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  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. The Best Console. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?

    Okay, I've recently been hammering ebay in search of old consoles. I found a tonne of cool ones that I had very fond memories of. I even found a few I had never heard of.

    For instance there is a T.V based console named the Binatone. I guess it just got me thinking about old 'retro' consoles and the new ones, too. It'll be great to see who favours what.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?

    For me it was the Sega Mega Drive II.

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others?
    1) At the time this came out I had never played any games at all. They were alien to me. I remember spending hours on games that were fun to play over and over again. The graphics weren't great but I've never judged games or consoles on this. Gameplay is much more important to me.
    2) It had a disc system that was fairly new for its time. This had collections of games like Streets of Rage and Golden Axe.
    3) The multi-players I used to have on the games for this system were really, really fun. I used to play Sonic with my sister a lot and that was the only time I spent with her.

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?
    The was a really cool horror game called Haunting. In the game you had to go around as a poltergeist and scare a family from their home. That game was so much fun it hurt.
    Echo the Dolphin was great at the time as well. I can't understand or play it anymore but I remember some very content hours swimming around.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 05-30-2010 at 08:11 AM.
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  2. #2
    The Best Console. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    I have to agree with you, Hyz. The Genesis is and always will be my favourite console. It was the first one I owned (there was an Intellivision and a Coleco Telestar in my house before it, but they weren't mine) and it introduced me to both console gaming and to RPGs (back when RPGs used to be awesome).

    1) Attachments. People can criticize the Genesis' attachments all the want (especially the 32x), but the Sega CD was the shit. So long as you bypassed the retarded FMV games that were hyped for it like Night Trap, there were some amazing games - Kojima's Snatcher comes to mind. Also, the era of early CD games is my all time favourite era of gaming. The experimentation that went on has always fascinated me as does the juxtaposition of 16 bit gaming with more modern things like vocal work, anime style cut scenes and high quality music.

    2) Shining Force and its sequel. Enough said. This is my favourite game series of all time. The first one I've played a good 5 times, the second at least 10. For me, that's a lot.

    3) Sega Channel. The absolute best digital rental system that has ever existed. 40 games every month for something like $22.95 per month? Even Blockbuster's current unlimited rental plans only allow one game taken out at a time. This thing exposed me to so many games.

    4) Blast processing. Genesis does! What Nintendon't. Bitches.

    Favourite games: Shining Force 1-2, Shining Force CD, Snatcher, Streets of Rage 1-3, Sonic (all except 3D blast) and a bunch more. I'm not going to list them all.

    Until now!

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?
    Mine would be the Super NES, closely followed (if not tied) by the NES.

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)
    One of the biggest is probably nostalgia. This was my second console, and the most up to date console I owned until like 2002, when I finally got a PSX (for a time, I didn't think I'd ever go next gen. As a result, it's probably the system I own the most games for. Or maybe I have more for the NES these days.) It has a lot of my favorite games on it to this day-I still like certain additions of series on this console better than on later ones or earlier ones, like the Final Fantasy series for one. And... I dunno about a third reason. Maybe it's the cute, 16 bit sprites in a lot of those games I liked a lot (Yoshi looked his best in Yoshi's Island, in my opinion.)

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?
    I loved Final Fantasy III, Earthbound, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, Final Fight, Star Fox... the list goes on. Anyhoo...

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  4. #4
    The Quiet One The Best Console. Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    I would have to say a fully backwards compatible PS3 since it is a PSone and PS2 all rolled into one console. It would allow me to play all of the RPGs that I love without having to pick between one of the consoles. I get most of the FF games and plus with it being a PS3 I can get still new RPGs as well. I'd suspect something like would be largest available list of RPGs and nothing would make me happier than having hundreds of RPGs to play for a single console.

    In the end though the PS2 had some of my favorites games I have ever played and a massive library that never gets boring, for me at all. Games like GrimGrimoire, Odin Sphere, Katamari, Persona 3 & 4, Ar Tonelico 1 & 2, Xenosaga Trilogy, Atelier series, Sakura Wars, Shadow of the Colossus and plenty more games.

    Plus with the PSN gaining PSone classics it is even easier to play games on the console. And I already have a pretty extensive library to start so I wouldn't really be losing anything.
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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    I would say Sega Dreamcast, but I never owned one. And I'm adding another pound to the good ol Sega Genesis. It was my first console ever. I would beat every single game I rented or bought. Sega channel, Sega Channel, Sega Channel
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  6. #6
    Registered User The Best Console. Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    I would choose the Nintendo64

    1)I think that it was really advanced for it's time with quite good graphics, and such. . .
    2)It was the very first console i ever played (I first played it when i was two years old) and i played it for a loooooooong time, i still have it now!
    3)It had quite a good range of video games, even though i've only ever owned three games for my N64; Mario 64 (My fave), 007: Golden Eye the best rpg for n64, and a game called Knife edge, where you fly around and shoot aliens in a sapce ship (more serious than starfox), but i lent this game to my cousin and he lost it. . .

