What all espers can be bought in the auction house in the Wob and in the WoR and what price do they go for?
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What all espers can be bought in the auction house in the Wob and in the WoR and what price do they go for?
Golem - 20,000
Zone Seek - 10,000
Easy one, what item do you have to wager at the coloseum to get shadow to return to your party?
A. I believe it was the Ichigeki (correct if wrong)
Q. Where can you find the Ultima Weapon? (Sword)
You can find the Ultima Weapon in two places to my knowledge.
1. In a chest in the cave to the sealed gate.
2. You can steal it from one of the monsters (Girl maybe?) during the 3rd part of the final set of battles.
Oh and for bonus points, you can find the monster Ultima Weapon on the floating continent. =)
Thank You Wolf:cool:
Q. What button combonation must you use to perform Sabin's Razor Gale Blitz?
up, diagnal up right, right, dignal down right, down, diagnal down left, left.
What weapon can you receive from the statue located in the treasure room of figaro castle?
(Which port are you refering to when saying that you can fight ultima weapon on the floating continant? I have not played any others tehn the SNES and PSX and I only knew of atma that wwas on the FC)
note: my awnser to this question is based off of the SNES version.
I was refering to all of the ports, my bad
A. Soul Sabre
Q. Where can you find the Stoneblade?
Well, the very first mythril gear you can have is the Mythril Knife, which is initially equipped on Terra from the beginning of the game. Can't get much earlier than that.
In terms of actually acquiring the equipment as opposed to simply having it, the first piece you can get is the Mythril Spear, by de-equipping it from Mog when you fight the three party battle against the Marshal and his troops.
In terms of buying, the first mythril gear you can buy is the Mythril Knife and Mythril Blade in the South Figaro weapon shop when you first visit there.
Q. Is it possible to get both the Gauntlet and the Genji Glove from the Returners when you first visit them with Terra? If so, how?
Yes it is, the Gauntlet is in the back room for the returners hide out, you gain access to it after you talk to Bannon for the first time. And for the Genji Glove all you have to do is awnser "no" three times after Bannon asks you to join him as their shining light of hope (or something close to that) after the scene ends on the third time, the empire attacks automatically and one of the returners gives it to you.
What item can you get for wagering a Elixer at the coloseum?
A. The Rename Card.
Q. Name every fire elemental attack in the game, including enemy attacks and weapons. There's 19.
Ifrit (Hellfire)
Valigarmanda (Tri-Disaster is part Fire damage)
Rising Phoenix (Sabin Blitz)
Will o' the Wisp
Fire Beam
Atomic Rays
Dancing Flame
Flare Star
Southern Cross
Flame Scroll
Flame Rod
Flame Shield
(I hope I got them all, correct if I missed any)
Q. The Same as espritduo's last question, cept name every Ice Elemental attack in the game. (including enemy attacks, weapons, armor etc)
Close enough. You forgot Lv.4 Flare and the Fire Knuckles, but I forgot the Fire Beam and the Flame Shield(although the shield's iffy since it just casts Fire 3), so we're even.
A. These names are going by the original SNES version, since I still haven't memorized all the name changes from this version to the Advance version.
Ice 2
Ice 3
Ice Beam
Shiva's Diamond Dust
Tritoch's Tri-disaster
Absolute Zero
Ice Rod
Blizzard Sword
And the Ice Shield, since you included the Flame Shield before.
Northern Cross, Cold Dust and Snowball are kinda icy, although they don't do ice-elemental damage.
Q. And to round out the theme, name all the lightning-elemental attacks in the game. There (should be) 17.
Thunder Blade
Thunder Rod
Thunder Shield
Diamond Armor
Lightning Scroll
Ramuh (Judgement Bolt)
Valigarmanda *(Half lightning damage)
Diffractive Laser
Magitek Laser
Wave Cannon
(correct if I missed any)
Diamond Armor doesn't have any Lightning attributes associated with it. The one you were missing was Flash Rain, a Water/Lightning elemental attack.
Q. What item can be found in the Imperial Camp in a secret tent behind the tent where you fight Telstar?
A. I think it was a Green Beret (correct if wrong)
Q. What does Kefka drop after you beat him in Narshe?
Nope, the Green Beret is what the Telstar drops when you beat it.
A. A Peace Ring.
Q. Same as before. What item can be found in the Imperial Camp in a secret tent behind the tent where you fight Telstar?
I want to say a Mythril Glove.
How many theifs go with Edgar into Figaro when you first get to the W.o.R.?
A. I want to say between 5-7 thieves (correct if wrong)
Q. What bosses must you fight Cyan's Dream in WOR?
A.Moe, Larry and Curly, and Wrexsoul and his Soul Savers.
Q. What were the original SNES name and the new GBA name for final Kefka's ultimate attack? (the one where the little head appears beforehand)
SNES: The End (I Think)
GBA: Hyperdrive or Havok Wing (I think)
(those are the only ones I can remember atm, correct if wrong)
Q. What items can you steal from all of Final Kefka's forms?
Both of those are wrong for Kefka's ultimate attack. Although Havoc Wing is one of Kefka's attacks.
A. Elixirs from all the parts of the first two battles, Ragnarok from Girl, Atma/Ultima Weapon from Sleep, and a Megalixir from Kefka.
Q. Same as before. What were the original SNES name and the new GBA name for final Kefka's ultimate attack? (the one where the little head appears beforehand)
Well I hope I got this right:
SNES: Goner
GBA: Vengance
(Did I get this right your majesty?)
Q. What is Gogo's first words in the game?
Heh, close enough. The GBA name is Forsaken.
A. "I am Gogo, master of the simulacrum... My miming skills will
astonish you."
Q. Why not an easy one? How much can you sell the Bone Club for?
(I was thinking the same thing LOL)
A. 10000 Gil
Q. How much does Setzer's Death Tarot (aka Doom Darts) sell for?
A. The Death Tarot/Doom Darts sells for 1 gil. If you were referring to the Viper Darts/Trump, they sell for 6500 gil. The question could be a bit misleading because the Doom Darts and Trump were actually switched during translation in the SNES version. That's why you throw cards when you attack the Doom Darts and throw darts when you attack with the Trump.
Q. What key item do you receive for completing the Soul Shrine?
A. I believe it was the Master's Crown (correct if wrong)
Q. What can you steal from the Boss, Flame Eater?
A. Flame Sabre
Q. True or false:
The Imp equipment's magic defense takes effect even when not an Imp.
A. I'm taking a educated guess... True
correct if wrong
Q. Name all of the items you can get from the Dragon's Den in FFVI Advance.