Maybe it is something close to the realm of trying too much to make any rp just like the ones back in the day. The idea of some great epic with people actively taking part and a huge interest all around is a sweet thought but the reality is it doesn't happen anymore. Could it be like not playing an instrument in a long time and then just deciding you were going to play a difficult song? The last couple sparks to make the rp section gain ground again were too ambitious I think, or too complex maybe?

Honestly that was pretty much all I did a few years back on the forum, I think it was pretty rare to find a post from me outside the rp section. I've joined one of the new rps started but haven't heard anything from the creator in a week or two. I share the same sentiment with Xana though every rp I joined never came to a conclusion (sometimes my own fault) and it kinda stinks knowing the little thought and time you devote just fades away and nothing is ever brought to a closure.