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Thread: Resident evil 6 officially announced

  1. #1
    Queen Resident evil 6 officially announced Crescent's Avatar
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    Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Just wondering is anyone a fan of the Resident Evil franchise? As Capcom formally announced Resident Evil 6 today Im interested to know what the people of this forum think about it and how it compares to Resident Evil 1 through to 5 gameplay, characters and storywise.

    So I just watched the official US trailer and Im not sure how I feel to be honest. I love the classic formula they used survival horror but they keep going in the direction of these fkng shooter games like COD or Gears of War yeah I dont like em can u tell? Im only interested in games with an original, fresh, gripping, unpredictable (but believable n realistic) storyline, engaging characters with an interesting but sufficiently informative backstory so it leaves just enough room for more mystery and creative gameplay which is what makes it interactive and a "Game" otherwise Id read a friggen book.

    However this doesnt so much apply to Resident Evil I just love the (old) gameplay (2&3) and being on the edge of my seat the whole time thru although its applied through my choices in RPGs woaah back to the topic at hand yep soo Resident Evil 6, watched it, graphics look more realistic but I dont care for graphics if anything I cringe n am hesitant because it almost always often means its (severely) lacking in storyline and gameplay*cough*FFXIII*cough*-*puts on flame Suit*

    Soo ppl what are YOUR thoughts/feelings on the Resident Evil franchise and how each compare to the new Resident Evil- 6??

  2. #2

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    I feel exactly the same, RE4 may have been a fun game and all but it wasnt survival horror. And RE5 was just a mess, i want them to return to the form of the previous games, but they wont..

    Sadly, i have low hopes for RE6, it will be another action shooter.

    I dont understand why they couldnt have just made a new game and left RE as survival horror and have two money makers

  3. #3
    Memento Rhapso Resident evil 6 officially announced Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    ^These guys. Although RE4 is my favourite of them all, I agree wholly that it's far from survival horror. Personally, I'm excited for it just because I love the storyline so much, and to see all of the ends come together is a hope of mine.
    However, jumping on the bandwagon with Resident Evil news, Resident Evil: Revelations had a demo for 3ds released today. So far, it's facking amazing. It's like 1&2, with the graphics of the newer ones. I haven't been spooked by a game in a long time, but this one did the trick.

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  4. #4
    The White Wizard of Fynn Resident evil 6 officially announced Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    I've been a big fan of the series for over ten years and played the first three games so many times I lost count. I also liked CVX, and although I didn't like how far 4 departed from survival horror, I still found it an amazing game and to this day prefer it to 5. Revelations, rather than 6, seems to be the return to the original concept that I've been hoping for - back when you tiptoed down dark hallways, ran past shambling zombies, was forced conserve your ammo, didn't buy your weapons from a merchant or have a sexy femme-fatale watching your back every step of the way. Operation Raccoon City on the other hand looks terrible, apart from its FMV scenes, and I got bored just a few minutes into the gameplay trailer. I'm also gonna give the movie Damnation a chance, even though I found Degeneration extremely disappointing.

    6 is shaping up to be an incredible game though - both gameplay and story wise - and will see a welcome return of Leon (and undoubtedly Ada). Not to mention it looks like we'll be dealing with another T-Virus outbreak rather than Las Plagas. I just hope some loose ends are finally cleared up in this title, such as what the hell certain characters have been doing since 1998; namely Billy, Rebecca, Barry, Sherry, Carlos and HUNK. I always thought it would be good if Sherry came back as a playable character now that many years have passed, but it probably won't happen until another game where Claire is a protagonist, if ever.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Resident evil 6 officially announced Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    I have to second what's already been told through the entire thread, Resident Evil is no longer survivor horror we used to love and from the look's of it, and I really do hope I'm wrong on this one, sixth game in the series won't change that. I don't expect them to return all the way to clunky old gameplay but at least bring back some intriguing puzzles and few cheap scares every now and then.

