Yeah, unfortunately RP/RPB has been a slow decline in the last 5 years. I've tried a couple of things to get some group interest stirred and even opened the RP up fully so that people did not have to feel restricted by rules if they so wished.
Since I currently have a full time job, I write as a hobby, build my portfolio and in general are quite busy. It has been difficult to do some world creation to start a RP. I've been more interested in joining a RP rather creating one.
I prefer not to believe that we have reached the point that they are going towards 4chan. We still have more substance.
Considering my work load, I probably could only manage one RP at the moment. I miss the days where I juggled like 5 or 6 and there was a limit on how many you could create personally. But my time is no longer like that, I'm an adult with lots of adult life problems. ><
I miss the opportunity to RP with you Quistis. I barely at the chance before you disappeared. Go to see you back.