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If you add something like more than 100 backpack slots on a consoles, the menu starts lagging. I didn't make that up. Anyways, maybe the gun system doesn't require that much memory to spawn guns, but I think it does have to think harder, the more parts there are to choose from. That I can't really say, but I don't see why they promised us a bazillion more guns in BL2, but gave us pretty much a cut version of BL1 gun system. They cut alot of parts and combos as well. Why did that do that? Why does every gun have to feel pretty much the same? Why do all purples have to always be very good and all legendaries pretty much always have to be kick ass? That's not very rpg'ish. Purples, legendaries and blues should've had variety, as in usefulness variety. There should've been good and bad of each category and only a few perfect combos should've been really awesome. That would've added alot of depth. What players have to find now is mostly greens, some blues and very few purples. No depth whatsoever. Maybe I'm wrong here, but maybe the loot generation process can't allow adding more parts or the game will start thinking for too long and glitch, especially on the consoles. Yeah, I shouldn't have really used this as an example, if I don't know that much about programming.