    With that being said, Resident Evil 6 doesn't look all that bad, it certainly seems to be more interesting and "scary" than 4 and 5 which isn't really hard to accomplish. Funny enough, new trailer for Anderson's Resident Evil came the same day, looks goddamn awful as usual though.

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  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Resident evil 6 officially announced Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    2012 is going to be a big year for the RE series.

    Two games coming out. RE6, and RE: Operation Racoon City. I will buy, and play through both regardless of past experiences. Big RE fan don't really care haha. I am hoping that 6 will go back to some of the older things. When I go in a building I want more f*cking frights, and whatnot. I want things that scare me so bad I jump on my 2nd or 3rd play of the game.

    I am gonna go ahead, and touch on a few other things. Operation Racoon City. I am interested in this game quite a bit. I get to go around, and kill all the heroes, and heroines of the games. Sounds good to me.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #7

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Its hard to be scared though when you have a fully automatic weapon with near to infinite ammo

    Judging from the trailer they may do good in a sense, im kinda hoping Leon will bring us back to the slow paced fright action, Chris Redfield will be probably more balls to the wall action paced that 4 and 5 brought us and the other guy who is rumoured to be Hunk will prob be a different type of action altogether, running and diving through obstacles and not fighting back at all with weapons.

    Regardless, i dont think ill be fond of any of them, as the trailer also looks pretty fast paced action for all roles.

    Regardless, IMO, since Code veronica, they have pretty much squatted over the RE story and let rip, and are still ripping.

    I'll keep my hopes where Capcom have left them the last decade, 6feet under...

    Fuck you Capcom!

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Resident evil 6 officially announced Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Its hard to be scared though when you have a fully automatic weapon with near to infinite ammo
    In RE4, and in 5 I hardly ever ran out of ammo. That kinda pisses me off cause it makes the game to easy. I ran out of ammo quite a bit in the first two games.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Hiya everyone Sorry i havent been on here for a while i have busy playin final fantsasy 13. eney way i am also a resident evil fan i love the resident evil game. the first one i think is a bit tacky band they have made it to hard here are the reasons why i think the first one is the hardist game. 1 the hunters 2 the code to get the stuff for the plant is diffrient every time. 3 not enought ammo. finaly 4 the spiders. resident evil 2 now let me tell you. I love number 2 because it one of the easyist resident evil games ever. i love playing resident evil every time and i know every line in that game every word. now resident evil 3 i like it can be a bit difficult at the end where you have to try and squrt nemisis with acid. and the randomized puzzles can be a bit annoing. but the game is a lot easier if you have the weapons with unlimited ammo. my boyfrind done the mercenaries mission for me and tht got me the all the weapons with unlimited ammo. when i play number 3 the only weapons i have with me is the rocket luncher and the magnum and obviously my herbs. iv played through a bit of resident 4 i still have to complete that. and so far its ok bt i find it a hard game. i also have resident evil 5 yet i havent played. I'm going to go through that with my boyfriend at some stage. i have played resident evil survivor its utter shit but i liked code veronica and dead aim. in code veronica everything was ok part from were you have to kiil alexia and alfreds dad. that was hard. so like i said i love the resident evil game and i cant wait to get number six.

  10. #10
    The White Wizard of Fynn Resident evil 6 officially announced Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    the first one i think is a bit tacky band they have made it to hard here are the reasons why i think the first one is the hardist game. 1 the hunters 2 the code to get the stuff for the plant is diffrient every time.
    I loved the original game, especially the Director's Cut, but I thought the remake for the Gamecube was disappointing and overrated. It was better than Zero, but on the whole a wasted opportunity. It reverted to clunky formula that was present before RE3 and made the stale gameplay even slower. And to be honest its voice acting and script wasn't much better than in the original. I remember how terrifying those Hunters were back in the day. The main thing I liked was that the whole V-Jolt part of the game could be skipped.

    Also, yeah, considering how good certain FPS games were around the time Survivor was released, you're right. It was hammered shit, and Dead Aim wasn't much better.

