Ultima weapon and Omega weapon? :P
Which monster is capable of casting Thundaja on you?
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Ultima weapon and Omega weapon? :P
Which monster is capable of casting Thundaja on you?
A. Hmm, that's a tricky one, but Dark Ixion can cast Thundaja on the party, the cheap bastard.
Q. What monster is Mi'ihen standing on in his statue on the Mi'ihen Highroad?
Can I guess one of those wolf things, I think they're called fangs. I'm not sure though.
Free Question.
Q. What are the locations of the Vol. 11 and Vol. 14 Al Behd Primers?
A. Vol 11 is on the Djose Highroad and Vol. 14 is in the Thunder Plains Travel Agency when you talk to Rin about your studies of the Al Bhed language.
Q. What are the coordinates to the Omega Ruins?
A. X 69~75 Y 33~38
Q. What fiends are relative to the Omega Ruins? (aka what fiends can you find there?)
A. Zaurus, Floating Death, Black Element, Halma, Puroboros, Spirit, Machea, Master Coeurl, Master Tonberry, and Varuna. If you also count bosses then there's also Ultima and Omgea weapons.
Q. What monsters can you find Inside Sin?
A. Exoray, Gemini (with Club as well as the one with the sword), Behemoth King, Adamantoise, Wraith, Seymour Omnis (boss), Great Malboro, Demonolith, Varuna, Barbatos, Land Worm, Jecht (Braska's Final Aeon, Boss), Dark Aeons (Bosses), Yu Yevon (final boss).
Q. What can you bribe the Dark Elemental?
For the record, Mi'ihen's standing on a Behemoth.
A. Return Sphere
Q. What is the final location you encounter Maechen at?
A: Mount Gagazet entrance.
Q:What are the coordinates of Baaj temple?
A. X:14 Y: 60
Q. What are the coordinates for Besaid Falls?
A) X30 Y74
Q) How do you change the cloudy mirror into the celestial mirror?
A. Take the Cloudy Mirror to the First area of Macalania Woods (from the Thunder Plains) and climb up the shining crystal-like staircase. Up in the trees head to the middle of the path and hold the Cloudy Mirror up to the light to transform it to the Celestial Mirror.
Q. What are the locations of Al Behd Primers Vol. 7, Vol. 15, and Vol. 20?
A. Vol.7 is in the Luca theater. Vol.15 is in the Macalania Woods in the Lake Road section. Vol 20 is in the Al Bhed in the living quarters.
Q. What are the loacations of Al Bhed Primers Vol. 12, Vol. 22, and Vol. 26?
Vol. 12: Moonflow North Shore
Vol. 22: Bevelle Temple
Vol. 26: Omega Ruins
Q. Where can Al behd Primers Vol. 25, Vol. 2, Vol. 10, and Vol. 3 located at?
Vol. 25: Calm Lands Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Vol. 2: Besaid Village Crusaders Lodge
Vol. 10: Mushroom Rock Road Precipice
Vol. 3: S.S. Liki Engine Room
Q. What do you get when you offer Yojimbo at least triple of his asking price?
A. Two Teleport Spheres
Q. How do you break Yojimbo's damage cap of 9999?
A: I believe you have to activate Auron's Masamune with the Celestial Mirror.
Q: Name all the fiends you can encounter in the Cave of the Stolen Fayth.
Dark Elemental
Mech Hunter
Magic Urn
Yojimbo (Boss)
Q. Name all of the monsters found in the Thunder Plains.
Gold Element
Iron Giant
Q. Name both of Penance's attacks (that is just his not his arms, he only has two.)
It's been over a week, since no one has answered ,I'm making a new question:
Q. How old is Kimarhi?
A: Didn't it say "unknown" in the little pamphlet that came in the game case? If there was an answer other than than, you can disregard my question and answer.
Q: How old was Yuna when she met Kimarhi?
Now is this a trick question because
you know he's...Dead
or his age of 35.
Q) Name the two special commands that become avaliable when fighting Tros.
A. Pincer Attack, and Stand By
Q. What is the color of Yuna's Boots? (lol)
A: They're just black in the game...
Q: List the conditions for unlocking the Ultima Buster monster in the monster arena.
I know it's to capture a certain amount of fiends from each area, but I don't know how many exact.....4?
Keyran, be sure to put FQ or make a new question after you answer the last person's question.
I'll take this is a FQ then.
Q. What shop sells the Fencing Sword?
Ok sorry, i'll take note of that.
A: You get it from Djose Temple Inn.
Q: What do you have to do in order to get Yuna's celestial weapon?