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  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console

    Microsoft revealed their new console today and I have to say, it definitely seems to have more appeal than the 360 did. The name is officially the Xbox ONE (I thought they already have a first console? /joke) and it has a 8 Core processor. Blu-Ray player, 8 GB of RAM, 500 GB Hard Drive, support for smart glass to enable multitasking with a tablet or other related mobile device, 1080p features for Kinnect, more voice friendly features such as buying movie tickets, Skype support, and the Kinnect will be able to read your heart rate. The system runs 3 systems at once: Xbox OS, Windows Kernel, and both of them at once for multitasking
    Now for the games: games such as Fifa and Forza have been confirmed for the console, the developers of Max Payne and Alan Wake revealed a new exclusive "Quantum Break", Call of Duty: Ghosts is also coming to the console. Microsoft has confirmed 15 exclusives for the Xbox one console.

    Extra info: Microsoft will require a fee for a second account to play the game meaning they too will own it and they won't need the disc.

    Here is an article related to the new system that most likely covers more details than I did
    Microsoft announces Xbox One - CBS News

    Thoughts on this new system?

    My thoughts are that this system actually looks better than the 360, although microsoft may need to be careful how they approach the audience with this new system. For one, they are blocking used games like the PS4. Second, this console is more of a multimedia system rather than a gaming system hence the lack of games that were actually shown for the console. Last thing I'd like to point out is that microsoft is putting too much emphasis on the Kinect. I'm sure many gamers and people who use consoles to watch tv and movies in the first place want to have something they can touch and manipulate, if you get away from that, less people are going to want to use this thing.
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Microsoft has been aiming for the All in One package for awhile now. This just progresses it.
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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Looks very rectangular. Also sounds rather gimmicky, although I wouldn't mind the Skype feature. My biggest question is can I order a pizza on it? That's a feature on my 360 I've come to love and could not live without (my 360 is not connected to the internet and I've never used this feature.) I have no idea what those games are that you mentioned. The games in the article are all sports games though, so... YAY. We have the worst genre of video games on our system.

    I might get one some day. Maybe I'll get a used one 8 years after it comes out, like I did with the 360, and only years after I've owned this generation's systems from its two competitors. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Sir Prize Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Sinister's Avatar
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    Let's see if I can put my opinion in words....

    Not to troll...(but srsly, I'm trollin) I feel really bad for you guys. Just let me know if there's anything I can do.

    And, addressed to Microsoft directly...

    This day was always going to happen.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  5. #5
    Queen Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Crescent's Avatar
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    Was waiting for someone to make a thread on this. Because I wanted to give MS a chance I watched the livestream.. 18 mins and still no games...Sports games and COD...typical. At least Xbox knows it's own audience. I'm still not interested(never was#Sony&Nintendo4life).

    They spent half the show talking about sports, sports games, fantasy teams, and interviews with sports stars...


    All I wanted to see was some impressive software... I saw NOTHING.

    The TV thing is awesome, the social capabilities but... that was supposed to be the gravy. Wheres the potatoes? WHERES THE GAMES?

    Well this just about sum up wat I think of its appearance:

    Also xbox one is far far weaker then the PS4 in every way. On top of that they only shown one exclusive while Sony showed:

    Knack, Infamous, Drive Club, Killzone, etc theres 2 new ips there and all those games looked far better in graphics then anything on the xbox one. also xbox one cant play used games(like PS4).

    From the 15, 8 are new IPs but they didn't say how many of those were Kinect titles. I am intrigued by that Halo tv series..I do love Halo(havent played Halo4 yet). Obviously E3 is still around the corner in the hopes that they reveal more games for their sake more exclusives but it doesnt matter to me either way..I dont care for shooters, racing n sports games.

    As a gamer you would be doing Gaming a huge disservice if you dont go PS4 next gen IMHO. There just seems to be no reason a gamer would actually buy one of these based on that reveal. PS4 is a much more attractive product for Gamers but if TV & Movies is your thing then I suggest you go with the Xbox.While Im on a rant, I find it annoying how gaming consoles are treating the ability to play games is a secondary function on them..Im not particularly a social media enthusiast also I dont play any games online so I couldnt care less bout FB or twitter and whatever else involves giving up privacy. Personally I prefer they keep it simple. Cant stand all the bloat. I buy game consoles to play GAMES.

    Buying PS4 first day.

    Microsoft - "We at Xbox LOVE gaming.......... now let's watch TV."

