What can I say? I'm trying... There's a lot of cobwebs in the RP forum, seriously. I think that's why I left in the first place. You put your soul into creating a good RP and people just don't participate... I've got enough creativity for 20 RPs! Come on people, let's make these things more active! Seriously!!! I want to show up to TFF each day and be like, "Damn! 20 new posts, let me get typing!" Not "Well, nothing has happened, agaaaain." Like it's going. If we got everybody who was in this thread together for an RP, it would boom. That's it, people just have to decide to participate. As for me, I started one, and still have yet to have anybody besides my brother Order post in it. There's also a new zelda based one, and yeah, nobody besides the OP and my brother and I have posted in it so far. Come on people... RPing is what makes TFF... TFF!