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Thread: Consoles

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Consoles Xanatos's Avatar
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    I went back at least 10 pages (as far as I'll go), and I haven't found anything similar.

    Which console/s do you own (picture optional)? And please, add more to it, don't just make a list.

    As you can see, I have

    - PSOne
    - PS2
    - PsP
    - 2X GameBoy
    - GameBoy Color
    - N64

    My GameBoy collection (except for the blue one) and PSOne are with me since my childhood, unfortunately, PSOne doesn't work as smoothly as it used to. PSP was a present from my uncle, and I only got recently N64 and PS2. GameBoy Pocket and SNES should have also been in my collection but the guy who was selling both tried to pass me a faulty product. As for my next console, while others are looking forward to newer console my next console will be definitely either Advance SP or SNES, can't decide which one right now.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2
    Registered User Consoles
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    Re: Consoles

    I own:

    DS lite
    PSP (dunno what model... It's silver and came in a bundle pack with Daxter)
    Nintendo Wii
    PS2 slim

    I bought most of those consoles except for the Wii, which was a Christmas gift when the Wii was a hot item to have, so I was quite surprised. I snatched up the PS2 for cheap when the PS3's were announced. Wish I would have waited a little longer before getting my PS3 though... Nearly a month after I got it, the new 120 gig PS3 slims were announced...and were $100 bucks cheaper than the model I paid for. :/

    I used to own a Gameboy SP, but when I got my DS, I sold it in a yard sale for $5. Some kid saw it and was like "Is that the real price?!?!?" and I was like "Yeah." He looked so happy when he bought it. I also had a PSone, but it got donated along with the N64 and Sega Genesis. My older bro took off with the SNES when he went to Vegas. I can't really blame him though. It was his anyway.

    As for future consoles, while I would love to get my hands on the Vita and/or the 3DS, methinks I have enough backlog with the systems I do own to keep me occupied for a long, long time.
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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Consoles Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    Here's what I have:

    1 & 2: Two "broken" PSOnes. The first I got from one of my Mom's coworkers when I was 10 or 11. I am pretty sure all that's wrong with it is the eye needs realigned. The second was a replacement (naturally). My sister tripped over the controller cord and made everything drop to the floor. It hadn't worked since.

    3: Nintendo 64. I bought this from my brother's friend ($10). It came with Super Mario 64, but no controllers. Sometimes, I would plug it in just to watch the demo levels. I eventually bought controllers, and more games for it. It still works, though the controllers are another question. I think dust or something got in where the stick is. The characters always walk to the left, despite me pushing the stick the other way. The other controller I have is Mom's, so I don't use it (often).

    4 & 6: Two GBA SPs. The first I bought brand new with some of my graduation money. It is Cobalt Blue. The second, I bought used from another of my brother's friends for $30. The friend wanted to get rid of his so he could afford a PSP. It is Charcoal Gray. I had been wanting another one, so I could trade Pokemon between games. Now, I play one and when the battery needs charged, I switch to the other.

    5: PS2. I bought this in 2006 from a mail order company. I saved up my paychecks for nearly 6 weeks (at the time I made $25 a week). I still had to borrow money from my brother for the Shipping and Handling charges. I paid him back. I still play it all the time.

    7: Nintendo GameCube. I paid $50 for it from a second-hand store in town. I have a few games for it, but they aren't really fun games. So, it collects dust now.

    8: XBox. My mom came in my room when my siblings and I were playing PS2 and gave us a big box. Inside it was a XBox and 10 games. She said that a friend of my parents needed money for their rent and so Mom bought it from them.

    I used to have a NES. But it was stolen when we moved to Ohio. I have a couple games for it. One day, I hope to get the newer stuff. I have been checking eBay for a really cheap (and workable) PSP. I really want to play the Dissidia games. Before my brother became a meanie and took his PS3 with him when he moved out, I would play it. I even bought a couple games for it. But I can't play them now (I have completed them, so I don't really want to).
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 01-26-2012 at 05:27 PM. Reason: Forgot one.
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  4. #4

    Re: Consoles

    Auh, I'm not at home so cant add pics

    Gameboy (very first one with battery lid missing)
    Gameboy colour
    Nintendo 3DS
    Mega drive (Somewhere in the attic)
    Super Nintendo
    Nintendo 64
    Dreamcast (Great lil machine, i miss Sega)

    And ive part owned 2 Xbox 360's which both have broken, me and my friend shared it. Xbox 360 = poop!