  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I made this thread on behalf of the people who want to hear about the new Xbox. I am not really an Xbox person but I can enjoy their games.

    telegraph: Microsoft confirmed the pizza app thing on their new console before this reveal, so it will come.
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  7. #7
    Spoony Bard
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    Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Incognitus's Avatar
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    Color me unimpressed. Looks like I won't be getting any of the new consoles this time around.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Rowan's Avatar
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    Im suprised ps3 allowed them to use the blu-ray in their console, since sony own the rights to it. Im not really fussed. The only reason they are releasing their prototype xbox console is because sony has already revealed theirs because they are ready to market it. Xbox is only doing this to keep up with the competition. So you should expect many faults and firmware updates with this rushed VHS machine. Everyone knows that playstation is the ultimate for home entertainment since the ps3. The worst thing to do is try to compete with the best on the basis of what made the machine so versatile in the first place. We can only assume the ps4 is going to include already all of the features of the console that was deemed the greatest for home entertainment, and more. Even though the extra features seem gimmicky at this point, im sure they will be more appealing as we evolve with the technology around us. Thats something I can always count on from sony. Although this is the new xbox thread, and im sad to say the only thing I can count on is a console that wont fry itself after 1 year of use. The standards are not set high, so hopefully it wont disappoint.

  9. #9
    Queen Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Crescent's Avatar
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    Gosh I didnt have high hopes from the start but seriously disappointed on the size its way too big.
    I guess Microsoft didn't want another RROD disaster. Do they have six fans inside that box?

    Also Xbox One is running 3 OS's.

    Say goodbye to power.

  10. #10
    Spoony Bard
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    Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Incognitus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Gosh I didnt have high hopes from the start but seriously disappointed on the size its way too big.
    That's no console. It's a space station.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  11. #11
    Certified tech, come at me! Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I don't think Microsoft is paying much attention to the gaming aspect of the console. Its more media than gaming.
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  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Rowan's Avatar
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    I hope you guys get insurance when purchasing this console...

    cause you might just break your back lifting the damn thing.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Xanatos's Avatar
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    It requires kinect to work and it's entertainment package is US oriented, new Forza is the only game worth even mentioning. I hope we see some of those exclusives they mentioned on E3 (mostly what Rare has in store for us), though right now it's one big meh.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 05-21-2013 at 05:50 PM.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  14. #14
    Boxer of the Galaxy Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Rowan's Avatar
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    Crying. Crying.

  15. #15
    Spoony Bard
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    Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Incognitus's Avatar
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    I am what you might call the polar opposite of a Sony fan. However, there's no denying that this Xbox Reveal did nothing to alleviate my worries for the machine. It also did nothing to sell the machine to honest gamers. They took great care to discuss only a few gaming-related bullet points. From the bullet points I have seen, however, what they reveal at E3 about games won't matter:

    These are enough for me to pass on buying the ... what, is it still considered a console? All-in-one entertainment device? Whatever it is, it's hard for me to see any of these bullet points as a positive. Since I've sworn off purchasing any and all Sony products for a long while and Nintendo currently has nothing that interests me, it looks like I'll have to reevaluate and modify my Gamer label in the near future.
    Last edited by Incognitus; 05-22-2013 at 05:37 AM. Reason: forgot an important bullet point
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  16. #16

  17. #17
    What's up with the 80's VHS look? Oh I get it, it's One so it wants to look like the early appliances that stood the test of time.

  18. #18
    Boxer of the Galaxy Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Rowan's Avatar
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    Well one thing is for certain.

    Xbox-one is the next watercooler.

  19. #19
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Well one thing is for certain.

    Xbox-one is the next waterheater.

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  20. #20
    Queen Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Crescent's Avatar
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    Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer has said,

    “Fans of Rare IP will be pleased with what we’re going to show at E3. We had a limited amount of time today and a lot of story to tell. But Rare remains an incredibly important part of our development capability.That historic IP that they’ve built I think can play a real important role on Xbox One.”

    I'll hold out what nil hope I have for this “historic” Rare franchise that they'll announce at E3 will be one of the many classics from (my2ndfaveconsole) the SNES. If Im allowed to speculate, the Rare franchise that I would hope to see would easily be Killer Instinct. Back in Sept. 2012, MS announced it renewed the trademark for Rare's classic franchise, which also happens to be my favourite fighting game- flashing my brothers with Orchid to finish them, Cinder(Idol), Glacius n the epic CCCCCOMBO BREAKERR!!!!That or Battletoads. If MS can give me one of these, I'll buy their s****y cable box passing off as a game console(srsly).

