Just wondering is anyone a fan of the Resident Evil franchise? As Capcom formally announced Resident Evil 6 today Im interested to know what the people of this forum think about it and how it compares to Resident Evil 1 through to 5 gameplay, characters and storywise.

So I just watched the official US trailer and Im not sure how I feel to be honest. I love the classic formula they used survival horror but they keep going in the direction of these fkng shooter games like COD or Gears of War yeah I dont like em can u tell? Im only interested in games with an original, fresh, gripping, unpredictable (but believable n realistic) storyline, engaging characters with an interesting but sufficiently informative backstory so it leaves just enough room for more mystery and creative gameplay which is what makes it interactive and a "Game" otherwise Id read a friggen book.

However this doesnt so much apply to Resident Evil I just love the (old) gameplay (2&3) and being on the edge of my seat the whole time thru although its applied through my choices in RPGs woaah back to the topic at hand yep soo Resident Evil 6, watched it, graphics look more realistic but I dont care for graphics if anything I cringe n am hesitant because it almost always often means its (severely) lacking in storyline and gameplay*cough*FFXIII*cough*-*puts on flame Suit*

Soo ppl what are YOUR thoughts/feelings on the Resident Evil franchise and how each compare to the new Resident Evil- 6??