Q. List all treasure you can find in the Magitek Research Facility.
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Q. List all treasure you can find in the Magitek Research Facility.
Dragoon Boots
Golden Shield
Golden Helm
Golden Armor
Zephyr Cloak
Q. List all Treasure you can find in Zozo.
Q: How many Ice type equipment can you get in WOB?
Er, there's already a question:
Q. List all Treasure you can find in Zozo.
New Question:
Q. True or False:
Celes's Runic converts magic spells to MP.
Trick question.
Answer: It converts all the spells that it can absorb into MP, some spells (like Ultima and Merton/Meltdown) can't be absorbed because they hit all party members.
True/False: Terra's transformation lasts longer depending on how often you use it.
~Kaiser Dragoon
Lets move on:
Q. Who was the Effect Designer for FFVI Advance?
Geez no activity for over a month!
New Question:
Q. True or False:
Vargas killed Master Duncan.
A. True
Q. How were Vargas and Duncan related?
A. Vargas was Duncan's Son, and a student under him
Q. Without leveling up what is another way for Sabin to learn Phantom Rush? (Bum Rush)
Sorry Squall, that's false. Duncan shows up in the World of Ruin and teaches Sabin the Bum Rush -- hence, Vargas didn't kill him.
I didn't even know Sabin would get it through levels ... I've always had it before he got that high, I think.
Next question: What are the non-focused attacks, spells, and Esper summons?
A. What do you mean by "non-focused attacks"? Be more specific next time please.
As for spells:
Cure Cura
Curaga Raise
Arise Poisona
Esuna Regen
Fire Blizzard
Thunder Poison
Drain Fira
Blizzara Thundara
Bio Firaga
Blizzaga Thundaga
Break Death
Holy Flare
Gravity Graviga
Banish Meteor
Ultima Quake
Tornado Meltdown
Flood Gravija
Libra Slow
Rasp Silence
Protect Sleep
Confuse Haste
Stop Berserk
Float Imp
Reflect Shell
Vanish Hastega
Slowga Osmose
Teleport Quick
Dispel Valor
And as for Espers:
Zona Seeker
Q. Where is the Dragon's Den located on the world map after beating the game?
Non-focused means that they have no specific target. Sabin's Blitzes are somewhat non-focused, as they won't hit your own guys, but you can't target a specific enemy with them. You can't focus them.
I'm reasonably certain that most, if not all of the non-focused spells/Espers describe themselves as "non-focused".
As an example ... Quake. Hits everybody. Non-focused.
Yeah, thanks for clearing that up, and next time put Q (means your making a question) or FQ (meaning Free Question so someone else can make a question.) Don't just leave it like this.
Now, since you didn't put a new question down, I'm assuming this is a FQ.
Oh wait, I take that back! You still didn't answer my question so it STILL stands:
Q. Where is the Dragon's Den located on the world map after beating the game?
Actually, my question still stands, since you didn't answer it. But I'll play it your way.
A: On one of the small islands North of Mobliz. (I had to look this up.)
Q: What are the non-focused attacks, spells, and Esper summons?
Crusader (Esper)
Quake (spell)
Tornado (spell)
(correct if missed any)
Q. How much MP does it cost to summon each Esper? And as a bonus name the special attack of each esper when summoned, and the magic you can learn from each esper.
(And if you look it up online trust me, I'll know :lol:)
Now let's get down to business.Ramuh -- 25 -- Bolt Fist -- Bolt, Bolt 2, PoisonQuote:
Q. How much MP does it cost to summon each Esper? And as a bonus name the special attack of each esper when summoned, and the magic you can learn from each esper.
Kirin -- 18 -- Life Guard -- Cure, Cure 2, Regen, Antdot, Scan
Siren -- 16 -- Hope Song -- Sleep, Slow, Mute, Fire
Stray -- 28 -- Cat Rain -- Muddle, Imp, Float
Ifrit -- 26 -- Inferno -- Fire, Fire 2, Drain
Shiva -- 27 -- Gem Dust -- Ice, Ice 2, Rasp, Osmose, Cure
Unicorn -- 30 -- Heal Horn -- Cure 2, Remedy, Dispel, Safe, Shell
Maduin -- 44 -- Chaos Wing -- Fire 2, Ice 2, Bolt 2
Shoat -- 45 -- Demon Eye -- Bio, Break, Doom
Phantom -- 38 -- Fader -- Bserk, Vanish, Demi
Carbunkl -- 36 -- Ruby Power -- Rflect, Haste, Shell, Safe, Warp
Bismark -- 50 -- Sea Song -- Fire, Ice, Bolt, Life
Golem -- 33 -- Earth Wall -- Safe, Stop, Cure
Zoneseek -- 30 -- Wall -- Rasp, Osmose, Shell
Sraphim -- 40 -- Reviver -- Life, Cure 2, Cure, Regen, Remedy
Palidor -- 61 -- Sonic Dive -- Haste, Slow, Haste2, Slow 2, Float
Fenrir -- 70 -- Moon Song -- Warp, X-Zone, Stop
Tritoch -- 68 -- Tri-Dazer -- Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3
Terrato -- 40 -- Earth Aura -- Quake, Wuartr, W Wind
Starlet -- 74 -- Group Hug -- Cure, Cure 2, Cure 3, Regen, Remedy
Alexandr -- 90 -- Justice -- Pearl, Shell, Safe, Dispel, Remedy
Phoenix -- 110 -- Rebirth -- Life, Life 2, Life 3, Cure 3, Fire 3
Odin -- 70 -- Atom Edge -- Meteor
Bahamut -- 86 -- Megaflare -- Flare
Crusader -- 96 -- Purifier -- Merton, Meteor
Ragnarok -- 6 -- Metamorph -- Ultima
Raiden -- 80 -- True Edge -- Quick
Now tell me that I looked all of them up online, or that they're all wrong.