    And another thing Xbox one has to connect to the internet at least once a day...............seriously wtf Microsoft are you even trying??

    Just for laughs.

    1:25-2:25-Dying..the bullets asddfghjk also Reggie(&Iwata)X'D

  21. #21
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I was actually excited for the reveal, but was left very disappointed by it. It was a waste of my energy to rush home for it, and a waste to be away from my Skyrim game for the hour. ><

    What exactly was revealed that was so "revolutionary"? When that word is used, I want to hear about something that has never been done before. All the Xbox One seems to be geared towards is television viewing, but mostly for sports and American shows. If I was interested in watching tv shows, voice control and Skype, I'd get an iPad. There was no gameplay footage. Quantum Break looked amazing, but what the **** is it? Also, Ghosts looked pretty good as well, but it's not as though it's an exclusive to Xbox One (DLC, sure, but showcase that and not the game plz).

    I'm also not a fan of all this "needing permission to use" bullshit. If you spend £300+ on a new machine, you should be the one who gets to play master and commander with it. A broadband connection is required to play it, but the broadband is not always needed. So, you're telling me if Farmer Bill out in the middle of nowhere wants to play an offline game or portion of a game, he has to somehow get broadband dug into the ground under his crops? Not everyone has or can afford broadband, and not every game ever made is online only. What the hell, Microsoft? Also, don't get me started on the whole second hand crap they're trying to pull. That in itself is the influence of EA in the game industry, trying to make that extra buck.

    As for how it looks? Hahahaha. I feel sorry for ya'll living rooms. It looks like the baby of a fifteen year old VHS player (not even a combi, you know) and a vintage radio. It doesn't look like a console. I want to dock my iPod Touch into the top of it to play music through speakers. I get that they want to make it a living room friendly media centre, but it's still a console first and foremost. The original Xbox looked like a cool, rebellious gaming console, and the 360 was cool and sleek. This Xbox One looks like a block. Not a good look.

    It's just ONE more reason to get a PS4. Sony have been able to keep the suspense going thus so far.

    I DO, however, like the sound of the fifteen exclusive titles - eight of which are new franchises. Sounds a little like Microsoft are stroking themselves over the lack of Sony news, but I think it was also an act of desperation. The fact they were on limited time for the reveal said it all.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  22. #22
    All I want is Conker 2 from Rare. If they release him, then maybe I'll get that VHS failbox. Come on Rare, you heard me right. Other than that, this spells pure greed and making people dependent on internet to pay more than they need to pay, each time they want to try an old title or reinstall a game. I bet this will backfire on them and make people pirate their games more and in turn use them in offline mode.

  23. #23
    Sir Prize Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Sinister's Avatar
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    It needs wood-paneling and peace signs.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  24. #24
    Queen Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Crescent's Avatar
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    There are so many(more) hilarious gifs making the rounds summarising what makes the XBOX One 'so bad'#understatement. These are two of the best with the facts:

    If Xbone succeeds, the gaming industry could die(many manufacturers will copy the limitations brought to the table with the Xbone). I've never flat out refused to buy any console before, I bought an Xbox n a 360 but will not be buying the Xbone. I don't give a sh!t what games they show at E3(Sry Rare), I'm not about to be ID tracked by a cloud server at Microsoft HQ by my face, listened to, or forced to do anything I don't want to do to watch TV(I hate TV!! I dont even watch it!!!!). @#$% Microsoft, @#$% their business policies and @#$% anyone who supports this New World Order device, disguised as a cable box, disguised as a gaming console.

    Personally Ive always had it in for MS. To me, they(n EA) are a cancer to this industry and bring NOTHING new and/or creative to the table except for milking ppl left, right n center thru any lil channel they control. From where Im standing this announcement only served to reveal or at least hone in on their true greedyas@#$%, money-grubbing vindinctive colours. MS have been doing this same rubbish for the pass 3 years so I dont know why ppl expected something different. Just like MS robbing money at every turn from its customers for little things that should be free they now want money for people to play used games. They raised XBL pricing because they added things that were free every where else.

    Im seeing Microsoft/Xbox fans have spun every negative. Saying exclusive games dont matter, XBL is amazing because it has party chat so Id rather pay for it, Kinect is amazing and all sorts of rubbish.