    My favourite out of all of the above was probably the PS1, it had sooooo many great games! It was probably the console i had the most games for as i would have had access to more money at that age.

    Followed closely by the Snes, which i usually rented games for and finished them in the week gtime frame..

    Good times..

  5. #5

    Re: Consoles

    1: N64 - I got this one as from an uncle. It's got some of the best games I've ever plaved, like Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Smash Bros. I don't have all of those any more and I don't use the system either, so I don't know well it functions anymore.

    PS2: I got this one myself but I don't remember how much I paid for it, it was a couple years before the release of the ps3 when I purchased it. I played mostly god of war and final fantasy on this one, I really don't think I did much else with it.

    psp 3000: I purchased the daxter/family guy vid bundle and this is one of the system I have enjoyed the most. I've played mostly action/rpgs like ff, god of war, daxter, dissidia. I think that the psp does a decent job of trying to simulate the console experience in a handheld, and I'm thinking of purchasing the next version when it comes out, if sony doesn't screw it up.

    xbox360: I've got an elite that's currently giving me problems when I try to play games. It wont read the discs on a reliable basis, and I've tried the troubleshooting solutions listed online. I've called customer service and I'm currently thinking about possibly getting a new one if I can use my current unit as credit for that purchase. Aside from the problems I've had with 360's, it's game line up is better than that of the ps3, imo.

    ds lite: I don't remember when I got this one. It felled from a counter to a hard floor once and the top screen is in the process of blacking out, little black dots have steadily appeared in the top ever since and have traced out a circular line so far. A month and a half of usage and I think the process will be completed, but I'm not sure if I want to get a 3ds.

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior Consoles LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    Oh man... I REALLY don't want to have to unhook everything to gather it up for a picture.

    Maybe I'll take multiple pictures and splice them into one later, but in the meantime, here's a list - in the order that I acquired them!

    1. Nintendo Entertainment System
    2. Nintendo Game Boy
    3. Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    4. Nintendo Game Boy Pocket
    5. Nintendo Game Boy Color
    6. Nintendo 64
    7. Nintendo Game Boy Advance
    8. Sony Playstation 2
    9. Nintendo Gamecube
    10. Nintendo DS
    11. Nintendo DS Lite
    12. Sony Playstation Portable
    13. Sony PSP Slim
    14. Nintendo Wii
    15. Sony Playstation 3 (60GB)
    16. Microsoft Xbox 360
    17. Nintendo DSi XL
    18. Sega Dreamcast (I know, way out of order, right?!)
    19. Nintendo 3DS
    20. Sony Playstation 3 (Slim 160GB)
    ...and next month, a Sony Playstation Vita!

    Also, various PCs over the years, if you wish to count those.

    You can see a bit of a trend there along the beginning. When I was young, either by coincidence or parents collaborating clever things with one another, my house always had all of the Nintendo products while one of the neighbors had all of the Sega products - a third family carried Sony back when the PS1 was just coming along. We would all get multiplayer games (back in the days of split screen and shit like that!!!) and would have extra controllers and all that... four player Twisted Metal was the bomb back then. For single player games, we'd actually trade systems for a week or two at a time and share all our games. Ah, childhood.
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    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  7. #7

    Re: Consoles

    Ah the Gamecube, i forgot all about that one, derp!

    Infact, the wii is the only Nintendo system i havent owned

  8. #8
    G'day Consoles NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    I own,

    Nintendo Wii
    Nintendo DSi

    It's a very small list isn't it?!

    I used to have Xbox 360 but it got red eye. My mother has our Super Nintendo and an Atari, oh and the really old school Gameboy, the grey one with a yellow screen. Hahaha. My siblings and I used to love it! Tetris!

    I don't really want anymore game systems. I hardly use the ones I have

  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    I've had a(n):
    NES (Now non-functioning)
    Atari 2600 (Now non-functioning)
    Super NES
    Gameboy Pocket (sold)
    Gameboy Color
    PSX (Now non-functioning)
    XBox (Now non-functioning and gutted)
    Game Cube (Sold)
    PSP (sold)
    Duo Retro
    Sega Genesis (given to friends)

    Growing up, I was a Nintendo kid. Also, we didn't get any new home console between the SNES and PSX until my senior year of High School, which my friend gave to me. For a while, I didn't think I'd ever get a new generation of video games. Didn't even have anything newer than a SNES (besides the GB Color) when I joined TFF in 2001. We did have computers, though.

