I know everyone says that Garden gunblades in FF8 don't shoot bullets......they just make the blade vibrate. My question is, why can't they do both?
The Lionheart has what looks like one of those really powerful five or six-shooter handguns (i.e. Smith & Wesson 500 Cal Magnum), but no barrel so it would have very poor accuracy. At very close range, though -- like that in a swordfight -- the bullets could probably be expected to hit something after vibrating the blade. If the gun part was really that powerful, the inaccuracy could be made up with really good vibrations that could be expected to tear through a lot.
The Hyperion gun looks more like an automatic pistol with smaller ammo and a larger magazine size, and actually seems to include a barrel. It could then be more accurate but with less intense vibrations, along with a larger blade. That way Squall and Seifer fighting would give advantages and disadvantages to each character. The whole thing doesn't have to be totally practical anyway, since it is a video game.