Next question: At one point in the game, you learn the name of an esper, but never use it. You don't acquire it in the form of magicite, and you don't learn anything from it. What's it's name?
A. As for your question it makes no sense at all. I don't know what version your playing but I've never heard of any esper that was mentioned but never obtained in the game. It makes NO sense.
Q. Name ALL the bosses you encounter in the Dragon's Den, as well as ALL of the items you can obtain there. Both from chests, and dropped from bosses.
Since you didn't answer the question, it remains.
What is the name of the Esper that you meet -- who tells you its name (in the form of "I am [name]") -- but does not join you as magicite?
Hint: Think Thamasa.
Answer: Pretty sure it was Christophe right?
Question: How many dreams for Shadow do you get to see?
Anyway, even though Dawezy took care of the posts, I want to point out to you Phantom, don't be snarky and post insanely obscure trivia questions just because you have some personal grudge against Sasquatch. He's right, questions should pertain to FF6 as a whole and not minuscule port version differences.
I mean, okay questions like "What new Espers did they add to the GBA version?" can be fair game, if someone like Sasquatch has to look up info, that should be allowed as long as it's mentioned. Why? Because how else will the topic be able to keep going? Plus, at least he fairly admitted he cheated.
Okay, I'm done, let the games continue
Then whats the point in playing trivia at all, if all the answers are right there online? That makes no sense to me. As far as VI is as a whole, it should be for ALL versions including GBA, if you don't have said game then don't answer the question, let some else who actually has the game try their luck? Did that make sense? Trivia, is a game to test one's knowledge correct? Therefore, playing said games protening to the Trivia questions asked is needed. If you played the game, then you should be able to load up your games and find the answer if there's a problem correct? But looking online? Where the answers are just...there? That IS cheating, because your not using your knowledge, nor your gaming knowledge, your cheating your way to win. Your using an easy source to look up it, without thinking about the actual questions, like athletes using Steroids to get easy victories. If you cheat for each question then don't play this game. Simple rule. You all can use your internet sources, but if your a true FF fan and lover of games then you shouldn't need to look up the answers for each question asked. If you do, your patheic.
And as for my "grudge" against Sasquatch, well all I can say is, he's a lying slimely b**tard. I could pull up the number of posts he made, which some WERE directly toward me, even if you don't beleive me or he denies it. But that is going further off topic. I know your not picking sides Cain, but from this angle...You know what screw it. I'm not going to fall for his feeble bait, I have enough problems right now, and he's giving me a serious headache. If he posts here then I'm not, I'm tired of him, messing up my time here of TFF. Now I lost the urge to do trivia here, if people like him, have to show up and bait me each chance he gets. I won't stand for it any longer.
Now you can continue, I'm out of here.
Edit: Erasing my post, doesn't change the fact that what I have said is right. In fact it proves it.
Sorry I should've said "Within Reason" I by no means meant you should use the internet every single time, OF COURSE you're going to look pathetic. I'm just saying if you have EVERYONE stumped or someone really wants to continue with their own question.
This is meant to be fun, not a life and death competition.
And shame on you Phantom, you didn't post an answer and a question
Answer: The first verse: Oh My Hero, so far away now, Will I ever see your smile? Love goes away, like night into day. It's just a fading dream."
The bold part is what you must choose. The choice is that or "Alas, Draco".
Question: What Espers are "optional", meaning non-essential to the storyline, IF all characters are obtained?
You finish the game. You have all fourteen characters, but have made no quests specifically to get magicite. Which ones don't you have?
Alright, since nobody's answered that yet, I will, and ask a new one.
Optional magicite: Golem, Zoneseek, Seraphim, Palidor, Alexander, Odin, Raiden, Bahamut, Crusader, Ragnarok.
Next question: How many pieces of coral do you need to advance through Ebot's Rock?
A: N. Where N is the amount of coral the treasure needs to fill up.
No, seriously: unless that changed in the GBA version, you need at least 5 pieces of coral (or 10? I'm pretty sure it filled with an amount of coral over 5), but the treasure never tells you how much. You could give him 5 pieces of coral, and still the box wouldn't fill. However, it's not a ridiculous amount like 30 or 40; usually, it remains within the realm of 5-20 coral to fill the treasure.
That's what I remember from SNES and PSX versions.
Q: There are two Summon Monsters (note the wider expression) who are acquired in roughly similar ways. You need to fight for both of them, but the circumstances of each battle are different. One of the Summons' first appearance was actually here. And, the events of one of the ways is referenced in this very same game. With this hints, which two Summon Monsters are these? Explain all of the hints.
Ok, its been over a month so I'm making a new question, if you know the last one then include that with the answer to this question.
Q. What is the name of the music theme that plays @ Jidoor in the WoR? (Hint: It's different then the one from WoB)
I am going to go out on a limb here and say "The Magic house" that is the only one I can think of just heard it on FFradio the other day. (please correct me if wrong)
Easy one, how many times must you fight Kefka through out the WoB, and give the locations of where the battles where fought.
1. Imperial Camp: (Sabin's Scenerio)
2. Narshe
3. Esper Mountain: (One hit fight)
4. Thamasa: (With General Leo)