    Enjoy Xbox One you flipping @#$%^%. Now I see clowns thinking that Microsoft will redeem themselves at E3 because they said theyll have 15 exclusives. Now these Xbots care about exclusives. People are lining up for flipping cable boxes and theyll pay premium money so they can shout at their cable box to turn on instead of grabbing the remote right next to them. Theyll pay for cable services then pay again to stream it though Xbox, they pay for Internet connection but pay again to use it on XBL.

    With next gen gaming consoles, I cannot wait for PS4(already own a Wii-U). I havent been this excited for a console since the PS1(my favourite*cough*the BEST console of all time). Better specs and better 1st party developers are both a given. Who in their right mind would prefer to choose agreements to allow spying, mandatory Internet, mandatory camera, mandatory fees incl for USED games, disrespect for indie developers, inability to borrow/lend games from family members and/or friends without paying said fees, or even buy an OKAY game used to see how it is.. the list really just goes on. What Microsoft is doing is not just anti-gaming but blatant anti-consumerism. In any case, Id implore anyone that gives a frogs fat ass not to support such business behaviour, we can only fight it by NOT buying (supporting) it.

    So..*exhales*...Why are games "locked to you"(amongst ALL the other COLLOSSAL BS)??? Microsoft.

    *Im aware Ive had 3-4 rants in this thread. Im very passionate bout gaming its one of my biggest hobbies. Dont fk with it. Thankyouuu

  25. #25
    I don't watch TV either. Glad I'm not alone.

    Also, awesome gifs. I lolled.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Looks very rectangular. Also sounds rather gimmicky, although I wouldn't mind the Skype feature. My biggest question is can I order a pizza on it? That's a feature on my 360 I've come to love and could not live without (my 360 is not connected to the internet and I've never used this feature.) I have no idea what those games are that you mentioned. The games in the article are all sports games though, so... YAY. We have the worst genre of video games on our system.
    I assume that the Xbox One reveal was to show the console. Not its games. Which is exactly what the PS4 reveal was. Wait for E3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Was waiting for someone to make a thread on this. Because I wanted to give MS a chance I watched the livestream.. 18 mins and still no games...Sports games and COD...typical. At least Xbox knows it's own audience. I'm still not interested(never was#Sony&Nintendo4life).

    They spent half the show talking about sports, sports games, fantasy teams, and interviews with sports stars...


    All I wanted to see was some impressive software... I saw NOTHING.

    The TV thing is awesome, the social capabilities but... that was supposed to be the gravy. Wheres the potatoes? WHERES THE GAMES?
    Wait... You wanted to see impressive software and say you saw nothing then compliment the TV and social capabilities.
    Well this just about sum up wat I think of its appearance:

    Do you really expect anything different. Every iteration of consoles have gotten bigger. Since XBOX has box in the name I would assume they would keep the box shape..... Like they have with the past two iterations.

    Also xbox one is far far weaker then the PS4 in every way. On top of that they only shown one exclusive while Sony showed:
    Spec wise... not really.

    Knack, Infamous, Drive Club, Killzone, etc theres 2 new ips there and all those games looked far better in graphics then anything on the xbox one. also xbox one cant play used games(like PS4).
    MS hasn't shown anything as of yet. But they have already announced that E3 will be purely games.
    Oh and Sony hasn't announced how used games will work on the PS4, word on the street is that they will have a similar DRM.

    As a gamer you would be doing Gaming a huge disservice if you dont go PS4 next gen IMHO. There just seems to be no reason a gamer would actually buy one of these based on that reveal. PS4 is a much more attractive product for Gamers but if TV & Movies is your thing then I suggest you go with the Xbox.While Im on a rant, I find it annoying how gaming consoles are treating the ability to play games is a secondary function on them..Im not particularly a social media enthusiast also I dont play any games online so I couldnt care less bout FB or twitter and whatever else involves giving up privacy. Personally I prefer they keep it simple. Cant stand all the bloat. I buy game consoles to play GAMES.
    Its funny because almost every would say the exact opposite about smartphones. They are almost like the phone is the secondary function of the phone and the use of apps is the main priority. MS is trying to evolve the console past what it already is. MS had an ethernet port and an online service before the Internet was this must have thing that it has become today with the original xbox. All they are trying to do is advance and evolve the product.

