duh..... whut?
I came up with this, cuz before I joined this froum, i was searching for others to join, and i came across an similar thread that had this name, and as I ws reading the posts, it went alonh quite fun and really funny! So I wanted to see what kind of people will say, in regards to thia thread.
Come on final fantasy 7 fans: what kind of saying did u come up with?
I don't know if I got one coming just yet, but if ya get me in the groove, I'm groovin!![]()
"Happiness is a perfume. You cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself..."
duh..... whut?
How about this.
Tifa - "Oh cloud, do me now! do me!"
Cloud - "I can't... I'm not strong enough"
Tifa - ""
Cloud - "I love aeris and not you, go away Tifa"
Tifa - "But shes dead, now all you've got is me and you have to love me because I have such big and beautiful breasts with such a small frame, im so attractive"
Cloud - "Shutup Tifa, just shutup... and get me another drink you ****** *****"
Sephiroth: "So, like... are we cool?"
Yuffie - "Here's your materia. I have too much as it is."
Vincent - "Short shorts is my summer outfit. I just wear these dark clothes in any other season... it's for warmth."
Barrett - "I love it when you call me big poppa! Throw your hands in the air if yous a true playa!"
Cid "I'm going to quit smoking, and I'm sorry for my language I shouldn't swear."
"I did not stab her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not stab her! I did noooot. Ohai, Cloud." -Sephiroth
"I got the results of the test back - I definitely have Mako poisoning." - Cloud
"Scarlet looks so pretty in her red dress. I feel like I want to kiss her." - Heidegger
"Everybody betrayed me! I'm fed up with this world!" - Aerith
"I'm so glad I have you as my best friend Barret...and I love Tifa so much." - Cloud
Click at your own risk.:
Midgar zolom - i swim in the marsh to keep fit. Because if I keep fit that means I can have extra helpings of my favourite pudding on Friday night is pudding night.
Ohhhh nooooo hear comes that guy with the sword that killed my partner..... I better run as far away as possible......
Aeris - I don't know how no one realised when they found me I was actually on my knees ready to give sephiroth a great blowjob. Shame he got to carried away with his s&m fantasys and went a step to faroh and I dropped my shiny bobble
never mind sure il find another bobble somewer.
Lmao. Midgar Zolom. Nice added touch there.
Reeve - "You know what? I am definitely moe useful as a human than as a mog riding cat with a microphone. Time to switch it UP!"
Dyne - "Hey Barrett! How about a game of rock... paper... nevermind."
Hojo - "Hey everyone! My laugh is cool, right? Right? Anyone?"
Well this is more on what they wouldnt 'think':
Sephiroth: Noooo, this is impossible! If only I could do something, like let go of this sword! Oh wait...that's a good idea! I should do that. Alright, I'll let go right now and totally surprise him! Oh, the look on his face when I-
Cloud: *tosses him into the wall*
Sephiroth: *slams into the wall and catches on fire* ...Shit. *falls*
Last edited by Crescent; 03-02-2012 at 06:33 PM.
Chocobo - if I had a-posable thumbs I could slay sephiroth no problem..... For now tho I will eat grass and greens and when I'm fat I will fall from the sky and land on him!
Yuffie: Oh I hate Materia it's so messed up.
Cloud: You killed my family, you burned down my house, you killed Aeris!!! You will die you evil bastard!
Sephiroth: An evil bastard? Really? You didn't have to be so mean, it's just so hard fitting in *cries*
Cloud: uh....are you crying?
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
My TFF Family
Judge Magister Brother in Arms: To give peace to the world and look cool doing it
Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums
The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword
Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.
Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan
Cid: "I really enjoy spending my time running around with these kids."
Barret: "I hope I remember which hand to use to masturbate."
Tifa: "I am running around with little clothes on, giant boobs, and the only attention that I am getting is from that damn dog. I hate Aeris, I hope someone just comes up and stabs her."
Nanaki: "Thank the stars that I will be outliving all of these damn humans. They really are idiots."
Chill the body, freeze the soul. ~ Maya, Legaia 2
Don Cornio: I have a confession... I'm homosexual.
Cloud to Aeris: "I was on drugs when I met you."
Currently Playing:
Sephiroth: Ehh... Forget the Promised Land. I think I'm just gonna go to Disney World...the REAL happiest place on Earth.
Cid: Please...have a seat and drink your nice, warm tea.
Cloud: I'm so happy!
Barrett: #@&$% Marlene! I'm not your daddy!!! Now shu'up 'n quit callin' me 'daddy' or I'ma beat ya!!!
Aeris: I've never been to a church. Not once. Not ever.
Tifa: My boobs aren't really big... I just stuff my bra...
Red XIII: Woof! Woof! Bark! Bark!
Cait Sith: I'm the most beloved Final Fantasy VII character among fans!
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy
Up Next: Final Fantasy II
Sephiroth (looking in mirror): "Sephi, Sephi, I'm so fine. I'm so fine I blow my mind."
Barrett: "Cid, old bean, I do believe I am in need of a vigorous constitutional and then some tea. Care to join me?"
Cid: "Indeed! How delightful, Mr. Wallace. Might we ask Miss Kisaragi as well? I do so adore her company."
Yuffie: "What care I for morning walks or Materia when the shadow of death looms across my path, ever threatening to escort me from this mortal coil? *sigh*"
Cait Sith: "Attention, everyone! I've just discovered that one of us--say, the most pointless character in the group--is a Shinra spy. And it's...YOU, Aeris!!"
Aeris: "Oh, NO you didn't! Get over here, I'm gonna kick your fat stuffed ass!"
Vincent: (whining) "You guuuuuys, please don't fiiiight..."
Cloud: "DAY-UM Teef, you got nice titties."
Tifa: "I know."
Red XIII: *puts on Santa hat, sings the barking-dog version of Jingle Bells*
Cloud: aeris..... I was upstairs playing your piano when I found Final Heaven..... And a rather large dildo.....
Sephiroth: "Awwww shit! Planned arrival of Meteor was 20.12.2012. Sorry for that guys, we'll have to wait for next Maya-prophecy!"
Cait Sith: "Let's dance - Gangnam style!"
Red XIII: "I need me some wheels, yo."
Vincent: "So, Cloud, are you and Aeris like...together, or..."
Yuffie: "I'm sick of Materia, let's give it all to charity."
Tifa: "Hey, that guy who killed my dad is smoking hot! Is my hair good?"
Cloud: "I really envy those pickles right now"
Aeris: "WTH, Cloud I was talking to you and you totally drifted off! yer such a tard!"
Barrett: *shrieks* "It's a Shinra Soldier in his cute little uniform! Oh, those shoes! I could just die!"
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
Things the FFVII cast would never say:
"I forgive you, Sephiroth...." ~ Cloud
"Why am i wearing boots with this dress?!" ~ Aerith
"I'm okay.....it's not as bad as it looks....." ~ Aerith
"I don't like you, Cloud," ~ Tifa
"Where on earth do i keep my spear?!" ~ Cid
"Kupo?" ~ Chocobo ( =P )
(Aeris died) "Cant we use a phoenix down?"
XD true story bro XD "oh well bro get over it..."
XD LMAO I love this thread so much