of their own, almost like a modern day three stooges. John Goodman definitely takes the cake here though.

    2.) Pulp Fiction The follow up to Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, this was another huge hit for him. With an amazing cast, great dialogue, and an amazingly interwoven stories told out of order, this really did change the way crime movies were made.

    3.) Blow. Amazing performance by Johny Depp in this movie as he plays George Jung, who goes from dealing marijuana to creating an empire with cocaine. The end seems to drag on a bit, but still one of my all time favorites.

    4.) Almost Famous Cameron Crowe's story of growing up, told through the eyes of a young inspiring rock reporter. Ends up being a great ode to the 70s and the music as he follows around fictional band Stilwater (supposedly based of Zeppelin/Allman Brothers) from it's humble beginnings until they make it big. All in all, a great film.

    5.) The Life Aquatic - Recent effort from Wes Anderson, one of my favorite directors. One of Bill Murray's best performances I'd say, and an intelligent, often times very random, but most of all, very funny movie. And who can't love the acoustic Bowie soundtrack?

    6.) Clerks Another one of my favorite directors, this is Kevin Smith's first and in my opinion, his best film yet. Follows the exploits of Quick Stop worker Dante and his friend Randal, who works at the video store next door. The funny thing of the movie is seeing what weird people they run into at otherwise borings jobs and what they do have some fun.

    7.) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - This unconventional love story shows what a great actor Jim Carrey truely is. Not exactly a laugh out loud kind of funny, though very amusing in it's own absurd way. A brilliant, funny, often times very trippy and abstract movie.

    8.) Princess Mononoke - Hard for me to choose just one Miyazaki film, but I didn't want too many on my list so I decided with this one. An amazing work of animation and one of the best movies I have ever seen. An epic tale of nature vs. civilization told through the eyes of a warrior, Ashitaka, and his struggles to end a war between the humans and the forest dwellers. A beautiful, magical, and moving movie.

    9.) Boogie Nights - A movie about porn that isn't trashy! The movie tells the story of Dirk Diggler, who gets into the porn industry at a young age when he meets a director while working as a dishwasher at a nightclub. Suddenly, he is thrown head first into the porn world, and as he climbs to the top, he finds himself struggling to deal with the stardom, pressure, and drug problems.

    10.) The Departed - Scorsese's return to true greatness. Along with Goodfellas, his best movie. Based off of a Hong Kong film, Internal Affairs, the Departed tells the story of two very different cops from Boston, one who is infiltrating the police forces who is working for the mob, and one with a bad background who is working undercover and trying to get into the mob to find the mole. A great gangster film with incredible performances by Leo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, and Jack Nicholson.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Fight Club
    Last Samurai
    Reservoir Dogs
    Kill Bill
    Dazed and Confused
    Requiem for a Dream
    Royal Tenenbaums
    Sin City
    I Heart Huckabees
    Dumb and Dumber
    Old School
    Half Baked
    Donnie Darko
    Star Wars
    Lord of the Rings
    Pan's Labyrinth
    Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
    Layer Cake
    Garden State
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 02-13-2007 at 06:24 PM.
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    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  28. #28
    I'll make you famous Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Rydia Lover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    alexandra, VA
    Pink Floyd: The Wall

    - this movie got me into pink floyd from the start, i love how they decided to use alot of animations instead of the typical acting and singing like most other musicals. following the life of Pink was the most trippy journey ive ever taken. a true classic master piece.

    The Prestiege

    - most people havent seen this movie yet. but when you get the chance, go see it emidiatly. this movie will have you on the adge from beggining to end thinking to yourself.... how the hell did he do that. the mistery of this movie is a well laid plan to have you think till the end. possibly one of the biggest shocks ive seen in a long time. this movie can really show you the other side of magic...

    A Christmas Story

    - no one could ever forget this colt classic. when i saw this movie ive wanted a daisy rifle ever since, but yet to have one. "youll shoot your eye out, youll shoot your eye out," one of the biggest excuses today one that you can never forget. it would shock to see someone who couldnt have fun watching this movie.

    007 Never Say Never Again

    - this movie marked the retern of sean conery as james bond after roger moore ruined the title of james bond. in the story james bond comes out of retirement to solve a case. during the story alot of poeple used jokes of sean's return such as "well now that you are back i can expect lots of sex and violence." a great movie of the james bond line up.