  11. #11

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Well like most of the Resi games i suck, and need some online helps does anyone have this game ? anyone who would want to go Co-op with me through the Story Line amazing.

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Resident evil 6 officially announced Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Very excited to play RE6. RE5 was okay, but not great. I played that co-op with a friend to get the most out of it. That made it far more fun. I plan to do the same with RE6. Looking forward to playing as Leon again.

  13. #13
    I want to play a game. Resident evil 6 officially announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    I can see that in this thread there is not so much love for the new style and wishing that they would go back to survival horror.

    In the beginning the characters did not know what was going on. Their world had turned upside down and into a scary situation. The player was in a similiar situation. They did not know what was going on what terrifying creature lurked around the corner or behind a door. Would they be able to capture the same feelings when the player encountered their first licker? Now it is just ho-hum.

    Eleven years have passed since the Racoon City incident. The characters are used to the enemy. They are no longer, unless something truly terrifying shows up, scared. The same goes for the player. Would any of you be really scared? Nothing would be new. Nothing would capture the essence of the first games because both character and player were one. Leon, for example, started off as some scared rookie cop. Now he is a BAMF. Does anyone think he should still be scared? So instead of complaining about how the series pretty logically changed, complaints would be focused on the lack of character progression and how they are still scared of sh*t that they should be accustomed.

    Hell, eventually the protagonists start going after Umbrella's facilities on each continent. That is taking action. And how the story has progressed they are taking the fight to them (Tri-Cell). Correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't "scream" they are scared. More like they are trying to stop Umbrella.

    All this doesn't mean you have to like the new direction, but just understand how things work. The direction logically fits how the story has progressed. Unless people want to have zero progression in terms of story and characters.

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  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Resident evil 6 officially announced Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I can see that in this thread there is not so much love for the new style and wishing that they would go back to survival horror.

    In the beginning the characters did not know what was going on. Their world had turned upside down and into a scary situation. The player was in a similiar situation. They did not know what was going on what terrifying creature lurked around the corner or behind a door. Would they be able to capture the same feelings when the player encountered their first licker? Now it is just ho-hum.

    Eleven years have passed since the Racoon City incident. The characters are used to the enemy. They are no longer, unless something truly terrifying shows up, scared. The same goes for the player. Would any of you be really scared? Nothing would be new. Nothing would capture the essence of the first games because both character and player were one. Leon, for example, started off as some scared rookie cop. Now he is a BAMF. Does anyone think he should still be scared? So instead of complaining about how the series pretty logically changed, complaints would be focused on the lack of character progression and how they are still scared of sh*t that they should be accustomed.

    Hell, eventually the protagonists start going after Umbrella's facilities on each continent. That is taking action. And how the story has progressed they are taking the fight to them (Tri-Cell). Correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't "scream" they are scared. More like they are trying to stop Umbrella.

    All this doesn't mean you have to like the new direction, but just understand how things work. The direction logically fits how the story has progressed. Unless people want to have zero progression in terms of story and characters.
    There are plenty of other ways to make Resident Evil more scary without harming the overall progression. Bring back cheap scares, you don't actually believe Leon or any other character wouldn't twitch if something suddenly jumped behind their back, it's cheap and cliched, but efficient nevertheless.

    Limit our ammunition and healing supplies, you can't even imagine how scared I was knowing that I have to face Nemesis with nothing but a mere knife. In Resident Evil 4 & 5 if you had no ammo you buy some, 5 even had a glitch where you could actually collect ammunition and other goodies for later use from previous stages such as Garage as many times you wanted.

