1- Barbarenth (Balbanes) Beoulve - Final Fantasy Tactics(WotL) - This Bamf bascially ended the 50 years war, not to mention he was a Hevenly Knight, he was also friends with Count Orlandeau and of cource was the father of Ramza, Dycedarg and Zalbag.
2- The Sleeping Guy in the cave - Final Fantasy VII - I'm not sure what else to call this dude. He doesn't have a name, he's just that guy who gives you mythril on FFVII. I don't know why I like this guy, but he's cool.
3- Judge Cid - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - I've herd rumors that you could play as him but I never was able to and I beat the game so wuteva. Still, he was the coolest judge on FFTA, he was the Judge MASTER! What a beast...
4- Pyschotic Marines - Halo series - In each Halo game, there is always at least one marine who just couldn't take it anymore. In war, not all soliders are perfect and ready to fight and okay with killing, somtimes, people just aren't ready. I think it's good that that's a detail that Bungie paid attention too.
5- Major (Revolver) Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid Series - This is the best, kinda bad guy ever. He was epic, he described chambering "long silver bullets into well greased chambers" and made an impression on my gaming life permanently!