In the Monster Arena, which fiend(s) can you receive "Wings of Discovery" from ?
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In the Monster Arena, which fiend(s) can you receive "Wings of Discovery" from ?
Q.) What do each of these Al Bhed ranks mean?
Al Bhed Hydeja
Al Bhed Unydun
Al Bhed Medanyde
Al Bhed Sycdan
Al Bhed Hydeja=native
Al Bhed Unydun=orator(not sure about this one)
Al Bhed Medanyde=literati(not sure)
Al Bhed Sycdan=master
whats the first Al Bhed letter you find ?
Correct if wrong (because I might be...) but I think it's the primer that translates Y to A. It's found on the Salvage ship.
So the first letter that you find is Y.
Q: List all the rankings that you can achieve when you find certain amounts of the Al Bhed Primers.
Al Bhed Hydeja
Al Bhed Unydun
Al Bhed Medanyde
Al Bhed Sycdan
where can you see blood in the game?
A: You see blood coming out of Anima's eye when she does her Pain attack in the cutscene at Luca Stadium where the fiends are terrorizing people. That's honestly the only time I really ever saw any blood.
Correct me if I am missing any.
Q: List all the effects/spells that Braska's Final Aeon is immune to.
I believe you also see blood the first time at Baaj Temple, when Geosgeano eats the Sahagin. That's the only other time I remember.
A. Honestly couldn't remember everything, so I ended up loading up a save. He's vulnerable to poison, silence, zombie, provoke, and all 4 breaks, meaning he's immune to:
I think that's it. And I didn't know before I loaded up my game that he was vulnerable to all the Breaks. I feel ashamed.
EDIT: AND GOD DAMMIT,I'm an idiot and forgot to post a new question.
Q: Biran and Yenke have certain stats that change depending on what Kimahri's are at the time of that boss battle. What are the stats, and how are they related to Kimahri's? (ex: Biran's strength is Kimahri's minus 5. This isn't true, just trying to clarify things.)
A.) You have to collect all of the hidden items in the prayer temples
Q.) When does tidus realize that sin is his father ject
A. I guess he answer would be that some of Biran and Yenke's Stats are 1/3 greater than Khimari's right? Like HP for example.
HP, sterengh, magic, and AGL
Q: What item can you mug/steal from Ultima Weapon.....
A. Door to Tomorrow
Q: In Blitzball, what is the name of the Ronso Fang's goalie?
Not exactly. You're on the right track, though. Biran's agility is always Kimahri's agility minus 4. His magic is always 1/2 of Yenke's. His strength varies, but is always less than Kimahri's. HP is more convoluted, as it is sort of random. Biran's usually tends to be a little less than double Kimahri's, while Yenke's is usually a little less than 1.5x Kimahri's. I think that's it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
A. Zamzi Ronso. And no, I totally wasn't playing blitzball tonight. Shut up. Don't look at me like that.
Q. Here's a softball. Name Isaaru's 3 aeons when Yuna battles him in Bevelle.
A: Ifrit, Vaelfor, Bahamut.
Q: Which Sinspawn do you fight first?
A. Sinspawn Ammes
Q. At the beginning if the game, what are Rikku and the other Al Bhed saying?
- Al Bhed: Fryd ec drec?
Al Bhed: Y fiend! Eh risyh tekieca!
Oac! Ed ec cu!
Al Bhed: Fa gemm ed?
Rikku: Fyed!
Rikku: Fryd ev ec risyh?
Al Bhed: Drao yna dra cysa eh taydr.
Rikku: E vunpet ed!
Fa pnehk ed fedr ic.
Rikku: Cunno.
A: Al Bhed: What is this?
Al Bhed: A fiend! In human diguise!
Yes! It is so!
Al Bhed: We kill it?
Rikku: Wait!
Rikku: What if it's human?
Al Bhed: They are the same in death.
Rikku: I forbid it!
We bring it with us.
Rikku: Sorry.
Q. Who in FFX is OakkaXIII related to?
A: Wantz.
Q. On the Calm Lands, there is an area where the land has submerged in a spike like structure, what is written on it? and what is it pointing you to to?
I had to load up a save to get this, so here we go:
A. "With the vale at your back, go forty-nine.
Then seven to the right on the truest line."
Follow the instructions, and it leads you to another spike which points you to the next clue:
"With me at you back, go twenty, then twenty to the right."
A piece of broken machina says: "Right sixteen and right four."
The circle on the ground will say, "Continue on. Find me."
Going to the circle near the thorn will give you the final clue.
"The password is... GODHAND."
This references the password system in the airship, unlocking the location of Rikku's celestial weapon, Godhand.
Q. There are a total of three ways in the game to obtain dark matter. What are they?
Oooh I haven't done trivia in a while, so Just FQ if my q's been done before.
Okay homeslice?
A) Well Polk, I believe there is more then 3 if I'm not mistaken
1) You can Bribe the mass worm thingo (sorry haven't played in ages forgot name.. Sand Worms?)
2) You can get it off Dark Aeons
3) Win it in Blitzball
4) Get it from various created fiends (Ultima Buster and Chimerageist I'm pretty sure)
5) Capture 5 of every fiend in the game and you get 99x Dark Matter.
So do I win?
Okay a question... Hmm it's been a while.
Q) How much percent of the population do the Al Bhed make up?
A: Ten percent.
You mean Sand worms in Sanubia? No. You get Winning Formulas from bribing them. I can't recall any fiend in the game being bribeable for dark matters. In the American release, the only ways to obtain them are:
Capturing 5 of each monster
Rare drops in MA.
As for the dark aeons.... shut up and stop proving me wrong. I'm an American and don't get nice things.
Q. Say you got a nice piece of 4-slotted armor, with no abilities on it. What items (including the amount) would you need to put Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste, and Auto-Regen on it?
A. For Auto protect you need 70 Light Curtains.
For Auto Haste you need 80 Chocobo Wings
For Auto Regen you need Healing Spring x80
For Auto Shell you need Lunar Curtain x80
Q. How many fiends are in the arena?
A. 103
Q. In the language Al Bhed, which types of words remain the same ?