    What bugs me the most though is lack of genuine puzzles, that however can be fixed easily and it would relieve me of this impression that I'm playing just another plain shooter.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  15. #15

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Eleven years have passed since the Racoon City incident. The characters are used to the enemy. They are no longer, unless something truly terrifying shows up, scared. The same goes for the player. Would any of you be really scared? Nothing would be new. Nothing would capture the essence of the first games because both character and player were one. Leon, for example, started off as some scared rookie cop. Now he is a BAMF. Does anyone think he should still be scared? So instead of complaining about how the series pretty logically changed, complaints would be focused on the lack of character progression and how they are still scared of sh*t that they should be accustomed.
    Eleven years have passed and Leon is still pleading with Zombies to stay away and get back? Seems hes learning hard things and having trouble with the simpler things, check out the first few seconds of the new trailer, heck there is another woman in one of the other newer titles who does the same.

    So in the 11 years players have learned how to round house kick multiple enemies at will, summersault out of a two story buildings landing on your back and into a roll without taking any damage....

    I'm all for the characters progressing, but lets keep it in the realm of realism in regards to reacting to a zomebie situation, which is what has not happened and what were disappointed about..

    I like the aim style RE4 brought us, i just dont like most of the other stuff

    Also the story has gone straight down the toilet, after RE0 they just went new age hollywood on the story and over dramatised it and veered way off course in how the story was originally going, fuckers!

    I could go on forever about how much changed for the worst in this game..

  16. #16
    The White Wizard of Fynn Resident evil 6 officially announced Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Also the story has gone straight down the toilet, after RE0 they just went new age hollywood on the story and over dramatised it and veered way off course in how the story was originally going, ****ers!
    Apart from the visuals, I thought Zero was overrated as hell. It failed miserably to reinvigorate the gameplay or the series in general, and the partner system didn't succeed in distracting from the cliched story, poor script and terrible voice acting.

  17. #17

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    TBH i dont remember much of zero, i just recall not being overly annoyed with it, it stuck to the survival horror aspect. The only thing that did annoy me about it was the co-op crap. And it looked great!

    And news flash, ALL of the resident evils have terrible voice acting

  18. #18
    I want to play a game. Resident evil 6 officially announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Limit our ammunition and healing supplies, you can't even imagine how scared I was knowing that I have to face Nemesis with nothing but a mere knife. In Resident Evil 4 & 5 if you had no ammo you buy some, 5 even had a glitch where you could actually collect ammunition and other goodies for later use from previous stages such as Garage as many times you wanted.
    I feel that has to be taken into context. The first few games it makes sense that ammo was limited. But when they target facilities and now fighting a terrorist organization it seems weird that they wouldn't stock up. And silly for the matter. "Hey guys, let's go after Umbrella/Tri-Cell but not bring enough ammo. Lolololololol. Cause that's real smart."

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Eleven years have passed and Leon is still pleading with Zombies to stay away and get back? Seems hes learning hard things and having trouble with the simpler things, check out the first few seconds of the new trailer, heck there is another woman in one of the other newer titles who does the same.
    Great job of understanding that scene with Leon. That was the president whom Leon was meant to protect. The same president who has valued Leon's friendship. Leon wasn't scared he was giving out a warning cause he didn't want to lose the president. Re-watch the scene maybe you'll learn something.

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    So in the 11 years players have learned how to round house kick multiple enemies at will, summersault out of a two story buildings landing on your back and into a roll without taking any damage....

    I'm all for the characters progressing, but lets keep it in the realm of realism in regards to reacting to a zomebie situation, which is what has not happened and what were disappointed about..
    Obviously someone does not care for the awesomeness of Leon or Chris. So you are one who wants the characters to still crap their pants of zombies that they have dealt with and are now basic fodder. Ok have crappy characters then.

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Also the story has gone straight down the toilet, after RE0 they just went new age hollywood on the story and over dramatised it and veered way off course in how the story was originally going, fuckers!
    I wonder. Did you know the first mention of Tri-Cell was in RE2? Which kind of shows where they were going with the story.

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  19. #19

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Great job of understanding that scene with Leon. That was the president whom Leon was meant to protect. The same president who has valued Leon's friendship. Leon wasn't scared he was giving out a warning cause he didn't want to lose the president. Re-watch the scene maybe you'll learn something.