    Yeah... the NES, Atari 2600, and PSX all got very tired, I think. The XBox... well, it was an XBox. **** that system; should've gotten a PS2 or Game Cube in the first place. Heh, I got a Gameboy Pocket because I wanted to trade Pokemon between my Red and Blue copies so I could have all 150 on one game. Actually found the Sega Genesis in an old storage room at work. Gave it to friends so their foster kids would have something to play, or something.

    That Duo Retro is pretty sweet; plays both NES and SNES games. I've been thinking about hooking it back up, as I've been wanting to play my NES/SNES collection again. My favorite system-or at least the one I have the most fondest memories with-is probably the SNES. Or maybe the NES. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    I own:

    ~ PSOne
    ~ PS2
    ~ PS3 fat 40GB (upgraded to 640GB)
    ~ XBOX
    ~ XBOX 360 Slim 250GB
    ~ DSLite (Black)
    ~ DSi (Limited Edition Pokemon with Pokemon Black)
    ~ PSP Base

    My household also owns a Wii, another 20GB and 250GB slim XBOX 360, and another PSP. We have also owned a Nintendo 64, but it was smashed up when I was a kid.

    If it counts, me and my brother both own an iTouch. I play various games on that too.

    Out of all of them, I love my PS3 more. Been playing my PSP a lot lately since I put FFVII on it. Also, can't beat Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Sky on my DSLite. x3

    I'd take a picture, but only my PS3 and Xbox are hooked up atm, and the rest are stored (except the hand-helds).
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 01-27-2012 at 05:03 AM.

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    Bleachie says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  11. #11
    Consistently Average Consoles Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    My collection's quite limited when compared to others here but I currently own (In order of age)...

    1. Gameboy Colour (green)
    2. Gameboy Advance (the kinda see-through one)
    3. Gameboy Advance SP (purple)
    4. PS2
    5. DS lite (white)

    As I've preveously stated, I have no idea when I was given my 1st Gameboy but I'm sure I was around 5-7. It came with Pokemon Blue and fortunatly the game has lasted much longer than the console. My GBA carked out a couple of years ago too but the SP's still going strong, minus a few issues with turning itself off at the random press of a button but at least it works for the time being. Never been too into Xbox or PC's.

    I don't really want anymore consoles, the ones that I have that still function do their job. Plus I don't want to spend money on a brand new PS3 that can't play my older games, at least untill my PS2 dies too.
    Currently Playing:
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  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Consoles Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    I forgot to mention NES and Atari 2600, I used to be proud owner of both, but years weren't really kind to them so I had to ditch those bad boys.

    @Loco - It would be awesome if you took a picture of every console in one place, I would seriously fap to that =D

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  13. #13
    The White Wizard of Fynn Consoles Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    Here's my list in the order that I acquired them.

    1) Sega Mega Drive / Genesis II - The one with the red buttons. My dad got one of these back in the mid 90s. Unfortunately, he ended up breaking it in '98 by throwing it at a wall. He went and bought a new one for me the next day, which I don't actually remember the fate of. We ended up buying a Mega Drive I off my uncle in 2000 to replace it; even though we had a PS1 by then we still loved playing games like Streets of Rage, Sonic and Jungle Strike. I went and bought another MD II in 2006 and as far as I know it still works.

    2) PS1 - I got one originally for christmas in '98. It lasted until my uncle ****ed it up by trying to chip it to play pirate copies; I had to put up with a faulty console for over a year until I got my PS2. I ended up buying a PS1 again in 2005 because I couldn't afford to replace a faulty PS2, and it was my only console for about six months.

    3) Gameboy Colour - It was the limited edition with Pikachu on it, and I got it solely for Pokemon Gold. That was the only game I really played on it, and I sold it 18 months later.

    4) PS2 - I got my first PS2 one xmas and it lasted for two and a half years. I ended up having to get another one for xmas in 2005 to replace it. That one was the slim version, but the laser gradually went on it. It stopped reading DVDs first, and then it stopped reading games. In 2009 I bought another one and still have it.

    5) Gameboy Advance SP - I didn't get one until 2007 and the only game I really played on it was Tactics Advance. I gave Breath of Fire and Pokemon Ruby a go but lost interest, and traded it in 2009.

