A. Crystal Orb:woot:
Q. What can you win for defeating the Skull Dragon and the Optional Boss: Samurai Soul?
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A. Crystal Orb:woot:
Q. What can you win for defeating the Skull Dragon and the Optional Boss: Samurai Soul?
A. A scorpian tail and offering. (Feel free to correct if wrong.)
Q. True or False? Sabin can learn Phantom Rush (Bum Rush) without side questing it.
A. False. You need to visit Duncan in order to learn it.
Q. True/False Celes is first set with the spells "Thunder" and "Cure" when you first have her in your party.
A. False. She comes with Blizzard and Cure
Q. True/False: Celes can learn Ultima by leveling up.
A. False. Only Terra can.
Q. True/False Terra can learn Fire, Fira, and Firaga without the use of espers.
I want to play. I grew up in the FFVI trivia thread back when I was but a wee little nub.
A: True. Also, Celes learns the three Ice spells.
Q: How many spells hit all enemies and party members? What are they?
A. I believe there are 2 And they are: Quake and Tornado (correct if wrong)
Q. What are the correct button combinations needed for all of Sabin's Blitz attacks?
Well, I'm used to seeing it as W.Wind, but you have the right spells... you did, however, miss one: Merton. It's fire/wind and hits everyone on screen.
A: Did you seriously just ask that? ;!
Skill: Pummel
Effect: Physical damage to a single enemy
Command: Left, Right, Left
Learned: Level 1
Skill: AuraBolt
Effect: Magical damage to a single enemy
Command: Quarter Circle rotation of joypad from down to left
Alt.: v, v, <
Learned: Level 6
Skill: Suplex
Effect: Physical damage to a single enemy
Command: X, Y, v, ^
Learned: Level 10
Skill: Fire Dance
Effect: Fire-based damage to all enemies
Command: Semi Circle from Left to down to right
Alt.: <, <, v, v, >
Learned: Level 15
Skill: Mantra
Effect: Restores HP to all allies excluding Sabin
Command: R, L, R, L, X, Y
Learned: Level 23
Skill: Air Blade
Effect: Wind-based damage to all enemies
Command: Circular rotation of joypad from up to left (3/4 rotation)
Alt.: ^, ^, >, >, v, v, <
Learned: Level 30
Skill: Spiraler
Effect: Fully restores all allies' HP; Sabin removed from battle
Command: R, L, X, Y, >, <
Learned: Level 42
Skill: Bum Rush
Effect: Magical damage to one enemy
Command: Full Circular rotation of joypad, from left back to left
Alt.: <, <, ^, ^, >, >, v, v, <
Learned: Level 70
NOTE: *Duncan will teach Sabin if you meet him in the World of Ruin.*
I'm not going to lie. I just copied that straight out of the stickied list thread right here in this forum. I did, however, actually know all of these if it makes you feel any better. You beat a game more than 30 times and you'll know these things.
Q: Explain how multiplayer mode works.
I know it's not really a question, but I want to see if you (or anyone else) know(s).
Whoa...multiplayer. Guess that is a very obscure reference.
The "Multi-Player" mode is mostly a 2-player division of the battle. When you select a character to be controlled by Player 2, the control of the characters in battle is shifted to the second controller. That's it.
Example: from the 4 characters, half of them go Player 1, half of them go Player 2. In battle, using ATB, the fastest character goes first, then so on. That means that if the fastest character is Player 1's, then Player 1 controls. Conversely, if the fastest character is Player 2's, then Player 2 controls. Turns shift accordingly.
That's basically it. No big deal. No split screen, no linked consoles playing (kudos to whomever gets the reference)...just a second player aiding the first, while the first plays its game.
Q: Which is the strongest of Cyan's SwdTech/Bushido moves, in terms of damage? For clarification, the move must do actual damage, in concrete numbers (thus, Cleave/-- is not considerated by these standards)
A: I believe that would be Tempest/Quadra Slice. I could be wrong though, it's been ages since I used his techniques past the first few.
Q: What does the Evade% stat do in the SNES/PlayStation versions of the game?
A. Memory is kinda fuzzy but, didn't Evade% help increase Evasion? (correct me if wrong)
Q. What is the name of the Mountain that Gau takes Sabin and Cyan to? And is the "Treasure" that Gau gives them?
A. Gau takes them to Crescent Mountain which the treasure is a Diving Helmet.
Q. What esper can you get below the Figaro desert?
A. Odin/Raiden
Q. Which esper/espers attacks both enemies and allies?
A. Crusader and if I recall, a Cactuar as well. (Feel free to correct, if wrong or missed any.)
Q. What summon causes ice, lightning, and fire damage?
A. Shiva, Ramuh, and Ifrit
Q. What summons deal Non-elemental damage to enemies?
A. Bahumut, Crusader, and Maduin.
Q. Which espers cause water-elemental damage and what are the names of those attacks?
Bismarck: Breach Blast
Leviathan: Tidal Wave
Q. What spell can you learn from Leviathan?
A. Flood.
Q. What spells can you learn from Cactuar and Gilgamesh?
A. Cactuar: Teleport, Vanish, Hastega
Gilgamesh: Quick, Valor
Q. How can you obtain Gilgamesh?
A. At the auction house in Jidoor. You need 500,000 gil to bid on Excalipoor. If you win the bid, you face Gilgamesh and need to defeat him in order to obtain him as an esper.
Q. What is the learning rate of learning "valor" with Gilgamesh?
A. x5 Times faster
Q. What is the level up bonus you get when you have Gilgamesh equipped?
A. Strength +2.
Q. What stat bonuses do you get when equipping Diablos and Golem?
A. Golem: Stamina+2 Diablos: HP+100%
Q. At what level does Sabin learn what blitzes and what do they do?
Raging Fist: Level 1 Desc: Deals massive blows on one enemy.
Aura Cannon: level 6 Desc: Deals holy damage on one enemy
Meteor Strike: level 10 Desc: Hurls a single enemy into the ground
Rising Phoenix: level 15 Desc: Engulfs all enemies in flames
Chakra: level 23 Desc: Heals some HP to all allies
Razor Gale: level 30 Desc: slashes all enemies with a cutting wind
Soul Spiral: level 42 Desc: Sacrifices self to heal all allies to full HP
Phantom Rush: lvl 70 Desc: Deals massive damage to a single enemy
FQ means you can make a free Question, so um how can no one is taking the chance?
Q. Where can you obtain the Ultima Sword?
From the Sealed Cave, and from one of the many boss-creatures in final Kefka battle.
-Edit: forgot to put a question :P
Q: What are the magic using abilities that hurt the party and the enemies?
This question was already asked and answered on a pervious page. So I'll be making a new question:
Q. How old is Relm and Terra?
A: Terra is (supposedly) 18 years of age; Relm is 10.
Q: 06:10:50 - answer in the form of a question