    Obviously someone does not care for the awesomeness of Leon or Chris. So you are one who wants the characters to still crap their pants of zombies that they have dealt with and are now basic fodder. Ok have crappy characters then.
    I did understand it, your also contradicting yourself, i have no problem with Leon, Chris whatever survivors adapting to the zombie threat. But the very fact that Leon knows they cannot be healed and yet hes still pleading with an undead zombie to stay back? Its no longer the president, hes dead and walking and leon knows the only thing to do is to put a bullet in his head, yet there he is talking to him and trying to reason with him??

    Secondly, and again i have no problem with the Players mental state adapting to the zombie threat, but they all of a sudden have super human powers? round housing multiple targets flooring them?? jumping out of high windows and rolling onto there feet unharmed?? try that in real life and you will have glass in your face and likely a broken back or bones. But no he runs on and beats on infected like hes fuckin chuck norris..

    And at the end of RE2 they pretty much say the next stop is to go to europe to chase down umbrella. But come Re4 leon decided to start working a security detail with the presidents daughter??? And ironically ends up bumping into wesker.. What are the chances???

  20. #20
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Resident evil 6 officially announced Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I feel that has to be taken into context. The first few games it makes sense that ammo was limited. But when they target facilities and now fighting a terrorist organization it seems weird that they wouldn't stock up. And silly for the matter. "Hey guys, let's go after Umbrella/Tri-Cell but not bring enough ammo. Lolololololol. Cause that's real smart."
    Resident Evil 4 - Aside those few instances where Ada helped, as far as I recall Leon was pretty much on his own. Even if he went prepared and he certainly did not as seen in the game, just how much ammunition can one man carry. Then you have a merchant that just happens to avoid Las Plagas and sees profit in selling ammo and weapons at a village which location even God himself doesn't know.

    Resident Evil 5 - Again, just how much ammunition can one, well in this case two persons, carry. As seen in the game both Sheva and Chris went too far in, had to rely on each other without any backup whatsoever. This time though there wasn't even a creepy looking merchant selling you ammo, you bought it out of nothing.

    And if it wasn't already farfetched enough in both games ammo literally poped out of zombies/las plagas.

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  21. #21
    I want to play a game. Resident evil 6 officially announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I did understand it, your also contradicting yourself, i have no problem with Leon, Chris whatever survivors adapting to the zombie threat. But the very fact that Leon knows they cannot be healed and yet hes still pleading with an undead zombie to stay back? Its no longer the president, hes dead and walking and leon knows the only thing to do is to put a bullet in his head, yet there he is talking to him and trying to reason with him??

    And at the end of RE2 they pretty much say the next stop is to go to europe to chase down umbrella. But come Re4 leon decided to start working a security detail with the presidents daughter??? And ironically ends up bumping into wesker.. What are the chances???
    You say plead I say warn. I could tell he knew what he had to do. We hear a gunshot that may have presumably killed the president. Regardless he wasn't scared as was one of the subjects I talked about.

    Wesker and Leon don't have much depth within the series. Especially when compared to Chris and Wesker. Why you bring up RE2's ending I know not why.

    But I'll be over on this side. You can stay your side and all will be well.

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  22. #22

    Re: Resident evil 6 officially announced

    Why am i referring to Re2? Cause Leon is in it and the next game he's in is 4..And at the end of 2 or somewhere in the story at the end they say Umbrellas next base of operations is in Europe. But after that ending Leon decides he wants to baby sit the presidents daughter instead? But unlucky he ends up finding Wesker while doing so??? Abit far fetched and one might say, a stupid move in terms of the progressing story that was weaving in all games prior to 4 (1,2,3,CV,0)

    Why? do you not like to include RE2 into the story? Weird it being the best Resident evil game and harboring the best and engrossing story of them all

    And secondly, what Xanatos said..


    WTF is an English Geezer doing selling illegal firearms/explosives out of a George Stobbart like trench coat in a plagued village in Spain???

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