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Thread: Gunblades

  1. #31
    Juppiter Adept Gunblades TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMonkey59 View Post
    Alright then, let's say that the FF Wiki it not a reliable source of information.

    Let's just look at the game itself. Show me one scene in FFVIII where someone wielding a gunblade shoots someone with it without slicing into them. Also, show me on the gunblade itself where a projectile could possible emerge from the gun.

    In FFXIII, you can see that the blade folds up, and becomes a gun, with a barrel. The FFVIII gun blades contain no such feature.
    I never said that the gun could fire independent of slashing an enemy... However, it's basic gun mechanics. You cannot have a gun that fires a bullet, even at a hard surface without discharging a bullet. The shell would have to go somewhere because you cannot repeatedly fire the same bullet and without somewhere for the energy to release, the explosion you see would be the weapon itself exploding and becoming a worthless heap of metal. A bullet has to come out of the thing
    Own: Origins (I&II), III (DS), Chronicles (IV), Anthology (V&VI), VII, 7-DoC, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics, TA

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    -I am something of a perfectionist in that I don't consider a run through to the end a complete game. I have to complete everything possible.

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  2. #32
    Final Fantasy Noob! Gunblades ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Quote Originally Posted by DrLeonhart View Post
    I never said that the gun could fire independent of slashing an enemy... However, it's basic gun mechanics. You cannot have a gun that fires a bullet, even at a hard surface without discharging a bullet. The shell would have to go somewhere because you cannot repeatedly fire the same bullet and without somewhere for the energy to release, the explosion you see would be the weapon itself exploding and becoming a worthless heap of metal. A bullet has to come out of the thing
    Apparently I misunderstood you, because it seems we agree. The gunblade MUST fire a bullet inside of the sword, and it must discharge a shell. However the bullet doesn't act like a projectile and fire out of the sword or anything like's not like in FFXIII where Lightning can stand at range and shoot her enemy.

    We're on the same side apparently.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

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  3. #33
    Passing fair judgement Gunblades Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Actually, if you look into the Dissidia battles when you use Leon you will see that he shoots some bullets. When he uses his bravery attacks he fires some bullets, he launches the opponent into the air and than shoots them. The shell discharge would be the HP attacks where he explodes the area around him.
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  4. #34
    Final Fantasy Noob! Gunblades ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    Actually, if you look into the Dissidia battles when you use Leon you will see that he shoots some bullets. When he uses his bravery attacks he fires some bullets, he launches the opponent into the air and than shoots them. The shell discharge would be the HP attacks where he explodes the area around him.
    Dissidia=/= FFVIII. In FFVIII, they do not shoot bullets out of the sword. The bullets stay within the gun to create vibrations.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

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  5. #35
    Passing fair judgement Gunblades Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    I'm gonna have to replay the game and use a zoom feature to video tape him fighting. I would swear that he shoots at least once in the game, but I've been wrong before.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  6. #36
    Final Fantasy Noob! Gunblades ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    I'm gonna have to replay the game and use a zoom feature to video tape him fighting. I would swear that he shoots at least once in the game, but I've been wrong before.
    You can make him "shoot" every time he attacks, but once again, the round is contained within the sword.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  7. #37
    ___________ Gunblades Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    Here's another thought. When I tried out Bioshock on someone's PS3, I noticed creative weapons with an energy discharge. In Fallout 3, I could make a hand weapon that's a lawn mower blade covered in fire and gasoline. Then, there's Stargate. The staff weapons split and could fire an energy bolt. I would go with a weapon that could split and also fire. There are a couple of different ways to do it depending on the type of RPG system. I would have also liked to see a vibroblade that could shoot an energy bolt towards the direction where the blade pointed. The effect could depend on the blade splitting first or not.

    Chrono Cores:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

    .hack//Link English Localization- Petition Spot

    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

  8. #38

    Re: Gunblades

    I think its a mix between an explosion and a bullet in games like Final Fantasy Dissida squall's gunblade makes a moderate explosion, with this in mind it also has to have bullets. Completing the term GUNBLADE.

  9. #39
    Registered User Gunblades
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    Re: Gunblades

    I think its just a flash of pressure that makes sword do more damage.

  10. #40
    Scourge of Esthar Gunblades CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    They were specifically designed for the vibration function, which make for a cleaner cut. That's why they were supposed to be so hard to master. I imagine that didn't do both because it would be too predictable. I think the creators wanted to try something new, without going too far from their older works. At least for the time. The design the gunblades had would make shooting bullets a little awkward too. The blade can easily get in the way for any number of reasons. I think that why, when they designed Lightning's gun, it transformed from gun to sword.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  11. #41
    is not a douche Gunblades Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Gunblades

    what're the names of them again?
    and what's the last one called?

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