    Quote Originally Posted by Incognitus View Post
    I am what you might call the polar opposite of a Sony fan. However, there's no denying that this Xbox Reveal did nothing to alleviate my worries for the machine. It also did nothing to sell the machine to honest gamers. They took great care to discuss only a few gaming-related bullet points. From the bullet points I have seen, however, what they reveal at E3 about games won't matter:

    These are enough for me to pass on buying the ... what, is it still considered a console? All-in-one entertainment device? Whatever it is, it's hard for me to see any of these bullet points as a positive. Since I've sworn off purchasing any and all Sony products for a long while and Nintendo currently has nothing that interests me, it looks like I'll have to reevaluate and modify my Gamer label in the near future.
    The only thing I'm going to touch on this is that there isn't a fee for installing used games and the PS4 can't play PS3 games either.
    Not sure why size is really that big of a factor, you gonna plan on lugging it around a lot? Kinda seems like LANs are a thing of the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    If Xbone succeeds, the gaming industry could die(many manufacturers will copy the limitations brought to the table with the Xbone). I've never flat out refused to buy any console before, I bought an Xbox n a 360 but will not be buying the Xbone. I don't give a sh!t what games they show at E3(Sry Rare), I'm not about to be ID tracked by a cloud server at Microsoft HQ by my face, listened to, or forced to do anything I don't want to do to watch TV(I hate TV!! I dont even watch it!!!!). @#$% Microsoft, @#$% their business policies and @#$% anyone who supports this New World Order device, disguised as a cable box, disguised as a gaming console.
    This isn't the Illuminati here. It won't be there end of the world if they see your face. Apple and Google already track you somewhat through your phone.

    Personally Ive always had it in for MS. To me, they(n EA) are a cancer to this industry and bring NOTHING new and/or creative to the table except for milking ppl left, right n center thru any lil channel they control. From where Im standing this announcement only served to reveal or at least hone in on their true greedyas@#$%, money-grubbing vindinctive colours. MS have been doing this same rubbish for the pass 3 years so I dont know why ppl expected something different. Just like MS robbing money at every turn from its customers for little things that should be free they now want money for people to play used games. They raised XBL pricing because they added things that were free every where else.
    I realize that this is more recent news, but no there is not a fee to install used games.

    Im seeing Microsoft/Xbox fans have spun every negative. Saying exclusive games dont matter, XBL is amazing because it has party chat so Id rather pay for it, Kinect is amazing and all sorts of rubbish.
    What else would you expect from fanboy.....?

    Enjoy Xbox One you flipping @#$%^%. Now I see clowns thinking that Microsoft will redeem themselves at E3 because they said theyll have 15 exclusives. Now these Xbots care about exclusives. People are lining up for flipping cable boxes and theyll pay premium money so they can shout at their cable box to turn on instead of grabbing the remote right next to them. Theyll pay for cable services then pay again to stream it though Xbox, they pay for Internet connection but pay again to use it on XBL.
    I've never really had a problem paying additional money for what I get from XBL. I realize for people that rely on Playstations free services it seems like blasphemy. A lot of people don't use a lot of what MS offers on XBL, but it can be very useful for the money... if you are into sports and those types of things. They don't have a bad selection of movies and music either.

  27. #27
    Queen Xbox ONE: Microsoft's new console Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystyrion View Post
    Wait... You wanted to see impressive software and say you saw nothing then compliment the TV and social capabilities.
    ..Yeah I was clutching at straws wasnt I.

    Do you really expect anything different. Every iteration of consoles have gotten bigger. Since XBOX has box in the name I would assume they would keep the box shape..... Like they have with the past two iterations.
    I call it RRODphobia, just look at all those vents lol. Xbone weighs around 7lbs (around the weight of the original 360, but 10% larger in size) what with 3 OS's running, sounds reasonable.Maybe later down the track they'll release a smaller version like Sony(PS1,PS2&3slim).The thought of the xBOX staying true to its name in resembling a Box never left my mind but I thought that new technology became smaller in size n weight with each passing generation or at least in comparison to its predecessors the way mobile phones do.Going by that logic n the past, the next boxes could grow to be as big as my mini refridgerator /s. In the video the console looked big n hefty like in my pic and no doubt it'll be heavy and on top of that youd have to have the kinect attachment. At any point in time MS could decide on the 'box' being a metaphorical term under the same train of thought that itd be ok to name it xbox ONE.. That came out 10 years ago didnt it?! /s Xbox 'Omni' seems like an easy(better) suggestion. Goes without saying that whats inside the box is what really counts.