    6) Nintendo DS - I bought it off a friend in 2009, bought one game for it - which I never bothered finishing - and traded it six months ago.

    7) Xbox 360 Elite - I didn't get one of these until 2009, played four games on it, and after not touching it for the better part of a year sold it to a friend. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, I just lost my enthusiasm for games for a long time, about two years ago.

    8) Gamecube - I know this is somewhat out of order, but i got one really cheap a year ago solely for two games I had always wanted to play, but had never got around to: The Resident Evil remake, and Resident Evil Zero. I also bought the Twin Snakes, but it was faulty. Unfortunately, it wasn't worth the wait.

    9) PSP - I got one of these when I had a windfall of cash six months back, but didn't touch it until just before christmas. I've only played two games on it, and am currently playing a third.

    10) PS3 - Regrettably, I bought a backwards compatible 40GB one off a friend two months ago. Although I've been having a really good time with it, it's already overheated twice and I can only play it sporadically - with the aid of three notebook coolers. I've learned the hard way to not buy any more pre-owned consoles, and I'm gonna treat myself to a new one for my birthday in two months.

  14. #14
    Asking all the personal questions. Consoles RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    What I own now.

    Currently I don't have much
    Xbox 360 Kinect
    Nintendo DS

    But in years back I had
    -Super Nintendo
    -Nintendo 64
    - Phat PS2

    Not much when you look at it, SEE when I was a kid I went outside and played, its unbelievable the world outside of the walls and ceiling of a household and a bit of imagination helps to or I always had my nose buried in a book.
    I think the PS1 is still hanging around my parents place somewhere.
    If I ever want to play the oldies again I have ahh...other conventional ways to play them.
    I have quite a few ps2 games I still haven't finished lol one day I might get around to them.
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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Consoles Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    Super Nintendo
    Gameboy Color
    Gameboy Advance
    Nintendo DSi

    The only one of these that gets any serious playing time is the 360. My ps3 is pretty much only for bluerays, and I haven't even used it in like 2 months. Probably gonna end up selling it.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  16. #16

    Re: Consoles

    Well here we go.


    Original Gameboy
    Gameboy Pocket
    Gameboy Advanced (Sold)
    Gameboy SP (Sold)
    Gameboy Micro
    DS Lite (Sold)

    PS2 Slim & Fat
    PS3 Slim & Fat (Sold)
    PSP 1000 (Sold) & 3000

    Xbox 360 Halo Reach Edition, Slim (Sold), & Fat (Sold)

    Sega Nomad
    Sega Genesis

    Macbook Pro

    My NES was given to my grandmother before i was even old enough to remember. I did end up taking back bubble bobble and Zelda when i was old enough to realize what treasures those games are to me.

    My SNES, N64, Gamecube Xbox, PS2, Gameboy Pocket & Micro, Sega Nomad & Gensis are at my parents house probably boxed up.

    I've had two original xbox's. The first one i bought broke around my birthday, so i asked for another for my birthday.
    My original 360 broke so i had it put through the replacement system, I ended up trading it in for the new slim version when they came out. Then i traded that in and got the halo reach edition just a little while later.

    My original PS2 broke after a few years of use, luckily by then the slim was out and just picked that up.

    Wii and PS3 are hooked up to my 40' LED Sony Bravia. My 3DS has been sitting in that same place since i moved into this town house haha.
    Xbox is hooked up to a little 22' for halo its downstairs and I'm to lazy to get up. Everything else is either packaged away here or at my parents house.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 01-27-2012 at 10:30 PM.

  17. #17

    Re: Consoles

    Pc's and Macbooks are consoles???

  18. #18

    Re: Consoles

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Pc's and Macbooks are consoles???
    Technically no, but they have games specifically designed to work for them and nothing else.
    Seems fair enough to me.

  19. #19
    Crash Boom Bang Consoles Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Consoles

    Gameboy, gameboy colour, GBA, SNES, Megadrive, Dreamcast, Playstation, PS2, PS3, Wii, PSP, DSlite

    I had an N64, but I swapped that for my first playstation - I dont regret the playstation, but I do regret getting rid of the N64... but Id never of got the playstation as well at the time so it had to go ):

    The only thing I miss from it really, is Pilot Wings 64... I keep hoping it'll turn up on the Wii shopping channel, Ive not checked for a while, but Im not optimistic. bah

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