    I most fondly remember Mario, considering it was the first ever video i ever played, and i think it was also the very first that i clocked. Bowser in his final form was so hard! I play more than these fewgames, borrowed off my cousin who had lots, but my fave would have to be Mario 64!!!

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  7. #7

    Re: The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?

    The console which started it all of course! Sega Mega Drive et al. ~^. Wow I loved this console, my first real gaming experience as a child. One of my favourite games was the Lion King. This game was epic!!! I was a Disney fanatic... especially when it came to TLK. Also Sonic the Hedgehog was an old favourite... So many games I love!!! Echo the Dolphin... the list is endless!!!!

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)

    # It was my first ever gaming console so it will always be dear to me
    # One of the best selection of games... Come on it's epic!
    #It was advanced for the time I think.... Sega Meg Drive will always remain in my heart . But for now I play PS haha.

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?

    The Lion King
    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Echo the Dolphin
    Jungle Book
    Mickeys Magic World...

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  8. #8
    Asking all the personal questions. The Best Console. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?
    Definetely the Super NES.

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)
    Although I started my gaming addiction on the NES it was the super that really kicked it into gear, we had it for so long and although we rented a lot of games eventually we bought some it was just part of the family ahhh some fond memories especially during Cannon Fodder god dam that game was a challenge but it was bloody good.

    Three reasons why I favour it I guess the first was because of the wide variety of games it had it seemed almost endless, back then the graphics were pretty good too.

    It was just so realiable if the cartridges didn't work you just blew them out maybe give them a bit of a tap and your off, no stuff ups no scratched discs, the control was nice and light and easy to handle as well.

    And I guess as Telegraph put it it was kind of cute very compact and simple and slim, and just good times.

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?
    Cannon Fodder, Mario 1,2,3, Mario Kart, Lamboghini racing, Star Fox, Battle Toads they were probably my all time favourites.
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  9. #9
    Learner The Best Console. CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be? Gameboy Advance

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? It was my first console, the games are always good, its not particularly better the ones nowadays but its still my favorite

    What games do you most fondly remember from it? Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, MegaMan Battle Network 3, Zelda
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  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Best Console. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?

    Most people would chose their first console, not me, sure, it's all due NES that I love gaming so much but PS One has always been my favorite console, NES close second.

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)

    1) PS ONE was bought with money me and my brother earned on our own, it's first and only time we joined together to accomplish something, so it's reminder of that.

    2) In my opinion it has the best list of games, including my favorite.

    3) I had great times playing games on it, lot of fond memories.

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?

    - Final Fantasy IX
    - International Superstar Soccer 2
    - Rayman 2
    - Worms Armageddon
    - Tekken 3
    - Parasite Eve 2
    - Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
    - Medal of Honor 2 Underground
    - Quake 2
    - Gran Turismo 2
    - Sheep, Dog, 'n' Wolf
    - Ace Combat 3
    - Silent Hill 2
    - Destruction Derby Raw
    - Metal Gear Solidž
    - Warzone 2100
    - Command & Conquer Red Alert : Retaliation

    I could go on forever...

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  11. #11
    Registered User The Best Console. Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    If it is to pick one favorite, I would say the Play Station, for most of my favorite titles (such as Final fantasy and Mana) I played on it.
    yet i firmly believe the PS2 is the best. It certainly has the best game selection, especially for RPG enthusiasts. I just haven't got around to play most of them. Just recently started Dragon Quest VIII.

  12. #12
    The Mad God The Best Console. Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?
    Nintendo 64, for sure

    Why do you favour this particular console above all others?
    1) like, half my childhood was wasted on this thing. I put several thousand hours into it easily, Zeldas, Marios, DK, all the classics right there.

    2) Ocarina of Time. Need I say more?

    3) Of all my classic consoles, the 64 is the one that still sees the most use. In fact, I find myself playing my 64 more often than my Wii.

    What games do you most fondly remember from it?
    Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Dk 64, Starfox, Castlevania, all kinds of awesome shit.
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  13. #13
    Ellipsis The Best Console. Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: The Best Console.

    Nintendo 64, it brings back so many memories It was my first console, and I used to play Super Mario Kart with my brother or my uncle. <3 I also used to play "Hey you, Pikachu!" but Pikachu was a little annoying, and I couldn't tell if the picture he/she drew was a mushroom or a deformed object drawn with fingers. xD

    We gave away all of our games and the Nintendo 64 to someone, so they can have fun with it :3 The following year, we bought the PS2, which is now..... more than 4 years old? xD
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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