    Spec wise... not really.
    I lol'd. The Xbone hardware will be giving a lot of itself to multi-media, while the PS4 will be giving a lot of its hardware to gaming.This gap ends up looking like a 50% advantage to PS4 over the Xbone in terms of processing and graphics potential however MS is trying to say that their Azure cloud will give them more processing/graphical power. If true, that power will still require an internet connection.So, (informed) gamers will be choosing between a system that is multi-media focused and works best only with the internet, vs a gaming focused console that will have superior graphics out of the box. Put simply the PS4 has at least 50% more raw GPU performance, and A LOT more system wide unified memory bandwidth. All those specs rumoured about PS4 being quite a lot faster than Xbox one are true. PS4 is by far the fastest next generation console. Its not even close.

    MS hasn't shown anything as of yet. But they have already announced that E3 will be purely games.
    More rehashing of the same shooters, sports games like the E3s before and a few new IPs that arent for Kinect*fingers crossed*. 15 supposed exclusives and they couldn't show a little gameplay or at least a sizzle reel..My expectations cant get any lower. I'll still keep an eye out on what they have to offer esp that new Rare game.

    Oh and Sony hasn't announced how used games will work on the PS4, word on the street is that they will have a similar DRM.
    I have complete faith in Sony they have never let me down but if they go down that route, naturally Ill be quite dissappointed but I dnt think they have an appetite for stupid. But unlike MS, ignoring its fans *cough*disabling comments on its youtube channel, Sony has gone the extra mile by reaching out to its fans respecting them enough to listen to their concerns#cleverMove
    Sony Employees Respond to 'PS4 No DRM' Campaign.

    So all you fans Keep it up. They're listening.

    #Ps4UsedGames #Ps4NoDRM

    Its funny because almost every would say the exact opposite about smartphones. They are almost like the phone is the secondary function of the phone and the use of apps is the main priority. MS is trying to evolve the console past what it already is. MS had an ethernet port and an online service before the Internet was this must have thing that it has become today with the original xbox. All they are trying to do is advance and evolve the product.
    Thats the thing Im not everyone but if the majority of ppl enjoy all the new functions apps etc and are willing to pay for such my needs lose out since Im in the minority. In this case I really believe Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. I understand the whole vision of wanting to evolve, to be a jack of all trades in the family lounge but It's become very clear where their focus lies:

    TV integration

    Kinect integration

    Nfl partnership

    Halo tv series

    They want to be in multimedia and don't care about games or gamers.

    This isn't the Illuminati here. It won't be there end of the world if they see your face. Apple and Google already track you somewhat through your phone.
    How can you be that complacent?? Being ID tracked by facial recognition technology, which will be stored on a corporations cloud server, shouldn't be cool with anybody. Regardless of how much anyone likes the xbox or hates Playstation. Really??? The very real fact that Kinect 2 is mandatory, must be always connected and turned on, and is always listening (all of these requirements were stated by MS execs like Phil Harrison) isn't enough for you? The other point im trying to get across is the lack of privacy and all this ridiculous red tape to PAY thru just to play a muther@#$%#$ game. In another life where I do decide to buy an Xbone, I'll just put a Fk Off note infront of the camera when not using it.

    What else would you expect from fanboy.....?
    Common sense? Too much to ask is it?? With all the news that was announced about the Xbox One.

    Lazy with design
    Lazy with innovation
    Lazy with games

    I will never understand why people chose Xbox over Playstation to begin with other than exclusives, but now seems like the most obvious reason to make the jump onto Playstation. Those, the few, that are praising this new "box" why are you compelled to defend this system? Why pretend? My guesses, the XBOXbrand has sentimental value, they're young or their parents are still buying their games for them.

    I've never really had a problem paying additional money for what I get from XBL. I realize for people that rely on Playstations free services it seems like blasphemy. A lot of people don't use a lot of what MS offers on XBL, but it can be very useful for the money... if you are into sports and those types of things. They don't have a bad selection of movies and music either.
    If the Xbox satisfies you and your gaming/entertainment needs, then fair enough. MS, Ninty n Sony are competing against eachother for my $$$ I'll need to critique. Im of the belief that if ppl werent willing to hand over money to use XBL, MS would make it free to compete with Playstation(Sony) and inevitably focus on gaining more 1st party developers n games as their strong selling point. Im all about the focus to be on better games not just specs wise n thru better hardware but also asissting developers n publishers alike on building upon originality and creativity(compelling storyline, polished gameplay mechanics etc) Not capitalising on the inclusion of all the other entertainment fluff charging ppl to access it all. I see it as cheap snivelling way bringing in all this tv crap to lure us gamers in to buying their 'gaming' console n not stop at that but charge you for things that are free everywhere else n to let them get away with it by giving them ur $$$ for is a cause for concern as a fellow gamer. No thanks. Im not gonna pay $400+ for a DRM powered voice TV remote so M$ can go suck a fat one.

