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If you're wiped out by a fairly easy opponent such as Ruby Dragon I can only imagine what would Ultimecia do to you. It seems to me you need to change your approach, never ever summon GF's as they're pretty much useless unless you want them as your shield, you can dish out noticeably more damage with your melee attacks, if you junction your magic properly that is.
Junctioning 100x Haste to your speed is wise to say the least, as well as 100x Protect to your defense, junctioning 100x Death to your special attack can kill some of your opponents instantly, tough opponents such as Behemoth. Casting meltdown on your opponents is highly recommended, as well as Aura on your characters as you'll double/triple your chances for Limit Breaks to show up, not to mention equipping certain GF abilities such as 40 & 60% strength/health/vitality, auto haste, auto potion, last one is a must since obtaining 100 X-potions is fairly easy, with that your character is pretty much invincible. I would also replace Selphie with Quistis as she has the best limit break in entire game, Mighty Guard is fricking sweat as it casts haste, protect, shell and regen all at once, White Wind is also great.
As for Ruby Dragon, with 100x Haste junctioned on your speed you'll have enough time to cast Protect, and Shell on all of your characters, if you summon Cerberus you can do all that in one, max two turns. Junctioning Ultima will max your strength, if you lack enough Ultima, Meteor/Comet or Flare are good replacements. Cast Meltdown on Ruby Dragon to lower his defense, and Aura on your characters, it's pretty much one sided battle after that. This tactic can be used for many opponents.
After writing all this, I have this urge to play Final Fantasy VIII once more, I think I'll do just that. Thank you for that Hero without a Name =D