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Thread: Do I get everything or just end the game?

  1. #1
    I will save the world Do I get everything or just end the game? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Do I get everything or just end the game?

    I'm at the point on FF8, disc 3....don't want to spoil anything so
    I just saved Rinoa in Space, found out Laguna is the President of Esthar, and i'm about to attack Luntiac Pandora.

    Here's the only thing, I'm missing a few GF's and while it's not impossible to get them or the final items for weapons, it's difficult. Specifcally because I'm at a higher level now, so now I'm torn about what to do.

    Do I bite the bullet and try and go for everything including the missing GF's and Squall/Zell's final weapons? Or do I say screw it. Attack head on and end the game. I really don't know. Hence why I'm asking? Do I end it? or do I want to power up?

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  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Do I get everything or just end the game? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    I guess it depends on whether you are a completionist or not. I have never finished a game 100%, but I have come very close. There are some people that say you have not completed a game unless you get every item, completed every side-quest, every...everything. I believe that if you see the end credits after the final boss battle, then you have finished the game.

    Whether you go for it everything or not is up to you. I have never gotten Eden or Doomtrain, and I don't even know what the final weapons look like. I was able to defeat Ultimecia regardless of my lack of weaponry or GFs.

    Now, maybe something special happens if you get 100% in this game (like how there's an extra scene in Final Fantasy IX if you have Save the Queen at the end of the game). I have never completed VIII at 100%, so I wouldn't know.

    What you do is up to you.
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  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do I get everything or just end the game? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Well, if you have difficulties now you'll certainly have them later on. Ultimecia is bit challenging, even more so since she herself decides who's gonna enter the battle first, in other words all of you characters better be prepared.

    I suggest tackling Bahamuth, and Ultima Weapon if you haven't done so already, if those two prove to be difficult than you're definitely not prepared. In that case obtain every available GF, their abilities might/will prove to be useful later on. Secondly, junction the strongest magic which can be obtained on island closest to hell/heaven, it takes time but it's worth it. Diablos ability to avoid enemies will save you a lot of patience here, you could also refine cards though I'm pretty sure you'll need huge quantity to obtain certain magic.

    And finally, the ultimate weapons, Leonhart in particular as it's limit break is devastating. There's another option where you refine rare cards into holy wars, or is it hero drinks, not sure, but anyways, it's for weaklings who don't want any challenge whatsoever, so I suggest you avoid that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    Now, maybe something special happens if you get 100% in this game (like how there's an extra scene in Final Fantasy IX if you have Save the Queen at the end of the game). I have never completed VIII at 100%, so I wouldn't know..
    As far as I know nothing special happens.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  4. #4
    I will save the world Do I get everything or just end the game? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    I actually tried to go after Bahamaut, but I was wiped out by the Ruby Dragon cause it goes about 8,000 hp attack with its breath attack killing my party and or any any GF's, that and it's 65,000 hp because of my levelling up, but I guess I'll keep trying. I basically just want Lionheart and getting the dragon fangs are hard to find unless I get them from island closest to hell....I guess if I call myself a true FF fan I'm gonna have to kill it cause right now I've only used Squall, Zell and Selphie, I've pretty much ignored everyone with the exception of Quistis.....I'll just bite the bullet and kick some ass!

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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do I get everything or just end the game? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    If you're wiped out by a fairly easy opponent such as Ruby Dragon I can only imagine what would Ultimecia do to you. It seems to me you need to change your approach, never ever summon GF's as they're pretty much useless unless you want them as your shield, you can dish out noticeably more damage with your melee attacks, if you junction your magic properly that is.

    Junctioning 100x Haste to your speed is wise to say the least, as well as 100x Protect to your defense, junctioning 100x Death to your special attack can kill some of your opponents instantly, tough opponents such as Behemoth. Casting meltdown on your opponents is highly recommended, as well as Aura on your characters as you'll double/triple your chances for Limit Breaks to show up, not to mention equipping certain GF abilities such as 40 & 60% strength/health/vitality, auto haste, auto potion, last one is a must since obtaining 100 X-potions is fairly easy, with that your character is pretty much invincible. I would also replace Selphie with Quistis as she has the best limit break in entire game, Mighty Guard is fricking sweat as it casts haste, protect, shell and regen all at once, White Wind is also great.

    As for Ruby Dragon, with 100x Haste junctioned on your speed you'll have enough time to cast Protect, and Shell on all of your characters, if you summon Cerberus you can do all that in one, max two turns. Junctioning Ultima will max your strength, if you lack enough Ultima, Meteor/Comet or Flare are good replacements. Cast Meltdown on Ruby Dragon to lower his defense, and Aura on your characters, it's pretty much one sided battle after that. This tactic can be used for many opponents.

