My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?
Why do you favour this particular console above all others? (Give 3 reasons why you believe it is better than the rest.)
What games do you most fondly remember from it?
Okay, I've recently been hammering ebay in search of old consoles. I found a tonne of cool ones that I had very fond memories of. I even found a few I had never heard of.
For instance there is a T.V based console named the Binatone. I guess it just got me thinking about old 'retro' consoles and the new ones, too. It'll be great to see who favours what.
My question is this. If you were to pick one console that really hits home why you love gaming which would it be?
For me it was the Sega Mega Drive II.
Why do you favour this particular console above all others?
1) At the time this came out I had never played any games at all. They were alien to me. I remember spending hours on games that were fun to play over and over again. The graphics weren't great but I've never judged games or consoles on this. Gameplay is much more important to me.
2) It had a disc system that was fairly new for its time. This had collections of games like Streets of Rage and Golden Axe.
3) The multi-players I used to have on the games for this system were really, really fun. I used to play Sonic with my sister a lot and that was the only time I spent with her.
What games do you most fondly remember from it?
The was a really cool horror game called Haunting. In the game you had to go around as a poltergeist and scare a family from their home. That game was so much fun it hurt.
Echo the Dolphin was great at the time as well. I can't understand or play it anymore but I remember some very content hours swimming around.