Good catch sassy.
I take it is still a free question.
How many returners are in the Returners hideout including Bannon (not including your party memebers) on your first visit there?
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Good catch sassy.
I take it is still a free question.
How many returners are in the Returners hideout including Bannon (not including your party memebers) on your first visit there?
Let's see... one in the inn section ... one in the treasure room ... one at the shop, and one in the meeting room ... one at the entrance ... and Bannon ... I think that's it.
That's six. Eight, if you include Edgar and Locke.
I'll ask one that I asked before and wasn't answered.
If you follow the storyline and get every character without going out of your way to collect Magicite -- as in, you do whatever little sidequests you need to do to get all characters, but that's all -- what Espers will you be missing at the end of the game?
For example, you would have Phoenix, since you get that when you get Locke. But you don't have Palidoor, since you're not required to get Palidoor to acquire all characters.
I really dont see the point in reviving an old question no one answered.
Through I'll give it a go anyway:
Zona Seeker
and the rest of the 4 new espers.
(correct me if wrong)
Ok, new question:
Q. Name all Non-Elemental Spells.
A. By non-elemental spells, I'll assume you mean just the regular learnable Magic spells that do damage. So that's Drain, Flare, Demi/Gravity, Quartr/Graviga, Meteor, Ultima, W Wind/Tornado, and Gravija.
As for the previous question, you have to get Fenrir to get Terra, and you have to get Tritoch/Valigarmanda and Terrato/Midgardsormr to get Umaro. On top of the other espers you mentioned, you also do not have to get Siren, Stray, Kirin, Ifrit, and Alexander.
Oh and Sasquatch, I sent you a PM a while back asking you something and you never PM'd me back. If you could answer that I'd really appreciate it. I'm very curious to hear your answer.
Anyways, new Q.
Q. Name every enemy in the game capable of casting Ultima.
As far as I'm aware:
Kekfa (final form)
Atma Weapon
Though please tell me if there is more, those were all I could think of.
Q)Haha an easy one, what is the name of the very first esper encountered in the game?
A. If you mean the esper frozen in Ice that would be Tritoch/Varilgarmada or if you mean in Zozo, then Ramuh.
Q. How many Espers can you obtain in Jidoor? And what are their names?
A. Golem, Zone Seeker, and Starlet/Lakshmi.
Q. How much does the man in Tzen sell the Seraphim magicite for if you wait until the World of Ruin to buy it from him?
10gp, a steal!:)
Q) Without gaining any other party members, only storyline related ones, what would your final team be against kefka? That is you can't go on any sidequests to get characters you only have the storyline related ones.
Sezter, Celes and Edgar
What all items can you find in barrels in the town of South Figaro?
I wasn't sure if this meant boxes as well barrels but I included them anyway:
Green Cherry
Warp Stone
Q) Name both of the items you can receive from bannon at the returners hideout (even though you can only get one, I'd still like both:))
A. I think it was a Giga's Glove and a Genji Glove (correct if wrong)
Q. What does Kefka drop when you beat him at Narshe?
Hey phantom you were close! You were right about the Genji glove, but the other one was the Gauntlet, let's you hold a weapon with two hands.
A) I could be wrong but I think it's an elixer.
Q) What relic does relm need in order to use her command control to control monsters?
A: That would be Relm's Fake Moustache.
Q: Free Question
Hey, Sasquatch, I'm still waiting to hear what your answer is for the origin of the Magus Sisters name! It's killing me here, and I'd really like to know.
As for the question...
A. The FakeMustache also lets Gogo use Control as well. If you're looking for a more esoteric answer, I guess you could also mention that if Relm has the FakeMustache equipped, she will only be able to attack or use magic while confused, since Control is one of the commands that will not be used while confused. I'm still not sure if this is what you're looking for, so I'll ask an easy-ish question.
Q. How much money does the thief at the Fanatic's Tower ask for in exchange for his secret info?
A. 100,000 Gil (pricey >_>)
Q. In Ebot's Rock (in the WoR) how many pieces of Coral do you have to feed the hungry chest before he'll allow you to move forward?
For the chest, you have to have around 25 pieces of Coral before he will allow you to pass.
Q. What is up with Gogo? {I have never played FFVI, and heard the name continously about Gogo, and wanted to know a bit about him.} Is he a villain?
Well this isn't the place to ask questions you don't know the answer to, but I can still answer it. (and how did you know how many coral pieces to feed the chest if you've never played FFVI? The number's actually 22, btw)
A. Gogo is a Mime that appears at the end of the Zone Eater dungeon on Triangle Island. When you meet him he listens to your story and then joins your group. Beyond his ability to mime other characters and use any command, nothing at all is known about him. Another character named Gogo also appeared in FFV, and was also a mime, but doesn't have any connections to FFVI's Gogo. FFV's Gogo was a boss you had to fight at the bottom of the sunken Walz Tower, and after mimicking his actions(by doing nothing), he'd quit the fight and give you the crystal shard for the Mime job class.
A. Name the three "gag" prizes that pop up in the auction house and you can never actually win.
A: That would be the imp robot, the mechanical chocobo, and the 1 / 10000 scale airship.
Q: How many battles do you need to win with the cursed shield equipped in order to turn it into the paladin shield?
Still waitnig for the answer, Sasquatch....
A. Excluding the use of the Merit Award, Relm's most powerful weapon is the Graedus/Gladius dagger.
Q. What attack can Relm use if she sketches Kefka's final form?
Actually there where 2 wherent there?
Ultima and Havoc Wing, not to sure on the Havoc Wing (only hread rumors about it)
What is Umero's job class defined as in both ingame and stratagy guide for he original US release of FFVI?
Actually, Ultima is the only sketchable attack. Relm's sketching ability has two possible results, assuming success - a regular attack, and a predetermined special attack.
A. Well, the strategy guide calls Umaro the "Yeti", as does the GBA version of FFVI. The class names were removed for the original US release of the game, though.
Q. What Dance can Mog learn(and use with 100% success) if you use him on the battefield for the Floating Continent?
I see that none of you people have answered this Q
Q: list all espers
A: I'm going to list them all with their FFVI Advanced names:
Ramuh, Kirin, Siren, Cait Sith, Ifrit, Shiva, Unicorn, Maudin, Catoblepas, Phantom, Carbuncle, Bismarck, Golem, Zona Seeker, Seraph, Quetzalli, Fenrir, Valigarmanda, Midgardsormr, Lakshmi, Alexander, Phoenix, Odin, Bahamut, Ragnarok, Crusader, Raiden, Leviathan, Cactuar, Diabolos, Gilgamesh.
Free Question
Name the 8 Dragons, their elements, and their leader.
Blue Dragon: Water
Earth Dragon: Earth
Red Dragon: Fire
Storm Dragon: Wind
Ice Dragon: Ice
Gold Dragon: Lightning
Skull Dragon: Plague
Holy Dragon: Holy
Master of the 8 Dragons: Kaiser Dragon
Q: What were the Warring Triad's SNES/PSX Translated names and the GBA Translated names and which one had the most health? (name the exact amount)
Demon - 58000
Goddess - 44000
Fiend - 63000 - WINNER
What attack does Final Kefka begin the battle with? HINT: It reduces everyone to 1 HP.
A: Heartless Angel?
What did Kefka want to do at the end of the game?