    After writing all this, I have this urge to play Final Fantasy VIII once more, I think I'll do just that. Thank you for that Hero without a Name =D

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  6. #6
    I will save the world Do I get everything or just end the game? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Oh you're very welcome, I'm glad I helped you. Very good ideas, regarding the Ruby Dragon, I have the tools to defeat it, it just literally does 8,000 hp attack on me wiping out everyone except Zell cause he has HP 80% but I will try your approach and I will let you know how things went. Enjoy your new game

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  7. #7

    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Damn, after reading this I remembered more about the game and want to play FFVIII as well.

  8. #8
    I will save the world Do I get everything or just end the game? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    If you're wiped out by a fairly easy opponent such as Ruby Dragon I can only imagine what would Ultimecia do to you. It seems to me you need to change your approach, never ever summon GF's as they're pretty much useless unless you want them as your shield, you can dish out noticeably more damage with your melee attacks, if you junction your magic properly that is.

    Junctioning 100x Haste to your speed is wise to say the least, as well as 100x Protect to your defense, junctioning 100x Death to your special attack can kill some of your opponents instantly, tough opponents such as Behemoth. Casting meltdown on your opponents is highly recommended, as well as Aura on your characters as you'll double/triple your chances for Limit Breaks to show up, not to mention equipping certain GF abilities such as 40 & 60% strength/health/vitality, auto haste, auto potion, last one is a must since obtaining 100 X-potions is fairly easy, with that your character is pretty much invincible. I would also replace Selphie with Quistis as she has the best limit break in entire game, Mighty Guard is fricking sweat as it casts haste, protect, shell and regen all at once, White Wind is also great.

    As for Ruby Dragon, with 100x Haste junctioned on your speed you'll have enough time to cast Protect, and Shell on all of your characters, if you summon Cerberus you can do all that in one, max two turns. Junctioning Ultima will max your strength, if you lack enough Ultima, Meteor/Comet or Flare are good replacements. Cast Meltdown on Ruby Dragon to lower his defense, and Aura on your characters, it's pretty much one sided battle after that. This tactic can be used for many opponents.

    After writing all this, I have this urge to play Final Fantasy VIII once more, I think I'll do just that. Thank you for that Hero without a Name =D
    I took your advice, I switched Quistis with Selphie, and getting Bahamut was....a lot easier than before. Mighty Guard is one of the best magics in the game, I just need to find those stupid dragon fangs and pulse ammo and I'm going to kill Ultima Weapon!!!

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  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do I get everything or just end the game? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    I took your advice, I switched Quistis with Selphie, and getting Bahamut was....a lot easier than before. Mighty Guard is one of the best magics in the game, I just need to find those stupid dragon fangs and pulse ammo and I'm going to kill Ultima Weapon!!!
    I'm glad it worked. As for Ultima Weapon, speed is a key factor in this battle. Ultima Weapon is a rather fast opponent, it can attack twice in a row, and it's capable of killing any of your characters instantly with it's Light Pillar. Make sure you have 100x Haste juncioned to your characters speed, equip Auto Haste to one of your members, preferably Squall, the rest is same as with Ruby Dragon. I've managed to kill it in just little bit over one minute with my characters on lvl 100 which means it was also on lvl 100, and I've seen people do it faster.

    There's a save point right before Ultima Weapon but you'll need Siren's special ability to see it, and don't forget to draw Eden. I think you'll be ready to face Ultimecia after this, who knows maybe you can even tackle Omega Weapon.

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  10. #10
    Gamer Girl Do I get everything or just end the game? Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    I'm a completionist, so I would say start questing. I get the most fun out of a game finding everything. Weapons, cards, GFs, all of it. But that may just be me. If you don't think you'll have fun doing that, carry on. But as others said, you may have problems.

  11. #11
    Registered User Do I get everything or just end the game? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sakaea View Post
    I'm a completionist, so I would say start questing. I get the most fun out of a game finding everything. Weapons, cards, GFs, all of it. But that may just be me. If you don't think you'll have fun doing that, carry on. But as others said, you may have problems.
    I tell people all the time to not even bother trying to beat the game unless you have most of, if not, all of the character's ultimate weapons, very high level magic for junctioning, and all of your GF's abilities. Cactuar Island is your friend lol.

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  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Do I get everything or just end the game? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Its something you should do but not so close to the end of the game. If im at the end of the game or near it, and I spend heaps of time (tens of hours) trying to get the nitty gritty, I will lose the connection with the story and the end will wont impact as much since you've taken such a break from the main story. My sugguestion is that if you can finish it now, do so. Because you will spend all this time getting these things that wont necassarily help you in battle, only to feel empty once the game is over just a mere 1 - 2 hours after you spent 15 trying to get the best items.

    once again, my recomendation is to try and do all this stuff as early as possible, or perhaps even closer to the middle of the game.-

  13. #13
    I will save the world Do I get everything or just end the game? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Do I get everything or just end the game?

    Just a heads up for everyone, I finally got all the final weapons for my team, I have every GF except for Eden/Levithian (because I forgot to draw) and I'm just waiting to level up so I have auto haste on my guys so I can destroy Ultima Weapon which btw has an awesome sword!

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