A. I'm just going to include the items found in chests and items dropped by the bosses, since listing every item that could be stolen/dropped/morphed from every enemy in the place would be way too long and I don't think that's what you had in mind. So:
Final Trump, Godhand, Longinus, Save the Queen, Apocalypse, Scorpion Tail, Zanmato, Zwill Crossblade from the eight dragons.
Diabolos Magicite from Kaiser Dragon.
Gungnir, Angel Brush, Oborozuki, Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod and Dueling Mask from the secret cache of chests.
And in the random chests scattered around the place - Hi-Ether, Elixir x3, Megalixir, Rename Card, X-Potion, Teleport Stone, X-Ether, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Force Armor, Magus Robe, Ribbon x2, Crystal Orb, Genji Glove.
Q. What Rage gives Gau the ability to do Leo's Shock attack?