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show

    -the ultimate musical of all time! i love this movie to death and watch it atleast once a week. i love this movie so much that i made the theatre use the time warp dance a a warm up for dancing lol. what could possibly be a better pplot than a gay alien's version of frankenstein. this show will for ever go down in history as the gay rock and roll show!

    The Godfather

    -i can never forget my culture and where i came from... im 6th generation mafia (not a lie) italian. though im not proud of it, i love this movie.

    The Crow

    -(RIP brandom lee) a great movie that always brings me to tears each time i watch it. though it didnt exactly take off the same way as the comic it has its own unique style to it. the soundtrack os brilliant (the cure). the plot is unlike any other and is something that cant be duplicated... love never dies.

    Carlito's Way

    - the classic underdog to scarface. another ganster movie with al pachino as the star. he breaks out of prison to start a dance club. he longs for the love of his life before he was arrested and soon sees her again. but now is involved woth the mob again and soon has run.i like ths movie alot better than scarface IMO.

    Flags of Our Fathers

    - this movie made me weep and weep and weep. my father is a marine and half of my family as well. i can never forget what these poeple did for our country and only someone like clint eastwood can truly bring it to life through the films. ire hayes was a great man and didnt deserve what he got.

    Almost Famous

    - james cameron makes a movie of his life as a rock journalist in 1973. touring the hit band stillwater and learning of their adventures through stardome. nothing can beat sitting in a bus with 12 friends singing the tiny dancer (elton john). this movie is a great story and truly defines me as a person.

    ... I AM A GOLDEN GOD!!!!!!

    others (had alot more favorates):
    -history of the world part one
    -coming to america
    -crash (showed me the true definition of racism)
    -the hitcher (1986)
    -the 13th worrior
    -lord of war
    -reqium for a dream
    -hitch hikers guide to the galixy (i think im a sofa)
    -ferris buller's day off
    -wayne's world
    -big trouble in little china
    -hannibal rising (new favorate)
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
    current games playing:
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    Assassins Creed Revolutions
    Saints Row: The Third
    Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
    Fallout New Vegas

  29. #29
    It's all just a joke Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Acheron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    So here we go...

    10. Friday Night Lights: I'm pretty sure that anyone here who used to play sports in high school, football especially, can understand how powerful this film is. It deals with so many issues associated with the game of football and how sometimes, a person's life can be defined by those four years spent playing it in high school. It also spawned off one of the best television shows in the past twenty years.

    9. Danny The Dog: Which was changed to "Unleashed" here in the states but I like this original title better. A great job by the entire cast, Jet Li especially who really shows some acting muscle in his very subdued performance of Danny. Though the script wasn't something to be nominated for the Oscars, I was really pleased by the way Li held himself around such a great actor like Morgan Freeman.

    8. Snatch: Easily one of the greatest movies made, if not for the story than for the sheer talent that had been assembled. Guy Ritchie both started and ended his career with this movie for there is nothing he can do that will ever top Snatch, especially since Ze Germans might try and get him.

    7. The Man on the Train: A french film and one of the best foreign films that I've been lucky enough to see. The story is a very interesting one, of two completely different men forming a bond that's a lot closer than the director would like the audience to think. Both men are from two very different walks of life but they form a bond in thier desire to live the life that the other already has, a great way to spend one's time is by watching this film.

    6. Road to Perdition: I never used to be the biggest Tom Hanks fan in the world but this man truely will go down as one of the most talented actors to ever grace the screen. An absolutely brilliant story acted out by a very talented cast and helmed by a skilled director made this easily one of the better movies of 02. The changes that occur in the characters is really what made me love the film, plus it has one of the most beautiful scenes ever shot...
    When Tom Hanks guns down Paul Newman and his crew in the rain, simply amazing.

    5. Jerry Maguire: Never has there been a time where I can remember casting like this. What I mean by that, is that it's amazing how every actor in this film perfectly fits thier role. Tom Cruise IS Jerry Maguire and Cuba IS Rod Tidwell, it's just such a shame that Cuba was never offered anything too good afterwards. It's number five on this list due to the story and how it pulls at my little heart strings and because of the amazing job by Cuba Gooding Jr.