  28. #28
    Spoony Bard
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    Sorry about the lengthy reply. Short version: The more I hear about the Xbox One, the less I am interested.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystyrion View Post
    The only thing I'm going to touch on this is that there isn't a fee for installing used games and the PS4 can't play PS3 games either.
    At the time I posted that, there was only conjecture about used games---as you know, it was not specifically covered during the Xbox Reveal event. It was a burning question on social media and such afterwards. Since then, I have heard BOTH answers about the used-game fees. Some say yes, some say no. I've also heard a THIRD answer---that it's an ongoing internal debate at Microsoft which is why there isn't any definitive answer. The truth is it won't matter. In my decision to purchase (in this case: not purchase) this console (entertainment device?) this point is of the least concern. Typically I buy new. Not always but typically.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystyrion View Post
    Not sure why size is really that big of a factor, you gonna plan on lugging it around a lot? Kinda seems like LANs are a thing of the past.
    Size does matter. Depending on who you ask, its size ranges between a VCR and something that could cause an extinction-level event if it ever entered Earth's atmosphere. I tend to err closer to the size of an audio receiver on this scale. Probably not too far off. Assuming that size, my entertainment center may be able to fit the... entertainment device, but it currently does not have space for a bulky peripheral required to operate said device, as well. And my room simply doesn't have the space to operate anything via motion controls. For a device that requires it? That's an issue.

    Yes, I do move my 360 quite a bit. My reason: many of my friends enjoy occasionally playing video games and some of them cannot justify the purchase of an expensive gaming console, a somewhat-steady stream of ~$60 game purchases and a monthly fee for an occasional habit. Makes sense to me, so I bring the fun to them. I also have a friend who has two televisions and an Xbox 360 himself and we play online co-op games in the same room---to benefit from not having to split screen the action. Not exactly LAN, but close enough. Xbox One sounds like more shit to lug around. By default it has to be more shit, since I do not and will not own a Kinect device.

    It's also worth noting that one of my friends does not have an active internet connection. Xbox One requires a daily online check-in to play any game, online or offline. Let me entertain this hypothetical scenario: in a parallel universe where people ride to work on unicorns, Telegraph's iPod is loaded with easy-listening music and I'm positively giddy about buying the Xbox One, this poses a real problem for me. What do I do? Can I "check in" at home and then move the entertainment device to his house? Am I good for 24 hours then? Do I have to check in for every game I might bring with me to my friend's house to authenticate my ownership of these games? Is it simpler than that? I don't know. I don't. But I do know how I'd feel if I drove all the way to my friend's house and the entertainment device would refuse to entertain. Why would I buy a "gaming system" I may not be able to use at a friend's house? I'm not about to drop a dime on something potentially that restricted. No effing way. The whole experience sounds cumbersome to me.

    Welcome to the future of gaming. At this point I'd rather not bother.

    This post doesn't even dive into any privacy concerns about Kinect's creepy all-seeing eye---and ears! It's a window into your soul! A soul that advertisers wish to monetize! Crazy conspiracy theories, etc. etc. All I know is what I learned from Lord of the Rings: "We do not know who else may be watching." -- Gandalf to Saruman, regarding the palantír. The palantír corrupted Saruman the White. I'll resist corruption by not partaking.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  29. #29
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    Didn't read anything after my last post and noticed the Rare thing. If they make old school Donkey Kong and Jet Force Gemini with online match making for the 4 player Free For All or 2 v 2 or even make it have way more players.
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  30. #30
    This is another step into the future of online only, download only gaming they want us to accept. I don't like stuff like that. I like physical discs or cartridges. When I buy a game, I want to feel like I own it, not rent it. And what happens when the console becomes outdated and they discontinue those games from online stores? I don't like this. I like MP and online games, but to have everyone of them dependent on internet connections is too much, M$.

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