    4. Gladiator: Ridley Scott just seems to always come up with an amazing movie when the time feels like it. One hell of a story combined with some great acting and action; it could have very easily become just another summer entertainment movie but you really feel for Maximus and want him to do whatever he can so he can get justice.

    The last three were tough, at least on deciding what was number one.

    3. United 93: I'm from New Jersey and when September 11th happened it was one of the craziest and horrifying days of my young life. Never before had there been such a panic between myself, my family and all of my friends, never did we ever think that something that awful could happen so close to home. Greengrass was a genius in casting lesser known actors to make sure the audience didn't focus on the general performance by the attitude and panic shown by all in the film. This was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever watched before, it was brilliant but one of the sadest things on film too. 9.11 was one awful day and it will continue to be for the rest of my life.

    2. Children of Men: This was really close to being number one, as I'm a huge Clive Owen fan and this is easily his best performance yet. What a tragic story and from the way that it's been shot, you could easily be in tears right at the opening credits after the coffee shop scene. A great cast and a shame that Julianne Moore wasn't used that much but the story was even better than the book, which actually isn't that great at all. Also has what might be the second greatest scene ever shot in the long cut of...
    Theo running in the camp with Kee and the baby, amazing, especially when the blood is on the camera.

    1. Heat: In the end, my all time fave movie stays at the top. Michael Mann is easily the greatest behind the scenes man in film for the longest time, brilliant direction in all of his movies and Heat is definetly the winner in the argument about how good he is. The story that he wrote makes you feel for both Lt. Vincent Hanna (Pacino), a big time detective who spends more time amongst the dead than he does with his wife and step daughter and for Neil McCauley (De Niro), by far one of the best characters ever written, a thief who's on his way out of the game by making one last hit. A fantastic supporting cast with Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, along with many others. Amazing script, acting, photography, pacing and it has the best scene ever shot...
    The ending between Hanna and McCauley, where they hold hands after Neil's been shot and the movie ends to the song by Moby, "God Moving Over The Face Of The Water", sheer beauty.

  30. #30
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    New top list!

    Silent Hill.

    Of course this is going to be my favourite. The highlight of 2006 for me, Silent Hill was a movie based from the game franchise.
    Emotional and filled to the brim with intelligent psychological roots, Silent Hill caters for those that crave a darker film with truly macabre settings and monsterous beasts in which Rose DaSilva (Radha Mitchell) comes across, sometimesfaced against with cop Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden).

    Having said that, the movie did have slight open endings to some things, which supposedly will be explained in the second movie, coming out sometime next year.

    Ginger Snaps.

    Depressive fifteen year old sisters Brigette (Emily Perkins) and Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) Fitzgerald are death-obsessed, making a pact with one another to committ suicide before age sixteen. Despite some corny Americana displayed in this film, it made for a truly spectacular watch, and I recommend it to every horror fan out there.
    Quirky and witty, dark and depressive. Not even the werewolf aspect of the film is bad.

    The Fifth Element.

    Seriously, any Sci Fi fan out there who doesn't enjoy this film has something wrong with them! Gorgeous Milla Jovovich stars as the youthful fifth element, Leelo. Who apparently ends up having sex with Bruce Willis in a restoration tube. What more could one ask for?

    In all seriousness, though, this film was not only interesting, but absolutely hilarious. Ruby Rud made it simply impossible NOT to laugh at this film at one point or another.

    This is probably my most watched film of all time.

    The Exorcist.

    Owning the uncut version made for a tough break, considering my hallucinations and panic attacks, but The Exorcist thrilled me in all of it's disgusting glory. With excellent (and apparently true) storylines, The Exorcist makes for an excellent watch for anybody interested in horror or psychology. Or exorcisms in general.

    Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3.

    Has anybody noticed how much better the old Texas Chainsaw Massacre films were? I did! I really liked the third one as well. Before the terrible Texas Chainsaw Massacre where Leatherface was seen as a transvestite, TTCM3 gave us gore and screaming. And in the long-run, isn't that what everybody wants from a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie?


    Stigmata is based upon an atheist twenty-three year old woman suffering the holy ailment of God; Stigmata. Bleeding from where the alleged Christ had done upon the cross, this film focuses on the process of such as well as giving a good (abiet slightly boring) ending to the film. However, the beginning and middle of the movie are spectacular.

    (Shall edit later.)

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

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